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Hold files served by osdn.net's web server for the hengbandforosx project.

Commit MetaInfo

修订版4b240a81d7b990f74b267bd0b472b359771ff082 (tree)
时间2020-07-03 11:22:27
作者Eric Branlund <ebranlund@fast...>
CommiterEric Branlund

Log Message

Added link to 1.6.2 changes on the source code page.



--- a/HengbandSourceCode.html.en
+++ b/HengbandSourceCode.html.en
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
99 <BODY>
1010 <H1>Hengband Application for Mac OS X</H1>
11- <P><A HREF="index.html.en">Binaries</A> | <A HREF="HengbandEnglishScreenshot.html.en">English screen shot</A> | <A HREF="HengbandJapaneseScreenshot.html.en">Japanese screen shot</A> | <A HREF="HengbandFeedback.html.en">Feedback</A> | Source code | <A HREF="HengbandChangeLog.html.en">Changes</A>
11+ <P><A HREF="index.html.en">Binaries</A> | <A HREF="HengbandEnglishScreenshot.html.en">English screen shot</A> | <A HREF="HengbandJapaneseScreenshot.html.en">Japanese screen shot</A> | <A HREF="HengbandFeedback.html.en">Feedback</A> | Source code | <A HREF="HengbandChangeLog.html.en"> Changes</A> | <A HREF="HengbandChangeLog-1-6-2.html.en">1.6.2 Changes</A>
1212 <H1>Source Code</H1>
1313 <P>If you want to compile the code yourself or examine the changes I
1414 made, you can either get one of the packaged source code archives,
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