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LASANGE aims at creating a mostly-automated LAN session administration and management system. It provides game server management (instant deployment of game servers) and tournament management in a more advanced and automated way than other systems. It also consists of basic tools for LAN sessions such as a generic modular Masterserver.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-04-27 00:51 Back to release list

这是一个真正维护版本中修正错误libq2/h2 Gamespy网站查询。在工作进展中的libqw插件版本出现在本新闻稿,以及作为协议的文件,现在一个英文文本文件的更新版本。
标签: Master Server, Minor feature enhancements
This is a maintenance release that really fixes the Gamespy query bug in libq2/h2. The work-in-progress version of the libqw plugin is present in this release, as well as an updated version of the protocol documentation, which is now a single English text file.

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