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SubEthaSMTP is an easy to understand Java library
that provides a receptive SMTP server component.
By plugging this component into your Java application, you can easily receive SMTP mail using a simple abstract Java interface. Also included is a small sub-project called Wiser, an easy to use incoming mail testing framework.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-03-01 21:56 Back to release list

Retroweaver已经被纳入了蚂蚁系统建立的JDK 1.4的兼容性。该许可证已经从LGPL的2.0至ASFL,以便广泛采用。可插拔的SMTP AUTH和有关单位测试,已被添加。此版本接受的邮件发件人:“>”,并妥善拒绝'邮件从:'。
Retroweaver has been integrated into the ant build system for JDK 1.4 compatibility. The license has changed from LGPL to ASFL 2.0 to allow for wider adoption. Pluggable SMTP AUTH and related unit tests have been added. This release accepts 'MAIL FROM: <>', and properly rejects 'MAIL FROM:'.

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