dircproxy is an IRC proxy server ("bouncer") designed for people who use IRC from lots of different workstations or clients, but wish to remain connected and see what they missed while they were away. You connect to IRC through dircproxy, and it keeps you connected to the server, even after you detach your client from it. While you're detached, it logs channel and private messages as well as important events, and when you reattach it'll download those logs to you using ordinary IRC protocol.
相关项目Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, Regnessem, MPC-BE, MeCab, Tween |
The PTlink IRC daemon integrates some of the most advanced features needed to manage an IRC network into the stable core from Hybrid IRCd. It is fully integrated with PTlink IRC Services and PTlink Open Proxy Monitor, providing a great platform for anyone starting an IRC network.
EPIC4 is a new direction in ircII development. It was originally built upon the ircII-2.6 client and has maintained faithfulness to remain current up to the 2.8.2 release. EPIC is somewhat larger than the stock client (24%), but that is mostly because of the multitude of new features, the dual ANSI/K&R compliant function headers, and the large amount of re-written code in an attempt to make ircii faster, more efficient, and more powerful.
JSONBOT is a remote event-driven framework for building bots that talk JSON to each other over XMPP. This distribution provides bots built on the JSONBOT framework for console, IRC, XMPP for the shell and WWW, and XMPP for the Google App Engine. A plugin infrastructure can be used to write your own functionality.
相关项目TuxGuitar, SmillaEnlarger, DeSmuME, jIRC, 和ジラ(Wazilla) |
Smuxi is an irssi-inspired, flexible, user-friendly, and cross-platform IRC client for sophisticated users. Smuxi is based on the client-server model: The core application (engine) can be placed onto a server which is connected to the Internet around-the-clock; one or more frontends then connect to the core. This allows the connection to IRC to be kept up even when all frontends have been closed. The combination of screen and irssi served as the example for this architecture. Smuxi also supports the regular single application mode. This behaves like a typical IRC client; it doesn't need separate core management and utilizes a local engine that is used by the local frontend client.
相关项目OpenTween, SmillaEnlarger, iReport-Designer for JasperReports, Tween, RealTerm: Serial/TCP Terminal |
Sentinel provides statistical and operator services for EFnet, IRCnet, and Dalnet IRC daemons. It supports Hybrid/Comstud (5, 6, 7, comstud 1.x, CSr, csircd, ircd-ratbox), and Bahamut. It features a StatServ, a SplitServ, flood protection, customized HTML output, a Jupe service, a channel search engine, and a number of drone/clone tracking tools. It fully supports many Hybrid 6 and 7 extensions.
The Floranta AJAX libraries are used to build Rich Client Wikis. Editable sticky notes can be created and positioned over any Web page (even plain HTML), and are capable of behaving as if they stored their entire state in the page. Floranta enables collaborative teamwork and creative activities like cartooning and collage creation, personal notes, ToDo lists, and blogging.
KobazScripts is a collection of Eggdrop TCL scripts including the following features: Quotebot, Infobot, TriviaBot, Botnet Control, Password Checking, Dynamic Configuration File Management, Database, Math, no manual Ops, and a Help system. Certain scripts require others to run.
レイスは C++ で書かれたオープン ソース IRC bot です。2003 年末以来開発されています。それ Eggdrop 1.6.12 に基づいていますが、そのコアでははるかに異なる何かに行ってきた。
Egalite IPv4 または IPv6、SSL と直接 1 対 1 のチャット IRC または XMPP (早口のおしゃべり) とサーバー ベースのチャットをサポートしています。
相关项目Miranda IM Japanization, MPC-BE, Win32 Disk Imager, Media Player Classic - Home Cinema, plum |
インスタント メッセージ クライアントの gaim のグラフィカルな通知プラグイン。今 http://plugins.guifications.org/trac を開催
相关项目MPC-BE, Dumpper v.60.3, Pidgin, jIRC, plum |
jIRCii is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client for Windows, MacOS X, and Linux. jIRCii features include over 70 built in commands, multiple server connections, SSL support, DCC/CTCP support, fully scriptable, fast, and an ircii'sh client feel.
相关项目eMule, 和ジラ(Wazilla), o2on, FileZilla, Win32 Disk Imager |
UnrealIRCd は、Dreamforge、旧 DALnet IRC ネットワークで使用されると呼ばれる IRCu のブランチに基づいた IRC サーバーです。開発始めて以来それを (1999 年 5 月) の周り多くの新しい変更、機能が追加されているし、多くのバグ修正します。非現実的な両方を実行 * nix
無料 Win32 インスタント メッセージング クライアント。より速くより簡単に小さい。
相关项目和ジラ(Wazilla), plum, MPC-BE, keitairc, MeCab |
Register Date: 2005-02-16 16:33
相关项目和ジラ(Wazilla), keitairc, Miranda IM Japanization, DCR, plum |