List of Projects DangerousWOO is involved in


通过电子邮件分别发送多个附件的工具。 当发送附件时,由于邮件数量的限制,附件分为多个部分,因此有必要创建多个主体邮件并将其附加到每个附件中。 它是一次完成这项工作的工具。 由于标题中标明了划分的数量,因此收件人将更容易理解。 使用imap4将已...

SQLite3 Wrap ADO For .Net1.1 or Compact

It was thought it was using SQLite3 in the .Net1.1 environment, and investigated variously. However, it did not exist for .Net1.1 though there was a thing for .Net2.0 or more. Then, when making was started somehow, it decided to op...


We display the current location such as railroads and buses on the map. By constructing a station or a route and registering a travel plan on it, we will display it.