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hengbandosx: 提交

The master and develop branches track hengband.

OS X development happens on the macos-1-6-2, macos-2-2-1, and macos-develop branches.

Commit MetaInfo

修订版43fa4e45d8c1131bdfaa80c9605a3db4c3289703 (tree)
时间2022-09-09 20:43:05
作者Hourier <66951241+Hourier@user...>

Log Message

Merge pull request #2611 from Hourier/Unite-Store-Owners




--- a/src/store/store-owners.cpp
+++ b/src/store/store-owners.cpp
@@ -2,512 +2,247 @@
22 #include "player-info/race-types.h"
33 #include "store/store-util.h"
6- * @todo _() でまとめる
7- */
85 const std::unordered_map<StoreSaleType, std::vector<owner_type>> owners = {
9- /* General store - 32 unique names */
10- /*
11- Raistlin は dragonlance の powerful wizard 。
12- Rincewind the Chicken は Terry Pratchett の Discworld の登場人物 上記のパロディ?、
13- { "憶病者ラストリン", 200, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN},
14- { "Raistlin the Chicken", 200, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN},
16- {
17- StoreSaleType::GENERAL,
6+ { StoreSaleType::GENERAL,
187 {
19-#ifdef JP
20- { "フレンドリーなビルボ", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
21- { "憶病者リンスウィンド", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
22- { "背の低いサルタン", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
23- { "ハンサムなライア=エル", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
24- { "親切なファリルマウエン", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
25- { "臆病者ヴォワラン", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
26- { "チビのエラシュナク", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
27- { "ハンサムなグラッグ", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TITAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
28- { "ケチなフォロビア", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
29- { "馬鹿のエリス", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
30- { "腹ペコのフィルバート", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
31- { "スナーグル・サシグア", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
32- { "長死きエロワーズ", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
33- { "ノロマのフンディ", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
34- { "グランサス", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
35- { "丁寧なロラックス", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
36- { "ブッチ", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
37- { "美しきエルベレス", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
38- { "こそこそサーレス", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
39- { "ナーロック", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
40- { "チビのヘイネッカ", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
41- { "きちがいロワラン", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HALF_GIANT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
42- { "毒息のウート", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
43- { "でぶっちょアラァカ", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
44- { "低能なプーゴー", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
45- { "フェロールフィリアン", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
46- { "年寄りマロカ", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
47- { "勇敢なサシン", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HALF_GIANT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
48- { "田舎者アビエマール", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
49- { "貧乏なハーク", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
50- { "みじめなソアリン", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
51- { "質素なメルラ", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
53- { "Bilbo the Friendly", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
54- { "Rincewind the Chicken", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
55- { "Sultan the Midget", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
56- { "Lyar-el the Comely", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
57- { "Falilmawen the Friendly", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
58- { "Voirin the Cowardly", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
59- { "Erashnak the Midget", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
60- { "Grug the Comely", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TITAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
61- { "Forovir the Cheap", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
62- { "Ellis the Fool", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
63- { "Filbert the Hungry", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
64- { "Fthnargl Psathiggua", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
65- { "Eloise Long-Dead", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
66- { "Fundi the Slow", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
67- { "Granthus", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
68- { "Lorax the Suave", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
69- { "Butch", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
70- { "Elbereth the Beautiful", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
71- { "Sarleth the Sneaky", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
72- { "Narlock", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
73- { "Haneka the Small", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
74- { "Loirin the Mad", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HALF_GIANT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
75- { "Wuto Poisonbreath", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
76- { "Araaka the Rotund", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
77- { "Poogor the Dumb", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
78- { "Felorfiliand", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
79- { "Maroka the Aged", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
80- { "Sasin the Bold", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HALF_GIANT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
81- { "Abiemar the Peasant", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
82- { "Hurk the Poor", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
83- { "Soalin the Wretched", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
84- { "Merulla the Humble", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
8+ { _("憶病者ラストリン", "Raistlin the Chicken"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN },
9+ { _("フレンドリーなビルボ", "Bilbo the Friendly"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
10+ { _("憶病者リンスウィンド", "Rincewind the Chicken"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
11+ { _("背の低いサルタン", "Sultan the Midget"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
12+ { _("ハンサムなライア=エル", "Lyar-el the Comely"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
13+ { _("親切なファリルマウエン", "Falilmawen the Friendly"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
14+ { _("臆病者ヴォワラン", "Voirin the Cowardly"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
15+ { _("チビのエラシュナク", "Erashnak the Midget"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
16+ { _("ハンサムなグラッグ", "Grug the Comely"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TITAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
17+ { _("ケチなフォロビア", "Forovir the Cheap"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
18+ { _("馬鹿のエリス", "Ellis the Fool"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
19+ { _("腹ペコのフィルバート", "Filbert the Hungry"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
20+ { _("スナーグル・サシグア", "Fthnargl Psathiggua"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
21+ { _("長死きエロワーズ", "Eloise the Long-Dead"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
22+ { _("ノロマのフンディ", "Fundi the Slow"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
23+ { _("グランサス", "Granthus"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
24+ { _("丁寧なロラックス", "Lorax the Suave"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
25+ { _("ブッチ", "Butch"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
26+ { _("美しきエルベレス", "Elbereth the Beautiful"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
27+ { _("こそこそサーレス", "Sarleth the Sneaky"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
28+ { _("ナーロック", "Narlock"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
29+ { _("チビのヘイネッカ", "Haneka the Small"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
30+ { _("きちがいロワラン", "Loirin the Mad"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HALF_GIANT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
31+ { _("毒息のウート", "Wuto the Poisonbreath"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
32+ { _("でぶっちょアラァカ", "Araaka the Rotund"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
33+ { _("低能なプーゴー", "Poogor the Dumb"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
34+ { _("フェロールフィリアン", "Felorfiliand"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
35+ { _("年寄りマロカ", "Maroka the Aged"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
36+ { _("勇敢なサシン", "Sasin the Bold"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HALF_GIANT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
37+ { _("田舎者アビエマール", "Abiemar the Peasant"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
38+ { _("貧乏なハーク", "Hurk the Poor"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
39+ { _("みじめなソアリン", "Soalin the Wretched"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
40+ { _("質素なメルラ", "Merulla the Humble"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
8641 } },
87- /* Armoury - 28 unique names */
88- {
89- StoreSaleType::ARMOURY,
42+ { StoreSaleType::ARMOURY,
9043 {
91-#ifdef JP
92- { "醜悪コン=ダー", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
93- { "頑固者ダーグ=ロウ", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
94- { "賢者デカド", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DUNADAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
95- { "鍛冶屋のウィーランド", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
96- { "醜悪コン=ダー", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
97- { "頑固者ダーグ=ロウ", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
98- { "ハンサムなデカド", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::AMBERITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
99- { "エロー・ドラゴンスケイル", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
100- { "デリカトス", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
101- { "巨大なグルース", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HALF_GIANT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
102- { "アニムス", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::GOLEM, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
103- { "マルヴァス", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TITAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
104- { "セラクシス", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
105- { "デス・チル", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
106- { "微かなドリオス", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
107- { "冷たいバスリック", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
108- { "冷酷ヴェンジェラ", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
109- { "強者ウィラナ", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
110- { "ヨジョ二世", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
111- { "優しいラナラー", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::AMBERITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
112- { "不浄のホルバグ", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
113- { "テレパスのエレレン", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
114- { "イスドリリアス", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
115- { "一つ目ヴェグナー", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::CYCLOPS, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
116- { "混沌のロディッシュ", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
117- { "剣豪ヘジン", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::NIBELUNG, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
118- { "ずる屋のエルベレリス", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
119- { "インプのザサス", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
121- { "Kon-Dar the Ugly", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
122- { "Darg-Low the Grim", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
123- { "Decado the Handsome", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DUNADAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
124- { "Wieland the Smith", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
125- { "Kon-Dar the Ugly", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
126- { "Darg-Low the Grim", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
127- { "Decado the Handsome", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::AMBERITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
128- { "Elo Dragonscale", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
129- { "Delicatus", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
130- { "Gruce the Huge", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HALF_GIANT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
131- { "Animus", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::GOLEM, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
132- { "Malvus", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TITAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
133- { "Selaxis", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
134- { "Deathchill", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
135- { "Drios the Faint", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
136- { "Bathric the Cold", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
137- { "Vengella the Cruel", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
138- { "Wyrana the Mighty", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
139- { "Yojo II", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
140- { "Ranalar the Sweet", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::AMBERITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
141- { "Horbag the Unclean", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
142- { "Elelen the Telepath", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
143- { "Isedrelias", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
144- { "Vegnar One-eye", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::CYCLOPS, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
145- { "Rodish the Chaotic", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
146- { "Hesin Swordmaster", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::NIBELUNG, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
147- { "Elvererith the Cheat", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
148- { "Zzathath the Imp", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
44+ { _("醜悪コン=ダー", "Kon-Dar the Ugly"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
45+ { _("頑固者ダーグ=ロウ", "Darg-Low the Grim"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
46+ { _("賢者デカド", "Decado the Handsome"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DUNADAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
47+ { _("鍛冶屋のウィーランド", "Wieland the Smith"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
48+ { _("ハンサムなデカド", "Decado the Handsome"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::AMBERITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
49+ { _("エロー・ドラゴンスケイル", "Elo Dragonscale"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
50+ { _("デリカトス", "Delicatus"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
51+ { _("巨大なグルース", "Gruce the Huge"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HALF_GIANT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
52+ { _("アニムス", "Animus"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::GOLEM, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
53+ { _("マルヴァス", "Malvus"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TITAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
54+ { _("セラクシス", "Selaxis"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
55+ { _("デス・チル", "Deathchill"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
56+ { _("微かなドリオス", "Drios the Faint"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
57+ { _("冷たいバスリック", "Bathric the Cold"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
58+ { _("冷酷ヴェンジェラ", "Vengella the Cruel"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
59+ { _("強者ウィラナ", "Wyrana the Mighty"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
60+ { _("ヨジョ二世", "Yojo II"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
61+ { _("優しいラナラー", "Ranalar the Sweet"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::AMBERITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
62+ { _("不浄のホルバグ", "Horbag the Unclean"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
63+ { _("テレパスのエレレン", "Elelen the Telepath"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
64+ { _("イスドリリアス", "Isedrelias"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
65+ { _("一つ目ヴェグナー", "Vegnar One-eye"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::CYCLOPS, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
66+ { _("混沌のロディッシュ", "Rodish the Chaotic"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
67+ { _("剣豪ヘジン", "Hesin Swordmaster"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::NIBELUNG, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
68+ { _("ずる屋のエルベレリス", "Elvererith the Cheat"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
69+ { _("インプのザサス", "Zzathath the Imp"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
15070 } },
151- /* Weapon Smith - 28 unique names */
152- {
153- StoreSaleType::WEAPON,
71+ { StoreSaleType::WEAPON,
15472 {
155-#ifdef JP
156- { "残忍なるアーノルド", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
157- { "獣殺しのアーンダル", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
158- { "獣マスターのエディー", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
159- { "竜殺しのオグライン", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
160- { "熟練者ドリュー", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
161- { "龍の子オラックス", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
162- { "病気持ちのアンスラックス", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
163- { "頑丈者アルコス", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
164- { "腐れ者のサリアス", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
165- { "晒し骨のトゥエシク", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
166- { "ビリオス", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
167- { "ファスガル", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
168- { "パラディンのエレフリス", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
169- { "キ'トリッ'ク", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
170- { "蜘蛛の友ドゥロカス", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
171- { "巨人殺しのフングス", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
172- { "デランサ", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
173- { "レンジャーのソルビスタニ", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
174- { "ノロマのゾリル", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::GOLEM, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
175- { "イーオン・フラックス", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
176- { "強者ナドック", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
177- { "弱虫エラモグ", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::KOBOLD, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
178- { "公正なエオウィリス", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
179- { "バルログ殺しのヒュイモグ", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
180- { "冷酷ピーダス", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
181- { "ヴァモグ スレイヤー", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
182- { "性悪フーシュナク", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
183- { "舞闘バレン", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
185- { "Arnold the Beastly", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
186- { "Arndal Beast-Slayer", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
187- { "Eddie Beast-Master", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
188- { "Oglign Dragon-Slayer", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
189- { "Drew the Skilled", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
190- { "Orrax Dragonson", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
191- { "Anthrax Disease-Carrier", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
192- { "Arkhoth the Stout", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
193- { "Sarlyas the Rotten", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
194- { "Tuethic Bare-Bones", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
195- { "Bilious", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
196- { "Fasgul", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
197- { "Ellefris the Paladin", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
198- { "K'trrik'k", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
199- { "Drocus Spiderfriend", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
200- { "Fungus Giant-Slayer", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
201- { "Delantha", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
202- { "Solvistani the Ranger", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
203- { "Xoril the Slow", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::GOLEM, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
204- { "Aeon Flux", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
205- { "Nadoc the Strong", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
206- { "Eramog the Weak", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::KOBOLD, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
207- { "Eowilith the Fair", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
208- { "Huimog Balrog-Slayer", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
209- { "Peadus the Cruel", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
210- { "Vamog Slayer", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
211- { "Hooshnak the Vicious", 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
212- { "Balenn War-Dancer", 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
73+ { _("残忍なるアーノルド", "Arnold the Beastly"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
74+ { _("獣殺しのアーンダル", "Arndal the Beast-Slayer"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
75+ { _("獣マスターのエディー", "Eddie the Beast-Master"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
76+ { _("竜殺しのオグライン", "Oglign the Dragon-Slayer"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
77+ { _("熟練者ドリュー", "Drew the Skilled"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
78+ { _("龍の子オラックス", "Orrax the Dragonson"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
79+ { _("病気持ちのアンスラックス", "Anthrax the Disease-Carrier"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
80+ { _("頑丈者アルコス", "Arkhoth the Stout"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
81+ { _("腐れ者のサリアス", "Sarlyas the Rotten"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
82+ { _("晒し骨のトゥエシク", "Tuethic the Bare-Bones"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
83+ { _("ビリオス", "Bilious"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
84+ { _("ファスガル", "Fasgul"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
85+ { _("パラディンのエレフリス", "Ellefris the Paladin"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
86+ { _("キ'トリッ'ク", "K'trrik'k"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
87+ { _("蜘蛛の友ドゥロカス", "Drocus the Spiderfriend"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
88+ { _("巨人殺しのフングス", "Fungus the Giant-Slayer"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
89+ { _("デランサ", "Delantha"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
90+ { _("レンジャーのソルビスタニ", "Solvistani the Ranger"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
91+ { _("ノロマのゾリル", "Xoril the Slow"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::GOLEM, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
92+ { _("イーオン・フラックス", "Aeon Flux"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
93+ { _("強者ナドック", "Nadoc the Strong"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
94+ { _("弱虫エラモグ", "Eramog the Weak"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::KOBOLD, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
95+ { _("公正なエオウィリス", "Eowilith the Fair"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
96+ { _("バルログ殺しのヒュイモグ", "Huimog the Balrog-Slayer"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
97+ { _("冷酷ピーダス", "Peadus the Cruel"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
98+ { _("殺し屋ヴァモグ", "Vamog the Slayer"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
99+ { _("性悪フーシュナク", "Hooshnak the Vicious"), 30000, 115, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
100+ { _("舞闘家バレン", "Balenn the War-Dancer"), 30000, 112, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
214101 } },
215- /* Temple - 22 unique names */
216- {
217- StoreSaleType::TEMPLE,
102+ { StoreSaleType::TEMPLE,
218103 {
219-#ifdef JP
220- { "質素なルードヴィヒ", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
221- { "パラディンのガンナー", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
222- { "選ばれしトリン", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
223- { "賢明なるサラストロ", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
224- { "パーシヴァル卿", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
225- { "神聖なるアセナス", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
226- { "マッキノン", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
227- { "謹み婦人", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
228- { "ドルイドのハシュニック", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
229- { "フィナク", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::YEEK, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
230- { "クリキック", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
231- { "荒くれ者モリヴァル", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
232- { "暗きホシャック", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
233- { "賢者アタール", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
234- { "清きイベニッド", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
235- { "エリディシュ", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
236- { "呪術師ヴルドゥシュ", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
237- { "狂戦士ハオブ", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
238- { "若きプルーグディシュ", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
239- { "きちがいラムワイズ", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::YEEK, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
240- { "有徳者ムワート", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::KOBOLD, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
241- { "弱虫ダードバード", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
243- { "Ludwig the Humble", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
244- { "Gunnar the Paladin", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
245- { "Torin the Chosen", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
246- { "Sarastro the Wise", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
247- { "Sir Parsival the Pure", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
248- { "Asenath the Holy", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
249- { "McKinnon", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
250- { "Mistress Chastity", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
251- { "Hashnik the Druid", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
252- { "Finak", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::YEEK, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
253- { "Krikkik", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
254- { "Morival the Wild", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
255- { "Hoshak the Dark", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
256- { "Atal the Wise", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
257- { "Ibenidd the Chaste", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
258- { "Eridish", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
259- { "Vrudush the Shaman", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
260- { "Haob the Berserker", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
261- { "Proogdish the Youthfull", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
262- { "Lumwise the Mad", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::YEEK, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
263- { "Muirt the Virtuous", 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::KOBOLD, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
264- { "Dardobard the Weak", 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
104+ { _("質素なルードヴィヒ", "Ludwig the Humble"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
105+ { _("パラディンのガンナー", "Gunnar the Paladin"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
106+ { _("選ばれしトリン", "Torin the Chosen"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
107+ { _("賢明なるサラストロ", "Sarastro the Wise"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
108+ { _("パーシヴァル卿", "Sir Parsival the Pure"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
109+ { _("神聖なるアセナス", "Asenath the Holy"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
110+ { _("マッキノン", "McKinnon"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
111+ { _("謹み婦人", "Mistress the Chastity"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
112+ { _("ドルイドのハシュニック", "Hashnik the Druid"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
113+ { _("フィナク", "Finak"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::YEEK, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
114+ { _("クリキック", "Finak"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
115+ { _("荒くれ者モリヴァル", "Morival the Wild"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
116+ { _("暗きホシャック", "Hoshak the Dark"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
117+ { _("賢者アタール", "Atal the Wise"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
118+ { _("清きイベニッド", "Ibenidd the Chaste"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
119+ { _("エリディシュ", "Eridish"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
120+ { _("呪術師ヴルドゥシュ", "Vrudush the Shaman"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
121+ { _("狂戦士ハオブ", "Haob the Berserker"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
122+ { _("若きプルーグディシュ", "Proogdish the Youthfull"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
123+ { _("きちがいラムワイズ", "Lumwise the Mad"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::YEEK, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
124+ { _("有徳者ムワート", "Muirt the Virtuous"), 30000, 107, PlayerRaceType::KOBOLD, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
125+ { _("弱虫ダードバード", "Dardobard the Weak"), 30000, 109, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
266126 } },
267- /* Alchemist - 26 unique names */
268- {
269- StoreSaleType::ALCHEMIST,
127+ { StoreSaleType::ALCHEMIST,
270128 {
271-#ifdef JP
272- { "化学者マウザー", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
273- { "カオスのウィズル", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
274- { "強欲ミダス", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
275- { "貧弱ジャ=ファー", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL }, /*FIRST*/
276- { "カカルラカカル", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
277- { "錬金術師ジャル=エス", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
278- { "用心深いファネラス", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
279- { "キチガイのルンシー", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
280- { "グランブルワース", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
281- { "フリッター", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
282- { "ザリルス", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
283- { "古きエグバート", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
284- { "誇り高きヴァリンドラ", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
285- { "錬金術師タエン", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
286- { "巧言カイド", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
287- { "暗きフリア", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::NIBELUNG, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
288- { "質素なドムリ", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
289- { "魔の子ヤァジュッカ", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
290- { "薬草師ジェララルドール", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
291- { "賢者オレラルダン", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
292- { "デモニシストのフゾグロ", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
293- { "錬金術師ドゥリアシュ", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
294- { "強者ネリア", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::CYCLOPS, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
295- { "辛口リグナス", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
296- { "ティルバ", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
297- { "金持ちミリルドリック", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
299- { "Mauser the Chemist", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
300- { "Wizzle the Chaotic", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
301- { "Midas the Greedy", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
302- { "Ja-Far the Alchemist", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
303- { "Kakalrakakal", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
304- { "Jal-Eth the Alchemist", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
305- { "Fanelath the Cautious", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
306- { "Runcie the Insane", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
307- { "Grumbleworth", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
308- { "Flitter", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
309- { "Xarillus", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
310- { "Egbert the Old", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
311- { "Valindra the Proud", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
312- { "Taen the Alchemist", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
313- { "Cayd the Sweet", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
314- { "Fulir the Dark", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::NIBELUNG, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
315- { "Domli the Humble", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
316- { "Yaarjukka Demonspawn", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
317- { "Gelaraldor the Herbmaster", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
318- { "Olelaldan the Wise", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
319- { "Fthoglo the Demonicist", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
320- { "Dridash the Alchemist", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
321- { "Nelir the Strong", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::CYCLOPS, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
322- { "Lignus the Pungent", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
323- { "Tilba", 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
324- { "Myrildric the Wealthy", 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
129+ { _("化学者マウザー", "Mauser the Chemist"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
130+ { _("カオスのウィズル", "Wizzle the Chaotic"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
131+ { _("強欲ミダス", "Midas the Greedy"), 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
132+ { _("貧弱ジャ=ファー", "Ja-Far the Alchemist"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL }, /*FIRST*/
133+ { _("カカルラカカル", "Kakalrakakal"), 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
134+ { _("錬金術師ジャル=エス", "Jal-Eth the Alchemist"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
135+ { _("用心深いファネラス", "Fanelath the Cautious"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
136+ { _("キチガイのルンシー", "Runcie the Insane"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
137+ { _("グランブルワース", "Grumbleworth"), 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
138+ { _("フリッター", "Flitter"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
139+ { _("ザリルス", "Xarillus"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
140+ { _("古きエグバート", "Egbert the Old"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
141+ { _("誇り高きヴァリンドラ", "Valindra the Proud"), 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
142+ { _("錬金術師タエン", "Taen the Alchemist"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
143+ { _("巧言カイド", "Cayd the Sweet"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
144+ { _("暗きフリア", "Fulir the Dark"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::NIBELUNG, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
145+ { _("質素なドムリ", "Domli the Humble"), 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
146+ { _("魔の子ヤァジュッカ", "Yaarjukka Demonspawn"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
147+ { _("薬草師ジェララルドール", "Gelaraldor the Herbmaster"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
148+ { _("賢者オレラルダン", "Olelaldan the Wise"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
149+ { _("デモニシストのフゾグロ", "Fthoglo the Demonicist"), 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
150+ { _("錬金術師ドゥリアシュ", "Dridash the Alchemist"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
151+ { _("強者ネリア", "Nelir the Strong"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::CYCLOPS, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
152+ { _("辛口リグナス", "Lignus the Pungent"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
153+ { _("ティルバ", "Tilba"), 30000, 116, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
154+ { _("金持ちミリルドリック", "Myrildric the Wealthy"), 30000, 111, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
326155 } },
327- /* Magic Shop - 23 unique names */
328- {
329- StoreSaleType::MAGIC,
156+ { StoreSaleType::MAGIC,
330157 {
331-#ifdef JP
332- { "ソーサラーのロ=パン", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
333- { "偉大なるブガービイ", 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
334- { "イェンダーの魔法使い", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
335- { "死霊使いリャク", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
336- { "魔術師スキドゥニー", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
337- { "幻術師キリア", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
338- { "死霊術師ニッキ", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
339- { "ソロストラン", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
340- { "烏賊口アチシェ", 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
341- { "貴族のカザ", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
342- { "暗きファジル", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
343- { "偉大なるケルドーン", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
344- { "フィランスロプス", 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
345- { "魔女のアグナー", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
346- { "死霊術師ビュリアンス", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
347- { "ハイメイジのヴイラク", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
348- { "知恵者マディッシュ", 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
349- { "ファレブリンボール", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
350- { "陰険フェリル=ガンド", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
351- { "呪術師サレゴード", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
352- { "神秘家クトゥアロス", 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
353- { "幻術師イベリ", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
354- { "死霊術師ヘトー", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::YEEK, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
356- { "Lo Pan the Sorcerer", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
357- { "Buggerby the Great", 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
358- { "The Wizard of Yendor", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
359- { "Rjak the Necromancer", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
360- { "Skidney the Sorcerer", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
361- { "Kyria the Illusionist", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
362- { "Nikki the Necromancer", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
363- { "Solostoran", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
364- { "Achshe the Tentacled", 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
365- { "Kaza the Noble", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
366- { "Fazzil the Dark", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
367- { "Keldorn the Grand", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
368- { "Philanthropus", 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
369- { "Agnar the Enchantress", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
370- { "Buliance the Necromancer", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
371- { "Vuirak the High-Mage", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
372- { "Madish the Smart", 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
373- { "Falebrimbor", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
374- { "Felil-Gand the Subtle", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
375- { "Thalegord the Shaman", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
376- { "Cthoaloth the Mystic", 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
377- { "Ibeli the Illusionist", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
378- { "Heto the Necromancer", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::YEEK, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
158+ { _("ソーサラーのロ=パン", "Lo Pan the Sorcerer"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
159+ { _("偉大なるブガービイ", "Buggerby the Great"), 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
160+ { _("イェンダーの魔法使い", "The Wizard of Yendor"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
161+ { _("死霊使いリャク", "Rjak the Necromancer"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
162+ { _("魔術師スキドゥニー", "Skidney the Sorcerer"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
163+ { _("幻術師キリア", "Kyria the Illusionist"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
164+ { _("死霊術師ニッキ", "Nikki the Necromancer"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
165+ { _("ソロストラン", "Solostoran"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
166+ { _("烏賊口アチシェ", "Achshe the Tentacled"), 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
167+ { _("貴族のカザ", "Kaza the Noble"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
168+ { _("暗きファジル", "Fazzil the Dark"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
169+ { _("偉大なるケルドーン", "Keldorn the Grand"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
170+ { _("フィランスロプス", "Philanthropus"), 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
171+ { _("魔女のアグナー", "Agnar the Enchantress"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
172+ { _("死霊術師ビュリアンス", "Buliance the Necromancer"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
173+ { _("ハイメイジのヴイラク", "Vuirak the High-Mage"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
174+ { _("知恵者マディッシュ", "Madish the Smart"), 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
175+ { _("ファレブリンボール", "Falebrimbor"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
176+ { _("陰険フェリル=ガンド", "Felil-Gand the Subtle"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
177+ { _("呪術師サレゴード", "Thalegord the Shaman"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
178+ { _("神秘家クトゥアロス", "Cthoaloth the Mystic"), 30000, 113, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
179+ { _("幻術師イベリ", "Ibeli the Illusionist"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
180+ { _("死霊術師ヘトー", "Heto the Necromancer"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::YEEK, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
380181 } },
381182 { StoreSaleType::BLACK,
382183 {
383-/* Black Market - 32 unique names */
384-#ifdef JP
385- { "ガリー=ギガズ", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
386- { "ゴブリンのヒストーア", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
387- { "フェレンギ人クアーク", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
388- { "公正なる(?)トッピ", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
389- { "死人ヴァッサ", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
390- { "裏切り者カイン", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
391- { "ブボニカス", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
392- { "コープスライト", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
393- { "血に飢えしパリッシュ", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
394- { "ヴァイル", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
395- { "信頼のプレンティス", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
396- { "人間殺しのグリエラ", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
397- { "エンジェル", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
398- { "水膨れフロツァム", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
399- { "ニーヴァル", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
400- { "明るいアナスタシア", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
401- { "死霊術師チャリティー", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
402- { "ボクサーのプグナシオス", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
403- { "幸運なフットソア", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
404- { "光指のシドリア", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
405- { "手品師リアソー", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
406- { "やりくり上手のジャナッカ", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
407- { "悪党シーナ", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
408- { "大爪アルニッキ", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
409- { "貧乏チャエアンド", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
410- { "山賊アファードーフ", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
411- { "強欲ラザクスル", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
412- { "ファラレウィン", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
413- { "しわしわヴォスール", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::NIBELUNG, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
414- { "ハンサムなアラオード", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::AMBERITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
415- { "負け犬セラドフリド", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
416- { "片足のエルーロ", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
418- { "Gary Gygaz", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
419- { "Histor the Goblin", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
420- { "Quark the Ferengi", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
421- { "Topi the Fair(?)", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
422- { "Vhassa the Dead", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
423- { "Kyn the Treacherous", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
424- { "Bubonicus", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
425- { "Corpselight", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
426- { "Parrish the Bloodthirsty", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
427- { "Vile", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
428- { "Prentice the Trusted", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
429- { "Griella Humanslayer", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
430- { "Angel", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
431- { "Flotsam the Bloated", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
432- { "Nieval", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
433- { "Anastasia the Luminous", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
434- { "Charity the Necromancer", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
435- { "Pugnacious the Pugilist", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
436- { "Footsore the Lucky", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
437- { "Sidria Lighfingered", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
438- { "Riatho the Juggler", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
439- { "Janaaka the Shifty", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
440- { "Cina the Rogue", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
441- { "Arunikki Greatclaw", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
442- { "Chaeand the Poor", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
443- { "Afardorf the Brigand", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
444- { "Lathaxl the Greedy", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
445- { "Falarewyn", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
446- { "Vosur the Wrinkled", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::NIBELUNG, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
447- { "Araord the Handsome", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::AMBERITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
448- { "Theradfrid the Loser", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
449- { "One-Legged Eroolo", 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
184+ { _("ガリー=ギガズ", "Gary Gygaz"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_TROLL, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
185+ { _("ゴブリンのヒストーア", "Histor the Goblin"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
186+ { _("フェレンギ人クアーク", "Quark the Ferengi"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
187+ { _("公正なる(?)トッピ", "Topi the Fair(?)"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
188+ { _("死人ヴァッサ", "Vhassa the Dead"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
189+ { _("裏切り者カイン", "Kyn the Treacherous"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
190+ { _("ブボニカス", "Bubonicus"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
191+ { _("コープスライト", "Corpselight"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
192+ { _("血に飢えしパリッシュ", "Parrish the Bloodthirsty"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
193+ { _("ヴァイル", "Vile"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
194+ { _("信頼のプレンティス", "Prentice the Trusted"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
195+ { _("人間殺しのグリエラ", "Griella Humanslayer"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::IMP, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
196+ { _("エンジェル", "Angel"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
197+ { _("水膨れフロツァム", "Flotsam the Bloated"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
198+ { _("ニーヴァル", "Nieval"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
199+ { _("明るいアナスタシア", "Anastasia the Luminous"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SPECTRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
200+ { _("死霊術師チャリティー", "Charity the Necromancer"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
201+ { _("ボクサーのプグナシオス", "Pugnacious the Pugilist"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_ORC, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
202+ { _("幸運なフットソア", "Footsore the Lucky"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::BEASTMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
203+ { _("光指のシドリア", "Sidria the Lighfingered"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
204+ { _("手品師リアソー", "Riatho the Juggler"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HOBBIT, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
205+ { _("やりくり上手のジャナッカ", "Janaaka the Shifty"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
206+ { _("悪党シーナ", "Cina the Rogue"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::GNOME, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
207+ { _("大爪アルニッキ", "Arunikki the Greatclaw"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::DRACONIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
208+ { _("貧乏チャエアンド", "Chaeand the Poor"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
209+ { _("山賊アファードーフ", "Afardorf the Brigand"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::BARBARIAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
210+ { _("強欲ラザクスル", "Lathaxl the Greedy"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
211+ { _("ファラレウィン", "Falarewyn"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::SPRITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
212+ { _("しわしわヴォスール", "Vosur the Wrinkled"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::NIBELUNG, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
213+ { _("ハンサムなアラオード", "Araord the Handsome"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::AMBERITE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
214+ { _("負け犬セラドフリド", "Theradfrid the Loser"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
215+ { _("片足のエルーロ", "One-Legged Eroolo"), 60000, 150, PlayerRaceType::HALF_OGRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
451216 } },
452- /* Home */
453- {
454- StoreSaleType::HOME,
217+ { StoreSaleType::HOME,
455218 {
456219 { _("我が家", "Your home"), 0, 100, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
457220 } },
458- /* Bookstore - 21 unique names */
459- {
460- StoreSaleType::BOOK,
221+ { StoreSaleType::BOOK,
461222 {
462-#ifdef JP
463- { "強欲ドラフ", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
464- { "賢者オドナー", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
465- { "中立のガンダー", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
466- { "忍耐の人ロ=シャ", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
467- { "ランドルフ・カーター", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
468- { "隼のサライ", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
469- { "千里眼ボドリル", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
470- { "沈黙のヴェオロイン", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
471- { "学者のヴァンシラス", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
472- { "物書きオセイン", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
473- { "本の虫オルヴァー", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
474- { "浅井墓男", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
475- { "デスマスク", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
476- { "学者のアスーヌ", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
477- { "死人のプリランド", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
478- { "鉄のロナール", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::GOLEM, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
479- { "ガリル=ガミル", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
480- { "本食いローバグ", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::KOBOLD, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
481- { "キリアリキーク", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
482- { "静かなるリリン", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
483- { "王者イサング", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
485- { "Dolaf the Greedy", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
486- { "Odnar the Sage", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
487- { "Gandar the Neutral", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
488- { "Ro-sha the Patient", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
489- { "Randolph Carter", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
490- { "Sarai the Swift", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
491- { "Bodril the Seer", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
492- { "Veloin the Quiet", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
493- { "Vanthylas the Learned", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
494- { "Ossein the Literate", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
495- { "Olvar Bookworm", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
496- { "Shallowgrave", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
497- { "Death Mask", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
498- { "Asuunu the Learned", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
499- { "Prirand the Dead", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
500- { "Ronar the Iron", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::GOLEM, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
501- { "Galil-Gamir", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
502- { "Rorbag Book-Eater", 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::KOBOLD, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
503- { "Kiriarikirk", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
504- { "Rilin the Quiet", 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
505- { "Isung the Lord", 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
223+ { _("強欲ドラフ", "Dolaf the Greedy"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
224+ { _("賢者オドナー", "Odnar the Sage"), 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
225+ { _("中立のガンダー", "Gandar the Neutral"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DARK_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
226+ { _("忍耐の人ロ=シャ", "Ro-sha the Patient"), 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
227+ { _("ランドルフ・カーター", "Randolph Carter"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
228+ { _("隼のサライ", "Sarai the Swift"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
229+ { _("千里眼ボドリル", "Bodril the Seer"), 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
230+ { _("沈黙のヴェオロイン", "Veloin the Quiet"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
231+ { _("学者のヴァンシラス", "Vanthylas the Learned"), 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
232+ { _("物書きオセイン", "Ossein the Literate"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::SKELETON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
233+ { _("本の虫オルヴァー", "Olvar Bookworm"), 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::VAMPIRE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
234+ { _("浅井墓男", "Olvar Bookworm"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
235+ { _("デスマスク", "Death Mask"), 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
236+ { _("学者のアスーヌ", "Asuunu the Learned"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::MIND_FLAYER, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
237+ { _("死人のプリランド", "Prirand the Dead"), 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ZOMBIE, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
238+ { _("鉄のロナール", "Ronar the Iron"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::GOLEM, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
239+ { _("ガリル=ガミル", "Galil-Gamir"), 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
240+ { _("本食いローバグ", "Rorbag the Book-Eater"), 30000, 108, PlayerRaceType::KOBOLD, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
241+ { _("キリアリキーク", "Kiriarikirk"), 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::KLACKON, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
242+ { _("静かなるリリン", "Rilin the Quiet"), 30000, 110, PlayerRaceType::DWARF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
243+ { _("王者イサング", "Isung the Lord"), 30000, 105, PlayerRaceType::HIGH_ELF, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
507244 } },
508- /* Museum */
509- {
510- StoreSaleType::MUSEUM,
245+ { StoreSaleType::MUSEUM,
511246 {
512247 { _("博物館", "Museum"), 0, 100, PlayerRaceType::HUMAN, STORE_OBJ_STD_LEVEL },
513248 } }
--- a/src/store/store-owners.h
+++ b/src/store/store-owners.h
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
33 #include "player-info/race-types.h"
44 #include "store/store-util.h"
55 #include "system/angband.h"
6-#include <array>
76 #include <unordered_map>
7+#include <vector>
99 /*!
1010 * @brief 店主データ構造体
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