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Marcion is a software forming a study environment of ancient languages (esp. Coptic, Greek, Latin) and providing many tools and resources (dictionaties, grammars, texts). Although Marcion is focused on to study the gnosticism and early christianity, it is an universal library working with various file formats and allowing to collect, organize and backup texts of any kind.

Overview of gnostic sources in Coptic language delivered with Marcion: Nag Hammadi Library; Berlin Codex; Codex Tchacos (Gospel of Judas); Askew Codex (Pistis Sophia); Bruce Codex (Books of Jeu)

Overview of sources of early christianity in Coptic, Greek and Latin languages: Septuagint (LXX); Greek New Testament; Coptic New Testament (Sahidic, Bohairic); Latin Vulgate