[Anthy-dev 784] named let

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Kouhei Sutou kou****@cozmi*****
2004年 4月 26日 (月) 00:00:39 JST


[Bug 532]にnamed letが無いと書いてあったので,テストのテスト

# パッチには[Anthy-dev 781]の内容も含まれています.

普通(?)はnamed letをどう展開するかわからなかったので,

  (let loop ((n1 a1)
             (n2 a2)


  (letrec ((loop (lambda (n1 n2 ...)
    (loop a1 a2 ...))

-------------- next part --------------
Index: test/test-macro.scm
--- test/test-macro.scm	(revision 0)
+++ test/test-macro.scm	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env gosh
+(use test.unit)
+(require "test/uim-test-utils")
+(define-uim-test-case "test macro"
+  ("test normal-let"
+   (assert-equal '(-1 "b" (c) d)
+                 (uim '(let ((a -1)
+                             (b "b")
+                             (c '(c))
+                             (d 'd))
+                         (list a b c d))))
+   (assert-equal '() (uim '(let (a) a))))
+  ("test named-let"
+   (assert-equal '(4 3 2 1 0)
+                 (uim '(let count-down ((lst '())
+                                        (i 0))
+                         (if (< i 5)
+                           (count-down (cons i lst) (+ i 1))
+                           lst))))
+   (assert-equal '((6 1 3) (-5 -2))
+                 (uim '(let loop ((numbers '(3 -2 1 6 -5))
+                                  (nonneg '())
+                                  (neg '()))
+                         (cond ((null? numbers) (list nonneg neg))
+                               ((> 0 (car numbers))
+                                (loop (cdr numbers)
+                                      nonneg
+                                      (cons (car numbers) neg)))
+                               (else
+                                (loop (cdr numbers)
+                                      (cons (car numbers) nonneg)
+                                      neg))))))))

Property changes on: test/test-macro.scm
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Index: test/test-uim-test-utils.scm
--- test/test-uim-test-utils.scm	(revision 0)
+++ test/test-uim-test-utils.scm	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env gosh
+(use test.unit)
+(require "test/uim-test-utils")
+(define-uim-test-case "test uim-test-utils"
+  ("test error"
+   (assert-error (lambda () (uim 'unbound-symbol)))))

Property changes on: test/test-uim-test-utils.scm
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Index: test/uim-test-utils.scm
--- test/uim-test-utils.scm	(revision 751)
+++ test/uim-test-utils.scm	(working copy)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 (use gauche.process)
 (use gauche.selector)
+(use srfi-13)
 (use test.unit)
 (sys-putenv "LIBUIM_SCM_FILES" "./scm")
@@ -13,40 +14,55 @@
 (define add-test-case!
   (with-module test.unit add-test-case!))
-(define *uim-process* #f)
-(define *uim-selector* (make <selector>))
+(define *uim-sh-process* #f)
+(define *uim-sh-selector* (make <selector>))
+(define (uim-sh-select port . timeout)
+  (selector-add! *uim-sh-selector*
+                 port
+                 (lambda (port flag)
+                   (selector-delete! *uim-sh-selector* port #f #f))
+                 '(r))
+  (not (zero? (apply selector-select *uim-sh-selector* timeout))))
+(define (uim-sh-write sexp out)
+  (set! (port-buffering out) :none)
+  (with-output-to-port out
+    (lambda ()
+      (write sexp)
+      (newline)
+      (flush))))
+(define (uim-sh-read in)
+  (set! (port-buffering in) :none)
+  (uim-sh-select in)
+  (let ((uim-sh-output (read in)))
+    (if (and (eq? 'ERROR: uim-sh-output)
+             (uim-sh-select output 3))
+      (error (string-trim-both (read-block 10000 in)))
+      uim-sh-output)))
 (define (uim sexp)
-  (write sexp (process-input *uim-process*))
-  (flush-all-ports)
-  (let ((output (process-output *uim-process*))
-        (err (process-error *uim-process*)))
-    (set! (port-buffering output) :none)
-    (selector-add! *uim-selector*
-                   output
-                   (lambda (sock flag)
-                     (selector-delete! *uim-selector* sock #f #f))
-                   '(r))
-    (selector-select *uim-selector*)
-    (read output)))
+  (uim-sh-write sexp (process-input *uim-sh-process*))
+  (uim-sh-read (process-output *uim-sh-process*)))
 (define (uim-bool sexp)
   (not (null? (uim sexp))))
-(define (make-uim-setup-proc . args)
+(define (make-uim-sh-setup-proc . args)
   (let-optionals* args ((additional-setup-proc (lambda () #f)))
     (lambda ()
-      (set! *uim-process* (run-process "uim/uim-sh"
-                                       "-b"
-                                       :input :pipe
-                                       :output :pipe
-                                       :error :pipe))
+      (set! *uim-sh-process* (run-process "uim/uim-sh"
+                                          "-b"
+                                          :input :pipe
+                                          :output :pipe))
-(define (make-uim-teadown-proc . args)
+(define (make-uim-sh-teadown-proc . args)
   (let-optionals* args ((additional-teardown-proc (lambda () #f)))
     (lambda ()
-      (close-input-port (process-input *uim-process*))
-      (set! *uim-process* #f)
+      (close-input-port (process-input *uim-sh-process*))
+      (set! *uim-sh-process* #f)
 (define-syntax define-uim-test-case
@@ -61,26 +77,26 @@
     ((_ name (setup setup-proc) (teardown teardown-proc) test ...)
      (make <test-case>
        :name name
-       :setup (make-uim-setup-proc setup-proc)
-       :teardown (make-uim-teadown-proc teardown-proc)
+       :setup (make-uim-sh-setup-proc setup-proc)
+       :teardown (make-uim-sh-teadown-proc teardown-proc)
        :tests (make-tests test ...)))
     ((_ name (setup proc) test ...)
      (make <test-case>
        :name name
-       :setup (make-uim-setup-proc proc)
-       :teardown (make-uim-teadown-proc)
+       :setup (make-uim-sh-setup-proc proc)
+       :teardown (make-uim-sh-teadown-proc)
        :tests (make-tests test ...)))
     ((_ name (teardown proc) test ...)
      (make <test-case>
        :name name
-       :setup (make-uim-setup-proc)
-       :teardown (make-uim-teadown-proc proc)
+       :setup (make-uim-sh-setup-proc)
+       :teardown (make-uim-sh-teadown-proc proc)
        :tests (make-tests test ...)))
     ((_ name test ...)
      (make <test-case>
        :name name
-       :setup (make-uim-setup-proc)
-       :teardown (make-uim-teadown-proc)
+       :setup (make-uim-sh-setup-proc)
+       :teardown (make-uim-sh-teadown-proc)
        :tests (make-tests test ...)))))
 (provide "test/uim-test-utils")
Index: uim/slib.c
--- uim/slib.c	(revision 751)
+++ uim/slib.c	(working copy)
@@ -236,7 +236,6 @@
 static LISP my_err(char *message, LISP obj);
 static LISP lprint (LISP exp, LISP);
 static long inside_err = 0;
@@ -2965,37 +2964,82 @@
 static LISP
-let_macro (LISP form)
+split_to_name_and_value (LISP bindings)
-  LISP p, fl, al, tmp;
+  LISP fl, al, binding;
   fl = NIL;
   al = NIL;
-  for (p = car (cdr (form)); NNULLP (p); p = cdr (p))
+  for (; NNULLP (bindings); bindings = cdr (bindings))
-      tmp = car (p);
+      binding = car (bindings);
       if SYMBOLP
-	(tmp)
+	(binding)
-	  fl = cons (tmp, fl);
+	  fl = cons (binding, fl);
 	  al = cons (NIL, al);
-	  fl = cons (car (tmp), fl);
-	  al = cons (car (cdr (tmp)), al);
+	  fl = cons (car (binding), fl);
+	  al = cons (cadr (binding), al);
-  p = cdr (cdr (form));
+  return (cons (fl, al));
+static LISP
+named_let_macro (LISP form)
+  LISP name, fl, al, bindings, body;
+  bindings = split_to_name_and_value (car (cddr (form)));
+  fl = car (bindings);
+  al = cdr (bindings);
+  name = cadr (form);
+  body = cdr (cddr (form));
+  setcdr (form,
+          listn (2,
+                 listn (1,
+                        listn (2,
+                               name,
+                               cons (sym_lambda, cons (reverse (fl), body)))),
+                 cons (name, reverse (al)), NIL));
+  setcar (form, rintern ("letrec"));
+  return (form);
+static LISP
+normal_let_macro (LISP form)
+  LISP fl, al, bindings, body;
+  bindings = split_to_name_and_value (cadr (form));
+  fl = car (bindings);
+  al = cdr (bindings);
+  body = cddr (form);
   if NULLP
-    (cdr (p)) p = car (p);
+    (cdr (body)) body = car (body);
-    p = cons (sym_progn, p);
-  setcdr (form, cons (reverse (fl), cons (reverse (al), cons (p, NIL))));
+    body = cons (sym_progn, body);
+  setcdr (form, cons (reverse (fl), cons (reverse (al), cons (body, NIL))));
   setcar (form, rintern ("let-internal"));
   return (form);
 static LISP
+let_macro (LISP form)
+    (cadr (form))
+      return (named_let_macro (form));
+  else
+    return (normal_let_macro (form));
+static LISP
 leval_quote (LISP args, LISP env)
   return (car (args));

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