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SHORE (Semantic Hypertext Object Repository) is a
hypertext repository that stores data about
documents and data described by documents. Access
to this information is provided as hypertext. The
repository stores objects that appear in
documents, together with their relations in a
semantic net. Hypertext navigation follows these
relations in the semantic net. The SHORE server
works as an HTTP server, and the client is a
standard Web browser. The repository uses PROLOG
as its query language and the XSB system as its
query engine.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-04-24 22:49
2.0.0 Beta 2

标签: Beta, Code cleanup
This release cuts down the memory consumption of an OpenSHORE server up to factor two. It comes with enhanced and optimized container classes for the integrated object-oriented database. The new classes need up to half the space in memory and on disk for typical document sets (Java source code, for example). It also enhances error messages and fixes some minor problems.

2005-03-29 14:37
2.0.0 Beta 1

此版本集成了最新的XSB Prolog语言版本的查询引擎2.7.1(金龙)。这为用户提供先进的演绎查询的可能性,以找出里面存储的文件和各种信息了解它们之间的关系。 OpenSHORE显示为超文本查询结果,这导致用户直接发现的文件,语义标记的文本部分(对象),和结束点的关系。查询引擎阅读有关从一个接口需求对象的OpenSHORE面向对象数据库文件的真实,事实不能复制的查询。
标签: Beta, Major feature enhancements
This release integrates the latest XSB Prolog
version 2.7.1 (Kinryo) as the query engine. This
offers the user sophisticated deductive query
possibilities to find out all sorts of information
inside stored documents and about the relations
among them. OpenSHORE shows query results as
hypertext, which leads the user directly to found
documents, semantically marked text sections
(objects), and relation end points. The query
engine reads facts about documents on demand from
an interface to the object-oriented database of
OpenSHORE, so facts must not be copied for

2005-03-12 21:09
2.0.0 Alpha 3

此版本增加了与同时读取和写入访问事务小组的支持下全力守卫文件(ACID属性)。扩展的内存映射文件的持久层实现的重做日志MVCC交易,乐观的写访问控制和数据库页合并。 MVCC(多版本并发控制)的交易,使用户访问文件的结构相一致,而新的或更新的文件都是进口的。该版本还增强了对现代Linux 2.6.x内核支持,并解决了一些小问题。
标签: Alpha, Major feature enhancements
This release adds full team support with
simultaneous read and write access to transaction
guarded documents (ACID properties). The extended
memory mapped file persistence layer implements
MVCC transactions with redo log, optimistic write
access control, and database page merging. MVCC
(Multiple Version Concurrency Control)
transactions allow users to access consistent
document structures while new or updated documents
are imported. The release also enhances support
for modern Linux 2.6.x kernels and fix some minor

2004-05-22 22:07
2.0.0 Alpha 2

标签: Alpha, Major feature enhancements
This is the first version that runs on Linux. It
now builds and links completely with open source
tools and libraries on Linux and Windows. It also
fixes all reported bugs.

2003-10-06 19:47
2.0.0 Alpha 1

标签: Alpha, Initial freshmeat announcement
This is the first Open Source version; it builds and links completely
with Open Source tools and libraries. It adds a new persistence layer
based on memory mapped files to substitute object oriented database

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