[Mingw-users] <SPAM> Simple C++17 standard support - Expression Evaluation Order (P0145R3) - Bug report & auth request

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Thu Nov 22 02:16:27 JST 2018

On 20/11/18 00:34, Keith Marshall wrote:
> I deduce that this is an upstream GCC issue, resolved
> from the release of GCC-7 onwards, (at least since GCC-7.3.0).

FWIW, I can reproduce *identically* the same behaviour, for the OP's
test case, compiling and running it natively on GNU/Linux, with
differing versions of GCC; up to GCC-6.3.0, I see the behaviour which
the OP states to be "unexpected"; from GCC-7.3.0 [*], I see his
"expected" output.

[*] I have several versions of GCC installed, but none in the interval
between GCC-6.3.0 and GCC-7.3.0.


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