Courtney Bergeron
2005年 3月 17日 (木) 07:43:00 JST
Had this link sent to me on my palm pilot. I forwa__rded the message inta_ct so you could see all the titles. It's all bra_ nd name soft ware - like 70%/80% off. Let me know when you get in. Q. Mcmahon -----------Original Message----------- From: Stewart [jqllt****@yahoo*****] Sent: Wed, 03 Dec 2003 15:03:08 -0600 To: Stewa****@yahoo***** Subject: Fw: Dont be a fuddy-duddy...use the sof_ tware everyones using... M. icrosoft W. indows S oftware W-indows XP P. rofessional 69.95 W- indows XP P.rofessional With SP2 Full Version 79.95 W _indows 2000 P _rofessional 59.95 W__indows 2000 A- dvanced S -erver 69.95 W- indows NT 4.0 S_erver 49.95 W-indows NT 4.0 T .erminal S .erver 49.95 W.indows M__illenium 59.95 W_indows 98 S.econd E dition 49.95 W. indows 98 49.95 W indows 95 49.95 M__icrosoft O_ffice S .oftware O. ffice XP P. rofessional 79.95 O ffice 2000 P _remium E .dition PE (2CD) 59.95 O__ffice 97 SR2 49.95 O_ ffice 2003 P.rofessional (1 CD Edition) 89.95 M_ icrosoft Visio 2003 P__rofessional 69.95 F-ileMaker 7.0 P _rofessional 69.95 O-ther M_ icrosoft S.oftware -MS Plus! XP 59.95 _ MS SQL S erver 2000 E-nterprise E dition 69.95 __MS Visual Studio .NET Architect Edition (8CD) 139.95 . MS Encarta Encyclopedia Delux 2004 (3CD) 89.95 __MS P-roject 2003 P_rofessional 69.95 .MS M_ oney 2004 69.95 _MS S -treets and T rips 2004 N.orth A _merica (2CD) 69.95 .MS W- orks 7 69.95 MS P _icture It P- remium 9 59.95 MS E.xchange 2003 E_nterprise Server 69.95 A-dobe S_oftware for PC P_ hotoshop 7 69.95 P _ageMaker 7 (2CD) 69.95 I_ llustrator 10 69.95 A-crobat 6 P -rofessional 79.95 P_remiere 7 69.95 P-hotoshop CS with I -mageReady CS 99.95 A. dobe C.reative S- uite S .tandard (3 CD) 129.95 A.dobe C- reative S _uite P _remium (5 CD) 149.95 A_ dobe P.hotoshop E- lements 3.0 W -indows 59.95 A_ dobe I.nDesign CS P .ageMaker E-dition 69.95 A dobe S_oftware for M_ac A.dobe A__crobat 6.0 Pro (A-pple M_acintosh) 79.95 A. dobe A-fter E.ffects 6 (A.pple M acintosh) 69.95 A .dobe I.llustrator CS CE (A.pple M -acintosh) 69.95 A_dobe I nDesign CS (A. pple M. acintosh) 69.95 A_dobe L- iveMotion 2.0 (A- pple M. acintosh) 69.95 A.dobe P.hotoshop CS (A- pple M acintosh) 99.95 A__dobe P.remiere 6.5 (A -pple M. acintosh) 89.95 M _acromedia S.oftware for PC D reamwaver MX 2004 69.95 F- lash MX 2004 69.95 F.ireworks MX 2004 69.95 F -reehand MX 11 69.95 M _acromedia S _oftware for M_ ac M__acromedia D irector MX 2004 (A_ pple M. acintosh) 69.95 M.acromedia F .reeHand MX (A_ pple M acintosh) 69.95 M _acromedia D reamweaver MX 2004 (A_pple M_acintosh) 69.95 M.acromedia F- ireworks MX 2004 (A_pple M_ acintosh) 69.95 M_ acromedia F__lash MX 2004 (A -pple M- acintosh) 69.95 M_ acromedia S__tudio MX 2004 with Director MX 2004 (A pple M__acintosh) 139.95 C.orel S oftware for PC C -orel D.raw G raphics S-uite 11 59.95 C_orel P-hoto P.ainter 8 59.95 C_ orel W -ordPerfect O ffice 10 69.95 O .ther S _oftware for PC N- orton S -ystem W .orks 2003 59.95 B .orland D__elphi 7 E_ nterprise Edition (2CD) 69.95 Q -uark Xpress 6 P__assport M__ultilanguage 69.95 C .orel S oftware for M .ac C. orel D .raw Graphics Suite 11 (A_ pple M_acintosh) 59.95 C.orel P.ainter 8 (A pple M.acintosh) 59.95 O .ther S. oftware for M _ac E -xtensis P- ortfolio 7.0 (A__pple M -acintosh) 59.95 P .hotoRetouch Pro 3.0 (A pple M acintosh) 59.95 to be t-aken off the u__pdates