Univalent Versatile Environment 新闻 RSS


2023-06-28 11:58 (by maroujin)

The source code for Univalent and related projects was previously available on GitHub, but will soon be closed.
Update 29/06/2023: We won't delete the GitHub repository, but we will make the development more closed by setting protec (显示更多...)


2023-06-16 17:18 (by maroujin)

現在Univalent GNU/Linuxで、以下のパッケージがインストールできない問題が発生しています。
chaotic-mirrorlist 20220603-1
理由はGPG鍵の認証の不具合です。ただ鍵のリフレッシュを行っても改善しないため、上流での問題と考えられます。そのため (显示更多...)


2023-06-05 21:32 (by maroujin)

Univalent uses "Anthy Unicode" (anthy-unicodeunivalent-stable) as the default Japanese input engine.
Anthy Unicode is being developed on GitHub as a successor to Anthy, and is also available on Slackware and Fedora.
The U (显示更多...)

2023-06-05 21:30 (by maroujin)

Univalentでは、標準の日本語入力エンジンに「Anthy Unicode」(anthy-unicodeunivalent-stable)を採用しています。
Anthy UnicodeはAnthyの後継プロジェクトとしてGitHubで開発が行なわれており、SlackwareやFedoraでも利用可能です。
Unicode版はオ (显示更多...)


2023-06-04 11:47 (by maroujin)

In this news, it was said that "unsigned repositories will be abolished within half a year", but it will be abolished on 15 June, exactly half a year later.
In the future, you will only be able to download from signed repo (显示更多...)

2023-06-04 11:46 (by maroujin)

今後は署名済みリポジトリからのダウンロードに限定されるので、22.12版(/versionに記載)以前をお使いの方で、まだリ (显示更多...)


2023-05-30 12:59 (by maroujin)

There are some defects such as the desktop icons, the IME panel and the Clipboard Manager are not displayed in the version before 23.04.
This is because an extension compatibility check is performed. You have to disable it.
gsettin (显示更多...)

2023-05-30 12:59 (by maroujin)

gsettings set o (显示更多...)


2023-05-22 09:15 (by maroujin)

The repository consolidation was going on upstream, but it seems to have been completed before dawn to morning today Japan time.
As I told you the other day, "/etc/pacman.conf" needs to be corrected, so please correct it i (显示更多...)

2023-05-22 09:15 (by maroujin)

1. pacman.confをダウンロードする。
U (显示更多...)
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