任务单 #39597


开放日期: 2019-09-24 14:23 最后更新: 2019-09-24 14:23

开启 [Owner assigned]
5 - Medium
5 - Medium


" Vim Japanese Document : https://vim-jp.org/vimdoc-ja/

" Office transrate Text Apache Tika 2019/09/17 augroup office_format

autocmd! autocmd BufEnter *.{docx,xlsx,pptx,ppt,doc,xls} set modifiable autocmd BufEnter *.{docx,xlsx,pptx,ppt,doc,xls} silent %d autocmd BufEnter *.{docx,xlsx,pptx,ppt,doc,xls} silent %read !tika --text %:p autocmd BufEnter *.{docx,xlsx,pptx,ppt,doc,xls} set readonly

augroup END

" Vim Setting 2014/09/23 set nocompatible filetype off " for vundle

" Vim Setting 2019/09/21 " *.swp *~, .viminfo *.un~ ファイルを作成しない設定 set nobackup set noswapfile set viminfo= set noundofile

" Vim Setting 2019/09/09 " ftp://host/ でディレクトリ表示などを変更した時の以下エラー対処 " E21: 'modifiable'がオフなので、変更できません "変更しようとすると、次のエラーメッセージが表示されます。 " E21: 'modifiable'がオフなので、変更できません " -M 引数を使えば Vim を閲覧モードに設定できますが、これは自主規制みたいなもの " で、次のコマンドを使えば制限はなくなってしまいます。 " " :set modifiable " :set write

"すべてのバッファをタブで開く コマンドモードに入って ":tab ba と入力してEnter。 "現在のタブ以外の全てのタブを閉じる ":tabo と入力してEnter。 "タブ自体を移動する "nnoremap <silent> <Tab>l :+tabmove<CR> "nnoremap <silent> <Tab>h :-tabmove<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Tab>l :tabNext<CR> nnoremap <silent> <Tab>h :tabprevious<CR> "nnoremap gr :tabprevious<CR>

" TAB 操作マクロ設定例 " 一例 "nnoremap <silent> <leader>tf :<c-u>tabfirst<cr> "nnoremap <silent> <leader>tl :<c-u>tablast<cr> "nnoremap <silent> <leader>tn :<c-u>tabnext<cr> "nnoremap <silent> <leader>tN :<c-u>tabNext<cr> "nnoremap <silent> <leader>tp :<c-u>tabprevious<cr> "nnoremap <silent> <leader>te :<c-u>tabedit<cr> "nnoremap <silent> <leader>tc :<c-u>tabclose<cr> "nnoremap <silent> <leader>to :<c-u>tabonly<cr> "nnoremap <silent> <leader>ts :<c-u>tabs<cr> " "nnoremap TABCMD <nop> "nmap <leader>t TABCMD " "nnoremap <silent> TABCMDf :<c-u>tabfirst<cr> "nnoremap <silent> TABCMDl :<c-u>tablast<cr> "nnoremap <silent> TABCMDn :<c-u>tabnext<cr> "nnoremap <silent> TABCMDN :<c-u>tabNext<cr> "nnoremap <silent> TABCMDp :<c-u>tabprevious<cr> "nnoremap <silent> TABCMDe :<c-u>tabedit<cr> "nnoremap <silent> TABCMDc :<c-u>tabclose<cr> "nnoremap <silent> TABCMDo :<c-u>tabonly<cr> "nnoremap <silent> TABCMDs :<c-u>tabs<cr>

" Vim Setting 2019/09/03 " " 半角文字の設定 Windows オンリー set guifont=MS_Gothic:h14 "全角文字の設定 set guifontwide=MS_Gothic:h14 " クリップボートとvimレジスタを同期する " http://cohama.hateblo.jp/entry/20130108/1357664352 set clipboard=unnamed

" grep sygwin 設定 set grepprg=grep\ -nr " 各タブページのカレントバッファ名+αを表示 function! s:tabpage_label(n)

" t:title と言う変数があったらそれを使う let title = gettabvar(a:n, 'title') if title !=#
return title
" タブページ内のバッファのリスト let bufnrs = tabpagebuflist(a:n)
" カレントタブページかどうかでハイライトを切り替える let hi = a:n is tabpagenr() ? '%#TabLineSel#' : '%#TabLine#'
" バッファが複数あったらバッファ数を表示 let no = len(bufnrs) if no is 1
let no =
endif " タブページ内に変更ありのバッファがあったら '+' を付ける let mod = len(filter(copy(bufnrs), 'getbufvar(v:val, "&modified")')) ? '+' : let sp = (no . mod) ==# ? : ' ' " 隙間空ける
" カレントバッファ let curbufnr = bufnrs[tabpagewinnr(a:n) - 1] " tabpagewinnr() は 1 origin let fname = pathshorten(bufname(curbufnr))
let label = no . mod . sp . fname
return '%' . a:n . 'T' . hi . label . '%T%#TabLineFill#'


" netrw 環境のプロトコルの設定 Windows オンリー if (has('win32') || has('win64'))

"use scp let g:netrw_scp_cmd = "D:\\windows_openssh\\OpenSSH-Win64\\ssh.exe " let g:netrw_sftp_cmd = "D:\\windows_openssh\\OpenSSH-Win64\\sftp.exe" let g:netrw_ssh_cmd = "D:\\windows_openssh\\OpenSSH-Win64\\ssh.exe"


" session path "let s:session_path = expand('~/_vim/sessions') " "if !isdirectory(s:session_path) " call mkdir(s:session_path, "p") "endif

"if has("vim_starting") "set rtp+=$HOME/_vim/bundle/neobundle.vim/ "call neobundle#rc(expand('~/_vim/bundle')) "endif

" NeoBundle "NeoBundle 'git://github.com/Shougo/neocomplcache.git' "NeoBundle 'git://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim.git'

"カラースキーマの設定 " orignal "darkblue" end

let colors_name = "mycolor"

hi String ctermfg=brown guifg=Orange cterm=none gui=none hi MatchParen guifg=Yellow guibg=DarkCyan hi SignColumn guibg=#101020 hi CursorIM guifg=NONE guibg=Red hi CursorLine guifg=NONE guibg=#505050 "colorscheme midnight "set background=dark

exec "set runtimepath+=".escape(globpath(&runtimepath, 'D:\Download\global656\bin\gtags.exe'), ' ') "nmap <C-]> :call Gtag(expand('<cword>'))<CR>

" "let $LC_ALL="C" "let $LANG="C" " 制御文字の表示化 "set list set nolist

"set nu "set showmode set ts=2 " map <C-h> :call Gtag(expand('<cword>'))<CR> "map <C-h> :Gtags -f %<CR> map <C-j> :GtagsCursor<CR> map <C-n> :cn<CR> map <C-p> :cp<CR> nmap <C-g> :Gtags -g nmap <C-l> :Gtags -f %<CR> nmap <C-j> :Gtags <C-r><C-w><CR> nmap <C-k> :Gtags -r <C-r><C-w><CR> "nmap <C-n> :cn<CR> "nmap <C-p> :cp<CR>

" Error Strange Charactor set termencoding=ja_JP.UTF-8 " Error Strange Charactor set fileencodings=guess,ja_JP.UTF-8,iso-2022-jp-3,cp932,euc-jisx0213,ucs-bom " vi 起動時の上部にメニューやオプションを表示する設定 okosi set completeopt=menuone,preview set showmode set number "set list set title set ambiwidth=double set tabstop=2 "set expandtab set shiftwidth=2 set smartindent "set listchars=tab:損-,trail:-,eol:??extends:損,precedes:束,nbsp:% set nrformats-=octal set hidden set history=50 set virtualedit=block set whichwrap=b,s,,,<,> "set backspace=indent,eol,start

inoremap { {}<Left> inoremap {<Enter> {}<Left><CR><ESC><S-o> inoremap ( ()<ESC>i inoremap (<Enter> ()<Left><CR><ESC><S-o> inoremap #inc #include <><ESC>i

"set incsearch "syntax on "set nohlsearch "set cursorline

" "highlight Normal ctermbg=black ctermfg=grey "highlight StatusLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey "highlight CursorLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=none ctermbg=darkgray highlight Normal ctermbg=black ctermfg=grey highlight StatusLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey highlight CursorLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=none ctermbg=darkgray " "highlight Normal ctermbg=grey ctermfg=black "highlight StatusLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=grey ctermbg=black "highlight CursorLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=darkgray ctermbg=none

"Example " Backspace で既存の文字を削除できるように設定 " start - 既存の文字を削除できるように設定 " eol - 行頭でBackspaceを使用した場合上の行と連結 " indent - オートインデントモードでインデントを削除できるように設定 set backspace=start,eol,indent " 特定のキーに行頭および行末の回りこみ移動を許可する設定 " b - Backspace ノーマルモード ビジュアルモード " s - Space ノーマルモード ビジュアルモード " - ノーマルモード ビジュアルモード " [ - 挿入モード 置換モード " ] - 挿入モード 置換モード " ~ - ~ ノーマルモード set whichwrap=b,s,,~ " マウス機能有効化 "Linux NO!! set mouse=a " シンタックスハイライト有効化 (背景黒向け。白はコメントアウト " されている設定を使用) "Linux NO!!syntax on "highlight Normal ctermbg=black ctermfg=grey highlight Normal ctermbg=none ctermfg=none highlight StatusLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey "highlight CursorLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=none ctermbg=darkgray "highlight Normal ctermbg=grey ctermfg=black "highlight StatusLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=grey ctermbg=black "highlight CursorLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=darkgray ctermbg=none set nohlsearch " 検索キーワードをハイライトしないように設定 set cursorline " カーソルラインの強調表示を有効化 " 行番号を表示 "set number " ステータスラインを表示 set laststatus=2 " ステータスラインを常に表示 set statusline=%F%r%h%= " ステータスラインの内容 " インクリメンタル検索を有効化 set incsearch " 補完時の一覧表示機能有効化 set wildmenu wildmode=list:full " 自動的にファイルを読み込むパスを設定 ~/.vim/userautoload/*vim set runtimepath+=~/.vim/ runtime! userautoload/*.vim

"Windows Vim " Backspace で既存の文字を削除できるように設定 " start - 既存の文字を削除できるように設定 " eol - 行頭でBackspaceを使用した場合上の行と連結 " indent - オートインデントモードでインデントを削除できるように設定 "set backspace=start,eol,indent " 特定のキーに行頭および行末の回りこみ移動を許可する設定 " b - Backspace ノーマルモード ビジュアルモード " s - Space ノーマルモード ビジュアルモード " - ノーマルモード ビジュアルモード " [ - 挿入モード 置換モード " ] - 挿入モード 置換モード " ~ - ~ ノーマルモード "set whichwrap=b,s,,~

" シンタックスハイライト有効化 (背景黒向け。白はコメントアウト " されている設定を使用) "syntax on "highlight Normal ctermbg=black ctermfg=grey "highlight StatusLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=black ctermbg=grey "highlight CursorLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=none ctermbg=darkgray "highlight Normal ctermbg=grey ctermfg=black "highlight StatusLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=grey ctermbg=black "highlight CursorLine term=none cterm=none ctermfg=darkgray ctermbg=none "set nohlsearch " 検索キーワードをハイライトしないように設定 " 行番号を表示 set number " インクリメンタル検索を有効化 "set incsearch " 補完時の一覧表示機能有効化 "set wildmenu wildmode=list:full " 自動的にファイルを読み込むパスを設定 ~/_vimfiles/userautoload/*vim "set runtimepath+=~/_vimfiles/ "runtime! userautoload/*.vim

" 端末の表示文字コードを指定する "set termencoding=ja_JP.UTF-8 "set termencoding=utf-8 set fileencodings=guess,ja_JP.UTF-8,iso-2022-jp-3,cp932,euc-jisx0213,ucs-bom

" 以下ファイルセーブ時にエンコードすろ文字コードを指定している okosi "wrong set fileencodings=guess,ja_JP.UTF-8,iso-2022-jp-3,cp932,euc-jisx0213,ucs-bom set fileencodings=guess,utf-8,iso-2022-jp-3,cp932,euc-jisx0213,ucs-bom,euc-jp,utf-8 set fileencoding=utf-8 set fileformats=unix,dos,mac "set fileencodings=ja_JP.UTF-8 set encoding=utf-8 set ruler set showmatch set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ FMT=%{&ff}\ TP=%Y\ [ASCII=\%03.3b]\ [HEX=\%02.2B]\ POS=%04l,%04v%p%%\ LEN=%L

"カーソル位置(水平・垂直)を特定するのに有効 "set cursorline " カーソルラインの強調表示を有効化 set cursorline set cursorcolumn

" File: gtags.vim " Author: Tama Communications Corporation " Version: 0.6.8 " Last Modified: Nov 9, 2015 " " Copyright and license " --------------------- " Copyright (c) 2004, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 " Tama Communications Corporation " " This file is part of GNU GLOBAL. " " This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify " it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by " the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or " (at your option) any later version. " " This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the " GNU General Public License for more details. " " You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License " along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. " " Overview " -------- " The gtags.vim plug-in script integrates the GNU GLOBAL source code tag system " with Vim. About the details, see http://www.gnu.org/software/global/. " " Installation " ------------ " Drop the file in your plug-in directory or source it from your vimrc. " To use this script, you need GLOBAL-6.0 or later installed in your machine. " " Usage " ----- " First of all, you must execute gtags(1) at the root of source directory " to make tag files. Assuming that your source directory is '/var/src', " it is necessary to execute the following commands. " " $ cd /var/src " $ gtags " " And you will find three tag files in the directory. " " $ ls G* " GPATH GRTAGS GTAGS " " General form of Gtags command is as follows: " " :Gtags option pattern " " You can use all options of global(1) except for the -c, -p, -u and " all long name options. They are sent to global(1) as is. " " To go to 'func', you can say " " :Gtags func " " Input completion is available. If you forgot the name of a function " but recall only some characters of the head, please input them and " press <TAB> key. " " :Gtags fu<TAB> " :Gtags func <- Vim will append 'nc'. " " If you omitted an argument, vim ask it as follow: " " Gtags for pattern: <current token> " " Inputting 'main' to the prompt, vim executes global -x main', " parse the output, list located objects in the quickfix window " and load the first entry. The quickfix window shows like this: " " gozilla/gozilla.c|200| main(int argc, char **argv) " gtags-cscope/gtags-cscope.c|124| main(int argc, char **argv) " gtags-parser/asm_scan.c|2056| int main() " gtags-parser/gctags.c|157| main(int argc, char **argv) " gtags-parser/php.c|2116| int main() " gtags/gtags.c|152| main(int argc, char **argv) " List " " You can go to any entry using quickfix command. " " :cn' " go to the next line. " " :cp' " go to the previous line. " " :ccN' " go to the Nth line. " " :cl' " list all lines. " " You can see a help for quickfix like this: " " :h quickfix " " You can use POSIX regular expression too. It requires more execution time though. " " :Gtags sget_ " " It will match to both of 'set_value' and 'get_value'. " " To go to the referenced point of 'func', add -r option. " " :Gtags -r func " " To go to any symbols which are not defined in GTAGS, try this. " " :Gtags -s func " " To go to any string other than symbol, try this. " " :Gtags -g sget_ " " This command accomplishes the same function as grep(1) but is more convenient " because it retrieves an entire directory structure. " " To get list of objects in a file 'main.c', use -f command. " " :Gtags -f main.c " " If you are editing main.c' itself, you can use '%' instead. " " :Gtags -f % " " You can get a list of files whose path include specified pattern. " For example: " " :Gtags -P /vm/ <- all files under 'vm' directory. " :Gtags -P \.h$ <- all include files. " :Gtags -P init <- all paths includes 'init' " " If you omitted an argument and input only <ENTER> key to the prompt, " vim shows list of all files in the project. " " Since all short options are sent to global(1) as is, you can " use the -i, -o, -O, and so on. " " For example, if you want to ignore case distinctions in pattern. " " :Gtags -gi paTtern " " It will match to both of 'PATTERN' and 'pattern'. " " If you want to search a pattern which starts with a hyphen like '-C' " then you can use the -e option like grep(1). " " :Gtags -ge -C " " By default, Gtags command search only in source files. If you want to " search in both source files and text files, or only in text files then " " :Gtags -go pattern # both source and text " :Gtags -gO pattern # only text file " " See global(1) for other options. " " The Gtagsa (Gtags + append) command is almost the same as Gtags command. " But it differs from Gtags in that it adds the results to the present list. " If you want to get the union of ':Gtags -d foo' and ':Gtags -r foo' then " you can invoke the following commands: " " :Gtags -d foo " :Gtagsa -r foo " " The GtagsCursor command brings you to the definition or reference of " the current token. If it is a definition, you are taken to the references. " If it is a reference, you are taken to the definitions. " " :GtagsCursor " " If you have the hypertext generated by htags(1) then you can display " the same place on mozilla browser. Let's load mozilla and try this: " " :Gozilla " " If you want to load vim with all main()s then following command line is useful. " " % vim '+Gtags main' " " Also see the chapter of 'vim editor' of the on-line manual of GLOBAL. " " % info global " " The following custom variables are available. " " Gtags_VerticalWindow open windows vitically " Gtags_Auto_Map use a suggested key-mapping " Gtags_Auto_Update keep tag files up-to-date automatically " Gtags_No_Auto_Jump don't jump to the first tag at the time of search " Gtags_Close_When_Single close quickfix windows in case of single tag " " You can use the variables like follows: " " $HOME/.vimrc " let Gtags_Auto_Map = 1 " " If you want to use the tag stack, please use gtags-cscope.vim. " You can use the plug-in together with this script. " if exists("loaded_gtags")



" " global command name " let s:global_command = $GTAGSGLOBAL if s:global_command ==

let s:global_command = "global"

endif " Open the Gtags output window. Set this variable to zero, to not open " the Gtags output window by default. You can open it manually by using " the :cwindow command. " (This code was derived from 'grep.vim'.) if !exists("g:Gtags_OpenQuickfixWindow")

let g:Gtags_OpenQuickfixWindow = 1


if !exists("g:Gtags_VerticalWindow")

let g:Gtags_VerticalWindow = 0


if !exists("g:Gtags_Auto_Map")

let g:Gtags_Auto_Map = 0


if !exists("g:Gtags_Auto_Update")

let g:Gtags_Auto_Update = 0


" 'Dont_Jump_Automatically' is deprecated. if !exists("g:Gtags_No_Auto_Jump")

if !exists("g:Dont_Jump_Automatically")

let g:Gtags_No_Auto_Jump = 0


let g:Gtags_No_Auto_Jump = g:Dont_Jump_Automatically



if !exists("g:Gtags_Close_When_Single")

let g:Gtags_Close_When_Single = 0


" -- ctags-x format " let Gtags_Result = "ctags-x" " let Gtags_Efm = "%*\\S%*\\s%l%\\s%f%\\s%m" " " -- ctags format " let Gtags_Result = "ctags" " let Gtags_Efm = "%m\t%f\t%l" " " Gtags_Use_Tags_Format is obsoleted. if exists("g:Gtags_Use_Tags_Format")

let g:Gtags_Result = "ctags" let g:Gtags_Efm = "%m\t%f\t%l"

endif if !exists("g:Gtags_Result")

let g:Gtags_Result = "ctags-mod"

endif if !exists("g:Gtags_Efm")

let g:Gtags_Efm = "%f\t%l\t%m"

endif " Character to use to quote patterns and file names before passing to global. " (This code was drived from 'grep.vim'.) if !exists("g:Gtags_Shell_Quote_Char")

if has("win32") || has("win16") || has("win95")
let g:Gtags_Shell_Quote_Char = '"'
let g:Gtags_Shell_Quote_Char = "'"

endif if !exists("g:Gtags_Single_Quote_Char")

if has("win32") || has("win16") || has("win95")
let g:Gtags_Single_Quote_Char = "'" let g:Gtags_Double_Quote_Char = '\"'
let s:sq = "'" let s:dq = '"' let g:Gtags_Single_Quote_Char = s:sq . s:dq . s:sq . s:dq . s:sq let g:Gtags_Double_Quote_Char = '"'


" " Display error message. " function! s:Error(msg)

echohl WarningMsg |
\ echomsg 'Error: ' . a:msg | \ echohl None

endfunction " " Extract pattern or option string. " function! s:Extract(line, target)

let l:option = let l:pattern = let l:force_pattern = 0 let l:length = strlen(a:line) let l:i = 0
" skip command name. if a:line =~# 'Gtags'
let l:i = 5
endif while l:i < l:length && a:line[l:i] == ' '
let l:i = l:i + 1
endwhile while l:i < l:length
if a:line[l:i] == "-" && l:force_pattern == 0
let l:i = l:i + 1 " Ignore long name option like --help. if l:i < l:length && a:line[l:i] == '-'
while l:i < l:length && a:line[l:i] != ' '
let l:i = l:i + 1
while l:i < l:length && a:line[l:i] != ' '
let l:c = a:line[l:i] let l:option = l:option . l:c let l:i = l:i + 1
endwhile if l:c ==# 'e'
let l:force_pattern = 1
let l:pattern = " allow pattern includes blanks. while l:i < l:length
if a:line[l:i] == "'"
let l:pattern = l:pattern . g:Gtags_Single_Quote_Char
elseif a:line[l:i] == '"'
let l:pattern = l:pattern . g:Gtags_Double_Quote_Char
let l:pattern = l:pattern . a:line[l:i]
let l:i = l:i + 1
endwhile if a:target == 'pattern'
return l:pattern
endif " Skip blanks. while l:i < l:length && a:line[l:i] == ' '
let l:i = l:i + 1
endwhile if a:target == 'option'
return l:option
endif return


" " Trim options to avoid errors. " function! s:TrimOption(option)

let l:option = let l:length = strlen(a:option) let l:i = 0
while l:i < l:length
let l:c = a:option[l:i] if l:c !~# 'cenpquv'
let l:option = l:option . l:c
endif let l:i = l:i + 1
endwhile return l:option


" " Execute global and load the result into quickfix window. " function! s:ExecLoad(option, long_option, pattern, flags)

" Execute global(1) command and write the result to a temporary file. let l:isfile = 0 let l:option = let l:result =
if a:option =~# 'f'
let l:isfile = 1 if filereadable(a:pattern) == 0
call s:Error('File ' . a:pattern . ' not found.') return
endif if a:long_option !=
let l:option = a:long_option . ' '
endif let l:option = l:option . '--result=' . g:Gtags_Result . ' -q' let l:option = l:option . s:TrimOption(a:option) if l:isfile == 1
let l:cmd = s:global_command . ' ' . l:option . ' ' . g:Gtags_Shell_Quote_Char . a:pattern . g:Gtags_Shell_Quote_Char
let l:cmd = s:global_command . ' ' . l:option . 'e ' . g:Gtags_Shell_Quote_Char . a:pattern . g:Gtags_Shell_Quote_Char
let l:result = system(l:cmd) if v:shell_error != 0
if v:shell_error != 0
if v:shell_error == 2
call s:Error('invalid arguments. please use the latest GLOBAL.')
elseif v:shell_error == 3
call s:Error('GTAGS not found.')
call s:Error('global command failed. command line: ' . l:cmd)
endif return
endif if l:result ==
if l:option =~# 'f'
call s:Error('Tag not found in ' . a:pattern . '.')
elseif l:option =~# 'P'
call s:Error('Path which matches to ' . a:pattern . ' not found.')
elseif l:option =~# 'g'
call s:Error('Line which matches to ' . a:pattern . ' not found.')
call s:Error('Tag which matches to ' . g:Gtags_Shell_Quote_Char . a:pattern . g:Gtags_Shell_Quote_Char . ' not found.')
endif return
" Open the quickfix window if g:Gtags_OpenQuickfixWindow == 1

let l:open = 1

if g:Gtags_Close_When_Single == 1

let l:open = 0 let l:idx = stridx(l:result, "\n") if l:idx > 0 && stridx(l:result, "\n", l:idx + 1) > 0 let l:open = 1 endif endif if l:open == 0 cclose

elseif g:Gtags_VerticalWindow == 1
topleft vertical copen
botright copen
endif " Parse the output of 'global -x or -t' and show in the quickfix window. let l:efm_org = &efm let &efm = g:Gtags_Efm if a:flags =~# 'a'
cadde l:result " append mode
elseif g:Gtags_No_Auto_Jump == 1
cgete l:result " does not jump
cexpr! l:result " jump
endif let &efm = l:efm_org


" " RunGlobal() " function! s:RunGlobal(line, flags)

let l:pattern = s:Extract(a:line, 'pattern')
if l:pattern == '%'
let l:pattern = expand('%')
elseif l:pattern == '#'
let l:pattern = expand('#')
endif let l:option = s:Extract(a:line, 'option') " If no pattern supplied then get it from user. if l:pattern ==
let s:option = l:option if l:option =~# 'f'
let l:line = input("Gtags for file: ", expand('%'), 'file')
let l:line = input("Gtags for pattern: ", expand('<cword>'), 'custom,GtagsCandidateCore')
endif let l:pattern = s:Extract(l:line, 'pattern') if l:pattern ==
call s:Error('Pattern not specified.') return
endif call s:ExecLoad(l:option, , l:pattern, a:flags)


" " Execute RunGlobal() depending on the current position. " function! s:GtagsCursor()

let l:pattern = expand("<cword>") let l:option = "--from-here=\"" . line('.') . ":" . expand("%") . "\"" call s:ExecLoad(, l:option, l:pattern, )


" " Show the current position on mozilla. " (You need to execute htags(1) in your source directory.) " function! s:Gozilla()

let l:lineno = line('.') let l:filename = expand("%") let l:result = system('gozilla +' . l:lineno . ' ' . l:filename)

endfunction " " Auto update of tag files using incremental update facility. " function! s:GtagsAutoUpdate()

let l:result = system(s:global_command . " -u --single-update=\"" . expand("%") . "\"")


" " Custom completion. " function! GtagsCandidate(lead, line, pos)

let s:option = s:Extract(a:line, 'option') return GtagsCandidateCore(a:lead, a:line, a:pos)


function! GtagsCandidateCore(lead, line, pos)

if s:option ==# 'g'
elseif s:option ==# 'f'
if isdirectory(a:lead)
if a:lead =~ '/$'
let l:pattern = a:lead . '*'
let l:pattern = a:lead . '/*'
let l:pattern = a:lead . '*'
endif return glob(l:pattern)
return system(s:global_command . ' ' . '-c' . s:option . ' ' . a:lead)


" Define the set of Gtags commands command! -nargs=* -complete=custom,GtagsCandidate Gtags call s:RunGlobal(<q-args>, ) command! -nargs=* -complete=custom,GtagsCandidate Gtagsa call s:RunGlobal(<q-args>, 'a') command! -nargs=0 GtagsCursor call s:GtagsCursor() command! -nargs=0 Gozilla call s:Gozilla() command! -nargs=0 GtagsUpdate call s:GtagsAutoUpdate() if g:Gtags_Auto_Update == 1 :autocmd! BufWritePost * call s:GtagsAutoUpdate() endif " Suggested map: if g:Gtags_Auto_Map == 1 :nmap <F2> :copen<CR> :nmap <F4> :cclose<CR> :nmap <F5> :Gtags<SPACE> :nmap <F6> :Gtags -f %<CR> :nmap <F7> :GtagsCursor<CR> :nmap <F8> :Gozilla<CR> :nmap <C-n> :cn<CR> :nmap <C-p> :cp<CR> :nmap <C-\><C-]> :GtagsCursor<CR> endif let loaded_gtags = 1

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2019-09-24 14:23 Updated by: anken-team
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