Download of 20110507_hx8347a_v108(first_release).zip (20110507_hx8347a_v108(first_release).zip ( external link: 327,266 字节) will begin shortly. If not so, click link on the left.
Sample code for hx8347-A and SSD1289 for 8bits MCU ( begin with Freescale MCU 9s08aw60 with codewarrior V10.x and now Coldfire V1) , print text , draw line , box , circle, scrolling, get coordinates of touchpanel , read BMP file and FATlite drivers from Freescale revised ( FAT16 ).
Tested on 9s08aw60 demoboard :
New release with Coldfire V1 Flexis MCF51AC256A (32bits)
pins to pins compatible with 9s08aw60