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TooN is a very efficient numerics library for C++. The main focus of the library is efficient and safe handling of large numbers of small vector matrices and providing as much compile time checking as is possible. The library also works with large vectors and matrices and integrates easily with existing code. In addition to elementary vector and matrix operations, the library also providers linear solvers, matrix decompositions, optimization, and wrappers around LAPACK.


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2010-11-04 06:00 Back to release list
2.0-Beta 8

主要增强功能包括:支持为std::使用FADBAD + +,STL容器中存储载体的支持复杂和自动分异,稀疏高斯牛顿优化器雅可比矩阵,pkg - config的支持,和const的正确性。未成年人增强包括楠共轭梯度,打样,更完整的回归测试,为三氧化硫的正确性测试,doxygen的标签文件的支持。此外,一些漏洞已得到修复。
标签: Bugfixes, Feature Enhancements
Major enhancements are: support for std::complex and automatic differentation with FADBAD++, support for storing Vector in STL containers, sparse Jacobians in Gauss-Newton optimizer, pkg-config support, and const correctness. Minor enhancements include NaN-proofing of ConjugateGradient, more complete regression tests, correctness tests for SO3, and doxygen tag file support. In addition, a number of bugs have been fixed.

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