[Mingw-users] multiple definition of `vsnprintf'

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Keith Marshall keith****@users*****
Mon Aug 5 19:27:23 JST 2019

On 05/08/19 10:41, Matt Brown wrote:
> I've just used mingw-get to upgrade my mingw installation.  I believe
> I've upgraded from "g++ (MinGW.org GCC-8.2.0-3) 8.2.0" to "g++
> (MinGW.org GCC-8.2.0-4) 8.2.0".
> This upgrade has appeared to cause the link to start failing because
> of a multiple definition of 'vnsprintf'.

Please check the archives, before posting; this has already been asked:

and answered:

> I attempted to return the previous version of mingw with:
>     mingw-get upgrade gcc=8.2.0-3
> While mingw-get did do something it didn't fix the problem.

Obviously, it wouldn't have, because it isn't a GCC-8.2.0-* issue; it's
a bug in mingwrt-5.2.2

I've asked for a formal bug report.  If no one else raises it, I will
eventually do so myself, but you'll get a quicker turn around, if
someone else does it.


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