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TeamLab is a platform for business collaboration and document, project, and customer relationship management. Its wide array of features includes projects, milestones, tasks, reports, calendar, deal tracking, events, blogs, forums, bookmarks, wiki, instant messenger, and more.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-03-16 19:30 Back to release list

这些文件的模块已被引入。现在你可以创建,编辑,存储,并与您的同事共享数据在门户网站的权利。项目模板可供选择。创建新的项目已经变得更加容易,因为有一个预先格式化的文件准备好所有必需的组件:里程碑,讨论,并分配给员工的任务。 TeamLab通话功能已得到改善。新功能包括集团消息,multichat和消息的历史。在任务部分增强。任务截止日期,任务提示,“我的任务”页面增加了。
The Documents Module has been introduced. Now you can create, edit, store, and share data with your colleagues right on the portal. Project templates are available. New project creation has become much easier, since there is a preformatted document ready with all necessary components: milestones, discussions, and tasks assigned to employees. TeamLab Talk functionality has been improved. New features include group messaging, multichat, and message history. The Tasks section was enhanced. Tasks due dates, task reminder, and the “My tasks” page were added.

Project Resources