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A WikiWikiWeb is a collaborative hypertext environment, with an emphasis on easy access to and modification of information. MoinMoin is a Python WikiClone that allows you to easily set up your own wiki, only requiring a Web server and a Python installation.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-12-06 18:25

这是一项新功能推出,但也有不少错误修正。 Python 2.4中现在需要。一切是基于WSGI现在。不同大小的系统设置/网页所提供的帮助。模块化组/访问的dict数据已添加。索引和搜索的xapian得到改善。正则表达式搜索是基于现在的xapian。绘图有人表示支持twikidraw和anywikidraw增加了改善。语法高亮是根据Pygments图书馆了。验证改进了对http_auth,LDAP和OpenID的。幻灯片行动增加。其他小特性和错误修正增加了许多。
标签: moin19
This is a new feature release, but it also has quite a few bugfixes. Python 2.4 is required now. Everything is based on WSGI now. Differently sized sets of system/help pages are offered. Modular group/dict data access was added. Xapian indexing and searching was improved. Regex searching is based on Xapian now. Drawing support was improved for twikidraw and anywikidraw was added. Syntax highlighting is based on the Pygments library now. Authentication improvements were made for http_auth, ldap, and openid. SlideShow action was added. Lots of other small features and bugfixes were added.

2009-12-06 18:25

这主要是修正错误的版本。升级建议所有用户。索引和过滤的xapian是固定的。一个国际化崩溃是固定的。有些使用301重定向现在的地位。 httpOnly的饼干不使用默认值。升级民政事务局局长海面高度距平哈希是固定的。在2005-03-17,子页面命名更名是流产的主页是不成功的。搜索结果排序的提高。一个知识MS Powerpoint索引过滤器已添加。移民增加了脚本,使受损的编辑找到日志记录更容易。现在采取行动的SubscribeUser名正则表达式支持和退订。
标签: moin18
This is primarily a bugfix release. Upgrading is recommended for all users. Xapian indexing and filtering was fixed. An i18n crash was fixed. Some redirects use 301 status now. httponly cookies are not used by default. Upgrading SHA to SSHA hash was fixed. In RenamePage, subpage renaming is aborted if renaming the main page is unsuccessful. Search result ordering was improved. An MS Powerpoint indexing filter was added. Migration scripts were added to make finding damaged edit-log entries easier. The SubscribeUser action now supports username regexes and unsubscribing.

2009-09-11 19:09

此版本主要是解决一些bug释放。修复了对附件的链接属性,PDF格式嵌入的HTML,rightsidebar的CSS,恢复和差异的行动,在电子邮件通知,与mailimport,在GUI编辑器空列表项无限循环,并openidrp评论/ botbouncer帕拉姆计数。对于Windows用户,缓存锁码的提高。对于索引的xapian,异常现在又陷入一个坏的时候遇到zip文件。中科院认证和httpOnly的(会议)的支持增加了饼干。 HTTP和LDAP权威性,数据浏览器窗口小部件,url_schemas和mime类型得到了改善。
This release is mostly a bugfix release. Fixes were made for attachment link attributes, PDF embedding HTML, rightsidebar CSS, the revert and diff actions, the comment in email notifications, an endless loop with mailimport, empty list items in the GUI editor, and openidrp/botbouncer param count. For Windows users, caching lock code was improved. For Xapian indexing, exceptions are now caught when a bad zip file is encountered. CAS authentication and support for httponly (session) cookies were added. HTTP and LDAP auth, the data browser widget, url_schemas, and mimetypes were improved.

2009-06-15 05:43

此版本修正了安全漏洞的等级的ACL(默认,非并没有受到影响等级的ACL)。它修复了一些bug克里奥尔分析器,msie.css(IE8的渲染),和HTTP身份验证(更好地规范规定)。新功能包括EmbedObject宏使用了100%PDF文件默认宽度(使用最近的Adobe Reader,使这项工作)和CopyPage使用TextCha行动了。
This release fixes a hierarchical ACL security bug (the default, non-hierarchical ACLs were not affected). It fixes some bugs in the creole parser, msie.css (IE8 rendering), and HTTP authentication (better compliance with the specs). New features include an EmbedObject macro using a default width of 100% for PDF files (use a recent Adobe Reader to make this work) and CopyPage action using a TextCha now.

2009-02-09 17:17

一些跨站脚本安全修补程序都作了。其他一些错误是固定的。 fckeditor的是更新到2.6.4。一些主题作了修正。锚解析和消毒固定更可用和一致。搜索是固定的xapian,特别是historysearch。其他杂项修正了。一个新的功能已添加:记录的IP地址编辑日志和事件日志可以被禁用了。
标签: Minor bugfixes
Some XSS security fixes were done. Some other bugs were fixed. FCKeditor was updated to 2.6.4. Some theme fixes were made. Anchor parsing and sanitizing were fixed to be more usable and consistent. Xapian search was fixed, especially historysearch. Miscellaneous other fixes were made. One new feature was added: the logging of IP addresses to edit-log and event-log can be disabled now.

Project Resources