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packages-providers-ImProvider: 提交列表


Rev. 时间 作者
e5fa7d5 eclair-x86 2010-02-06 01:09:41 The Android Open Source Project

reconcile main tree with open-source eclair

bcb37dc 2010-01-30 07:09:29 The Android Open Source Project

reconcile android-2.1_r1 snapshot

8eb7a28 2010-01-13 08:19:23 The Android Open Source Project

android-2.1_r1 snapshot

732098a 2010-01-12 08:29:34 The Android Open Source Project

empty initial commit

ed42ee1 2009-10-09 06:59:55 Eric Fischer

am bf2ddef8: (-s ours) Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE

Merge commit 'bf2ddef873860c6ac11fde269d9eb40fe4f47893' into eclair

* commit 'bf2ddef873860c6ac11fde269d9eb40fe4f47893':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE

bf2ddef 2009-09-30 08:46:09 Eric Fischer

Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE

e47715c 2009-09-21 03:32:08 Jean-Baptiste Queru

Delete ImProvider

It was becoming too Google-specific to make sense
on the open-source side of things.


bb12862 2009-09-18 06:38:15 Eric Fischer

Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE

80c80f2 2009-09-12 03:47:35 Ye Wen

Moving ImProvider to TalkProvider: stop compiling ImProvider

8cc0234 2009-09-09 08:33:28 Eric Fischer

Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE

2666939 2009-09-08 14:34:28 Wei Huang

fix ImProvider upgrade path from version 47 to 52.

Change-Id: I984b1df86470e0a5a9aa043d4ece21d44dedc7e0

24076f5 2009-08-28 02:33:46 Ye Wen

Handle chat by account query for chat pruning.

ecbb323 2009-08-27 14:51:13 Wei Huang

resolved conflicts for merge of 6c4e2156 to eclair

Change-Id: I1979cb587ef084bbf03cb34a9095c8c017be2a99

6c4e215 2009-08-27 14:21:31 Wei Huang

run IM provider in gapps process instead of acore, so everything GTalkService needs to run as a persistent service
lives inside a single process. This hopefully relieves some memory pressure in Donut.

The negative side effect of this is when the user upgrade to Donut, he will lose his old IM storage, which
in Donut contains any account username/pw for AIM/Yahoo/MSN, the provider settings (i.e. auto-login, notification
ringtones, etc), and the outgoing RMQ messages not yet received by MCS. The amount of data lost is not significant
and can all be recovered by the user. It's not he will lost chat messages because we don't store those in
persistent storage in Donut.

The things done to make IM provider running in gapps are:
- make IM provider use the google uid.
- make it run in the process ""
- in the make file, make it use "vendor/google/certs/app" certificate.

333b3e6 2009-08-23 02:52:47 Scott Su

Move the landing page to IM application and remove the depency of

Some other tiny changes:
- Allows the client to delete providersettings records through uri "content://im/providerSettings/#"
- Allows the client to get account.keep_signed_in when query the active account with given provider.

831c72a 2009-08-22 06:16:45 Wei Huang

add a "show_ts" column to the message tables (both disk and memory based tables). Provide upgrade path.

3580658 2009-08-07 08:30:14 Wei Huang

new s2d ids table for rmq2

e99668e 2009-08-05 01:00:30 Jean-Baptiste Queru

merge from open-source master

750ca99 2009-08-04 09:09:12 Eric Fischer

am 4b585115: (-s ours) Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE

Merge commit '4b58511592ea9c6d20a522246bbe00f8bee13877'

* commit '4b58511592ea9c6d20a522246bbe00f8bee13877':
Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE

4b58511 2009-08-04 08:31:44 Eric Fischer

Import revised translations. DO NOT MERGE

4dce9f5 2009-07-30 06:57:08 Jean-Baptiste Queru

merge from donut

7517f2e 2009-07-27 03:43:56 Jean-Baptiste Queru

reconcile korg/master into goog/master

9e8d5d6 2009-07-26 09:48:03 Jean-Baptiste Queru

Merge korg/donut into korg/master

fd8d812 2009-07-24 06:29:51 Mark Wagner

mods to support chat clearing for group chats

1f78052 2009-07-17 09:54:37 Brett Chabot

am 9d6f85f0: Fix ImProvider makefile so tests source are not included when building Improvider package.

Merge commit '9d6f85f0aa19d210cec631b55428ee3b2b9b1036'

* commit '9d6f85f0aa19d210cec631b55428ee3b2b9b1036':
Fix ImProvider makefile so tests source are not included when building Improvider package.

9d6f85f 2009-07-17 05:36:22 Brett Chabot

Fix ImProvider makefile so tests source are not included when building Improvider package.

64fec6e 2009-07-15 09:13:17 Jean-Baptiste Queru

Merge commit 'goog/readonly-korg-master' into merge_korg_master

c975576 2009-07-14 08:59:57 Eric Fischer

am f0cd2abf: Import new translations

Merge commit 'f0cd2abf0fac2e6cbf19428402bc26609e1152db'

* commit 'f0cd2abf0fac2e6cbf19428402bc26609e1152db':
Import new translations

f0cd2ab 2009-07-14 07:55:51 Eric Fischer

Import new translations

fce6a71 2009-07-08 11:36:49 Wei Huang

Bug 1963517: remove the IM app icon from the app launcher by default. Verizon cannot ship the current IM app as is. They will either not ship IM, or contract to get their own IM plugin apk.

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