[Anthy-dev 3106] uimプロジェクトのホスティングサービス移行

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YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen yamak****@bp*****
2006年 8月 6日 (日) 13:10:44 JST


uim @ fdoの方にもメールしましたが、以下のようにuimプロジェクトを構

日本語で読みたい/この英文意味不明 という場合は訳しますので言って

I have recently registered uim to the opensource project hosting
service of Google Code, as experimental use.


Committers, please let me know your Gmail account to add you as
a project member (members that I know the account is already

And all, please let me know your opinion about my suggestion of
project hosting services transition:

  - svn repository

    Move to Google Code once the import/export feature is
    supported (and became stable).

  - File release

    Move to Google Code once the feature is supported.

  - Bug tracking system

    Continue using freedesktop's Bugzilla until Google Code's
    issue tracker is well revised.

  - Mailing list

    Move to Google Groups once agreed.

  - Wiki

    Move both English and Japanese wiki to Wikia, once agreed.

Details follow.

* Google Code

  After I tried every features of Google Code and traversed some
  discussions, I realized that the system is simple, useful,
  effective and I believe that it will become better beyond
  sf.net. Notable issues are:

  - Gmail accounts are used as developer accounts
  - only Subversion is supported (with some Subversion developers)
  - svn import/export feature is planned and having high-priority
  - file release feature is planned
  - mailing list service is provided via Google Groups (and useful)
  - a wiki service is being discussed (not coming soon)
  - Google's own tag-based issue tracker system is simple, useful
    and flexible
  - the issue tracker lacks activity notifications for uim-bugs
    list regardless of issue's owner
  - the issue tracker lacks dependency management feature
    (although dependencies can be recorded as labels such as
    'DependsOn-617', only direct ones can be searched)

* Mailing list

  Google Groups had been born again as a mailing list service in
  addition to USENET news browser. Although it has non-simple
  and screen-region wasting decorative UI for web-based
  archives, it is acceptable and useful than sf.net's. It offers
  various useful features that we don't have in current service,
  such as serial ID for each messages ("Subject: [uim 3259] "),
  per-thread subscription, message rating for important issues
  and message deletion by moderator.

  So I want to move to the service. Especially the serial ID
  feature is a strong reason to help our development to mention
  a message in short form at source code, commit log, and so on.

  I created following lists as experimental use. Post any
  messages to the lists to test the behaviors. I'll remove all
  testing messages before actual use.

    - uim-en  ('uim' is rejected since at least 4 chars required)
    - uim-ja
    - uim-bugs
    - uim-commit
    - sigscheme-ja

* Wiki

  We have two separated English and Japanese wikis currently.


  And it is having several problems:

    - Japanese wiki deployed must be maintained by our own hand,
      including security updates

    - Since the implementation Hiki used for Japanese wiki is
      not major, learning cost for its writing rules and UI
      behaviors are not reusable for other wiki contents edition

    - Likewise, the implementation MoinMoin used for English
      wiki is not major, at least for Japanese

    - Hiki lacks change history feature (only provides most
      recent diff)

    - The Japanese and English wiki cannot share its contents

  To resolve above problems, I would like to move both wikis
  into Wikia (http://www.wikia.com/) which adopted Mediawiki as
  its system. It is beneficial since:

    - System maintenance free

    - Since it is using Mediawiki, the knowledge about editing
      and UI can be shared with ultra-major Wikipedia. This
      means that Wikipedia users can easily edit uim wiki, and
      uim wiki users can share their time investment with
      worthful Wikipedia expertization

    - As most major implementation, Mediawiki will be improved

    - Multi language page for one article is supported. This
      feature is useful to share information between languages

    - Multilingual text handlings are probably most
      sophisticated through Wikipedia experience

    - uim-independent generic contents about input methods such
      as 'preedit', 'input context' and 'conversion engine' can
      easily be generalized into Wikipedia without text format

    - Any language must have translated Mediawiki documents

Please let me know your opinions.

YAMAMOTO Kengo / YamaKen  yamak****@bp*****
FAMILY   Given / Nick

Anthy-dev メーリングリストの案内
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