任务单 #47680

Ruleset specific settings on client side

开放日期: 2023-03-25 09:38 最后更新: 2023-03-25 09:38

5 - Medium
5 - Medium


My idea of this is still a bit rough, but opening a ticket already as it's relevant to current discussions, and I'd rather have the discussion in relevant ticket (here) than in a ticket of another feature (even if touching same area)


Currently client side stores single set of "desired server settings to request". That's not working well if the user both 1) use multiple rulesets instead of sticking to their favorite one and 2) wants to request changes to such settings where the differences between rulesets are relevant.


#47673 (targeted to freeciv-3.2) mitigates the problem by making it possible to stop client GUI from messing with things - user can then rely on server side capabilities to set things right. The other perspective to this feature is that users who consider "client side control of server settings" as a regression, can restore "the good old days" - so the change serves us who preferred that mode of operation.


But later on (initially targeted to freeciv-3.3) this ticket is about making client to have separate sets of server settings per ruleset. This is likely to be linked to the ".modpack" so that the modpack somehow (not going to options we have for this, yet) defines which set of server settings is to be used.

任务单历史 (1/1 Histories)

2023-03-25 09:38 Updated by: cazfi
  • New Ticket "Ruleset specific settings on client side" created

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