Unable to access sftp servers
If it is of any comfort to you I haven't been able to either for nearly 2 days. I gave it some time then unable to find anything posted I thought it was only me.
Someone else I know is also having the problem, but nobody in OSDN thought it was necessary to make an announcement in news/magazine/./// ..https://osdn.net/projects/docs-en/news/
So we can all be patient together now.
2023-2-19 Both sftp and rsync can now upload.
I am also unable to use sftp.
sftp phoepsilonix@storage.osdn.net:/storage/groups/m/ma/manjaro-jp/ Connected to storage.osdn.net. File "/storage/groups/m/ma/manjaro-jp/" not found.
sftp phoepsilonix@storage.osdn.net:/storage/groups/ Connected to storage.osdn.net. Changing to: /storage/groups/ sftp> ls -a . ..
Same problem here: https://osdn.net/projects/support/ticket/47329
Same problem: https://osdn.net/projects/support/ticket/47323
OSDN was sold and is now no longer being operated. There is no more support here. Seems projects are moving to SourceForge.
Apparently ssh access is working again, I was able to upload files today. I will keep the issue opened, but wanted to let people who have commented to know.
Seems that /storage/groups/x/xi/xiaomifirmwareupdater can't be accessed, same for any /storage/groups/ path, and thus I am unable to upload, and users are unable to download anything!