Simple Project List Software Map

77 projects in result set
最后更新: 2013-10-24 22:55

Tine 2.0

Tine 2.0 is a Web-based groupware solution that focuses on usability and correctness. To achieve these goals, the project uses usability experts and covers most of the code by unit tests. It contains support for contacts, tasks, calendar, email, CRM, VoIP integration, a time tracker, ActiveSync, and a flexible rights management system.

最后更新: 2014-03-31 22:29


TimeIT is a time tracker that works quietly almost without any interaction and still measures the time you are spending on several projects. The concept of this program is that tasks and projects are assigned to workspaces and while you are in those workspaces your projects are timed. It also has detection of idleness, editing of time records, and summary views grouped by day, week, month, and year.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2014-01-06 19:58


todoyu is a powerful project and task management system. The core features are project handling, time tracking, time sheets, resource management, calendar, customizable reporting, keeping track of communication and decisions, invoicing directly from tracked time, and address management of customers and employees. It improves billing accuracy and timeliness, and removes risk from the billing process. A todoyu customer's clients get visibility into the project work done on their behalf. The system is extensible with additional modules. The system is completely Web based and translated in 12 languages.

最后更新: 2014-04-18 21:59


The program arbtt, the automatic rule-based time tracker, allows you to investigate how you spend your time, without having to manually specify what you are doing. arbtt records which windows are open and active, and provides you with a powerful rule-based language to afterwards categorize your work.

最后更新: 2010-03-06 17:32


timekpr will track and control the computer usage of your user accounts. You can limit their daily usage based on a timed access duration and configure periods of day when they can or cannot log in. With this application, administrators can limit account login time duration or account access hours. It has support for GNOME, KDE, and XFCE and uses time and access Linux PAM modules. It is currently limited to Ubuntu only.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2010-10-21 16:28


openTimetool is a Web-based, sector-independent project time tracking tool for service provision companies such as agencies and IT support firms, publishing houses and editorial offices, consultancy firms, training companies, and freelance workers.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2011-03-14 14:34


TimeHive is a Web based and easy-to-use project timesheet and time tracking software.

最后更新: 2012-02-19 22:20


Inspectime is a server side time tracking solution. Key features are: very easy and accurate time tracking by entering events, live monitoring of employees' work,
powerful real-time reporting, support for the time management technique Pomodoro, role-based rights management, suitable for both project- and product-based companies, ready for integration with other systems, and many exports for further processing. It is available as a Web hosted service or self-hosted application, with support for many modern Web browsers.

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2013-08-19 23:09


jTimer is a time tracking and report tool for project activities. It is also compatible with the GTimer file format.

最后更新: 2008-07-03 03:14

Qualdev dotProject Eclipse Plug-in

Qualdev 日食チームは dotProject の Eclipse プラグインを開発しました。 開発者は今日食 dotProject ビューから dotProject タスクに働いた時間を登録できます。他の多くの dotProject 条件は持っています。これは便利です願っています !

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2007-12-18 21:50

Open Workbench Booster

[EN & FR] When using the xml mode in Open Workbench (necessary for the ANPE) these XSLT scripts allow automatic syncronisation between plans and custom real-time HTML reports on tasks. Ces scripts permettent la synchronisation de plannings et états HTML

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2015-07-03 17:47


Agilefant は、無料、フリー、オープン ソース web ベース バックログ管理ツールです。それは、できるだけ簡単にするが、必要なとき 1 つのチームのイテレーションの管理から大規模なマルチ ・ チーム開発の長期的な製品とポートフォリオの管理を完全にスケール アップに努めています。最もよいフィンランドのソフトウェア会社と確かな科学的研究の 10 年間に基づいて、Agilefant は最も先進的なオープン ソース ツール今日。な試用版にサインアップまたは、ホストの agilefant を取得、当社のホームページに行く !Http:// で新しいリリースの通知にサインアップします。

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2020-03-12 14:33



最后更新: 2011-03-19 22:47


!BeanExaminer は、任意の java オブジェクトを参照し、それらを編集インタラクティブな表面に存在するフレームワークです。発電機は任意の db 接続を介して希望 pojo を作成する含まれています。でこのインプレ。Beanexaminer 使用して休止状態 + スイングします。

(Machine Translation)
最后更新: 2022-03-09 21:10


ProjectForge は、タイムシート予約、チームカレンダー、財務管理、ワークブレークダウンストラクチャー管理といったプロジェクト管理のための Webベースのソリューションです。実行可能なサーバーと war ファイルがあります。