Show page source of FrontPage #113736

{{{ comment

* English
You can use the plugin to make all kinds of information about your Chamber to be shown.  You may delete functions you think you'll never use.  If you want FrontPage or side bar contents to be back to default, all you need to do is delete the page.  Then it's back to auto generate page.

* Japanese
作業部屋の各種情報をプラグインを使って表示することができます。使わない機能に関しては削除してしまって構いません。FrontPage やサイドバーをディフォルトの内容に戻したい場合は、ページを削除すると自動生成ページに戻ります。


= [[ProjectName]] 



== Release Files

== Recent Commits


== Latest updated Tickets

= About mingw-locale-info

mingw-locale-info is a tool to assist in tacit inference of the undocumented values of Microsoft's manifest constants, relating to the information which may be retrieved by the MS-Windows-API {{{GetLocaleInfoEx()}}} and {{{GetCalendarInfoEx()}}} functions.  It comprises `locale-info.exe` and supporting `locale-info.dll`, (both of which should be installed as a side-by-side assembly), and requires Windows-Vista (or later).