[Aime-devel] MIT Newsletter : system c0mpar1s0n

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Flora Goldstein vcled****@dolfi*****
2004年 12月 6日 (月) 19:40:55 JST


leading software such as:

WindOws XP PrOfessional + office XP Professi0nal for as low as 80 D0||ars

0.r.d.e.r quickly:  http://deletion.bestsoftshop.biz/

The offer is valid till December 29th
The stock is limited

your bankofamerica account

Scotty Mock
Thermo Electron GmbH, 89077 Ulm, Germany
Phone: 712-412-6443
Mobile: 419-214-3731
Email: vcled****@dolfi*****

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