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The GNU Debugger (GDB) is a source-level debugger for C, C++, Java, Modula-2, and several other languages. It runs on GNU/Linux, the BSD's, and almost every major proprietary OS. GDB can debug programs running on the same machine as itself, or it can communicate over a network or serial line with a debugging stub on another machine; thus, it can be used for embedded and kernel debugging.


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2012-01-26 07:14

含糊不清的 linespecs 现在更一致的方式处理。无趣的功能和文件可以现在时跳过步进与"跳过函数"和"跳过文件"命令。增加了用于设置和获取远程目标硬件监视的最大长度限制的命令。Python 脚本而大大改善。作了许多其他改进、 修正错误和一般的更改。
标签: Major feature enhancements, Minor bugfixes
Ambiguous linespecs are now handled more consistently. Uninteresting functions and files can now be skipped when stepping with the "skip function" and "skip file" commands. Commands for setting and getting the maximum length limit of a remote target hardware watchpoint were added. Python scripting was vastly improved. Many other improvements, bugfixes, and general changes were made.

2011-08-26 19:47

GDB现在明白线程名称。命令“线程名称”(指定名称)和“线程找到[REGEXP]”(匹配的名称,目标ID,或额外的信息)。 Python脚本支持,大大提高了。在C + +的支持,异常处理进行了改进,和模板参数现在在一个实例中的调试范围。主题GNU / Linux上的核心转储调试成为可能。初步支持OpenCL的C语言进行了介绍。许多其它方面的增强。
标签: Major feature enhancements
GDB now understands thread names. The commands "thread name" (to assign a name) and "thread find [REGEXP]" (matching name, target ID, or extra information) were added. Python scripting support was vastly enhanced. In C++ support, exception handling was improved, and template parameters are now put in scope when debugging in an instantiation. Thread debugging of core dumps on GNU/Linux is now possible. Initial support for the OpenCL C language was introduced. Many other enhancements were made.

2010-09-06 00:45

支持加入的D语言。 C + +的增强功能是支持依赖参数的查询能力(ADL),静态常量类的成员,并提高用户定义的运营商的支持。 Python的增强是获得断点,符号,符号表,程序空间,低人一等,线程和一帧的代码块,并有能力创造GDB的,然后可以通过设置/ CLI中的显示操作参数。此外,为跟踪点进行了改进和gdbserver的。为ARM Symbian平台支持加入。许多其他的增强以及错误修正发了言。
标签: Major feature enhancements, Minor bugfixes
Support was added for the D language. C++ enhancements are supported for Argument Dependent Lookup (ADL), for static const class members, and improved User Defined Operator support. Python enhancements are access to breakpoints, symbols, symbol tables, program spaces, inferiors, threads, and a frame's code blocks, and the ability to create GDB parameters that can then be manipulated via set/show in the CLI. Furthermore, enhancements were made for tracepoints and for GDBserver. Support for the ARM Symbian platform was added. Many other enhancements as well as bugfixes were made.

2010-03-23 22:32

赛灵思MicroBlaze和瑞萨收发现在支持为目标。支持,增加了对多程序调试,使调试器来控制一个以上的广发行在同一个会议的程序。支援的是可的Position Independent Executable(馅饼)调试。提出了许多改进,如为Python,用于C + +(命名空间,铸造商,错误修复),为跟踪点,过程记录(保存/恢复执行日志,支持硬件监视点),以及远程协议处理(Linux内核调试,为跟踪点支持新的数据包)。
标签: Major feature enhancements
Xilinx MicroBlaze and Renesas RX are now supported as targets. Support was added for multi-program debugging, allowing the debugger to control more than one program within the same GDB session. Support was added for Position Independent Executable (PIE) debugging. Many improvements were made, such as for Python, for C++ (namespace, cast operators, bug fixes), for tracepoints, for Process Record (save/restore execution log, hardware watchpoint support), and for remote protocol handling (Linux kernel debugging, new packets for tracepoint support).

2009-12-29 01:46

几个崩溃得到解决,例如由于在Solaris堆栈溢出,当读取符号,当试图完成的“捕获例外”命令,当访问带有一个bitfield印刷结构。建立在FreeBSD的失败和IRIX是固定的。 Thumb2调试支持加入。阿在函数尾声分析缓冲区溢出是固定的。各种测试包修复了。
标签: Minor bugfixes
Several crashes were resolved, such as those due to a stack overflow, on Solaris when reading symbols, when trying to complete the "catch exception" command, and when accessing a printing structure with a bitfield. Build failures on FreeBSD and IRIX were fixed. Thumb2 debugging support was added. A buffer overflow during function epilogue analysis was fixed. Various testsuite fixes were made.

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