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TooN is a very efficient numerics library for C++. The main focus of the library is efficient and safe handling of large numbers of small vector matrices and providing as much compile time checking as is possible. The library also works with large vectors and matrices and integrates easily with existing code. In addition to elementary vector and matrix operations, the library also providers linear solvers, matrix decompositions, optimization, and wrappers around LAPACK.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-06-10 01:43
2.0-Beta 4

标签: Beta, cleanup, Documentation, features, Bugfixes
This release adds a downhill simplex optimizer, cross-product matrix, and a lot of documentation. The WLS least squares solver has been optimized. Some old functions from a previous design phase have been deprecated. Some test code has been added, and many misc bugs have been fixed.

2009-05-08 06:08
2.0-Beta 3

此版本增加了大量的文档。它增加了调试选项,以帮助赶上初始化值。它增加了更多的LAPACK支持(乔莱斯基,对称特征,和奇异值分解)。它修复了在海湾合作委员会可移植性,VisualStudio,和Mac OS(工程)。它增加了有用的辅助功能。它增加了对包装的香椿对象外部数据接口。许多错误已得到修复,更多的测试代码已被添加进来,而内部已清理一下。
This release adds a lot of documentation. It adds debugging options to help catch uninitialized values. It adds more LAPACK support (Cholesky, symmetric eigen, and singular value decomposition). It fixes portability (works on GCC, VisualStudio, and Mac OS). It adds useful helper functions. It adds an interface for wrapping external data as TooN objects. Many bugs have been fixed, more test code has been added, and the internals have been cleaned up a bit.

2009-04-15 00:01
2.0-Beta 2

This was completely rewritten since version 1. It supports Vectors and Matrices of any datatype, matrices with one static and one dynamic dimension, and seamless wrapping of external data. A conjugate gradient solver and SL(N) parameterized matrices were added.

2009-04-15 00:00

This is the final version of the 1.x series. The use of this version is not recommended except for compatibility with older code.

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