[Bbs2ch-cvs 60] CVS update: bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/test

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flyson flyso****@users*****
2005年 11月 25日 (金) 00:01:47 JST

Index: bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/test/thread-test.js
diff -u bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/test/thread-test.js:1.6 bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/test/thread-test.js:1.7
--- bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/test/thread-test.js:1.6	Wed Nov 23 08:10:27 2005
+++ bbs2chreader/content/bbs2chreader/test/thread-test.js	Fri Nov 25 00:01:47 2005
@@ -117,6 +117,8 @@
 	startThread: function(){
+			// HTML ヘッダを送信したら true になる
+		this._headerResponded = false;
 			// threadURL
 		var threadURLSpec = this._channel.URI.spec.replace(/^bbs2ch:thread-test:/, "");
@@ -130,9 +132,12 @@
 		this._type = this._bbs2chService.getBoardType(this.threadURL.spec);
 		this.dat = new b2rDat();
-		this.dat.init(this.threadURL, this.boardURL, this._type);
+		this.dat.init(this.threadURL, this.boardURL, this.type);
+		this.converter = new b2rThreadConverter();
+		this.converter.init(this.threadURL, this.boardURL, this.type);
+		this.requestRespond("<!-- \n");
 		this.requestRespond("Thread URL    : " + this.threadURL.spec + "\n");
 		this.requestRespond("Board URL     : " + this.boardURL.spec + "\n");
 		this.requestRespond("Type          : " + this.type + "\n");
@@ -150,7 +155,7 @@
 		this.requestRespond("  Last        : " + this.optionsLast + "\n");
 		this.requestRespond("  End         : " + this.optionsEnd + "\n");
 		this.requestRespond("  NoFirst     : " + this.optionsNoFirst + "\n");
-		this.requestRespond("----- ----- -----\n\n");
+		this.requestRespond("-->\n\n");
 			// 取得済みログの送信
@@ -175,35 +180,112 @@
-					var firstContent = 1 +"\t: "+ datLines[0] + "\n";
-					this.requestRespond(firstContent);
+					this.requestRespond(this.datLineParse(datLines[0], 1, false) +"\n");
+				}else if(this.dat.title){
+					this._headerResponded = true;
+					var header = this.converter.getHeader(this.dat.title);
+					this.requestRespond(header);
+				}else{
+					this.requestRespond(this.datLineParse(datLines[0], 1, false) +"\n");
 				var start = 1;
 				var end = datLines.length;
-				if(this.optionsLast){
+				if(this.optionsLast || this.optionsLast == 0){
 					start = end - this.optionsLast;
 					if(start < 1) start = 1;
 				var content = new Array();
 				for(var i=start; i<end; i++){
-					content.push((i+1) +"\t: "+ datLines[i]);
+					content.push(this.datLineParse(datLines[i], i+1, false));
-		this.requestRespond("\n\n----- ----- -----\n\n");
 			// オフラインなら終了
 			this.requestRespond("OFFLINE MODE");
+			var newMark = this.converter.getNewMark() +"\n";
+			this.requestRespond(newMark);
+	datLineParse: function(aLine, aNumber, aNew){
+		if(!aLine) return "";
+		var resArray = aLine.split("<>");
+		var resNumber = aNumber;
+		var resName = "BLOKEN";
+		var resMail = "";
+		var resDate = "BLOKEN";
+		var resID = "";
+		var resBeID = "";
+		var resMes	= "";
+		if(resArray.length > 3){
+			resName = resArray[0].replace(/<\/?b>|/g, "");
+			resMail = resArray[1];			
+			resDate = resArray[2];
+			resMes = resArray[3];
+		}
+			// BE:*******-* 形式 を <BE:*******:*> に変換
+		var regBeID = /BE: ?(\d+)\-(#{0,5})/;
+		if(resDate.match(regBeID)){
+			resDate = resDate.replace(regBeID, "<BE:$1:" + RegExp.$2.length +">");
+		}
+			// resDate を DATE、BeID、BeLevel に分割
+		if(resDate.match(/(.+)(<BE:\d+:\d+>)/)){
+			resDate = RegExp.$1;
+			resBeID = RegExp.$2;
+		}
+			// resDate を DATE と ID に分割
+		if(resDate.match(/(.+)ID:(.+)/)){
+			resDate = RegExp.$1;
+			resID = RegExp.$2;
+		}
+		if(resBeID){
+			var regBeID2 = /<BE:(\d+):(\d+)>/;
+			if(resBeID.match(regBeID2)){
+				idInfoUrl = "http://be.2ch.net/test/p.php?i=" + RegExp.$1 +
+						"&u=d:" + this.threadURL.resolve("./") + aNumber;
+				resBeID = resBeID.replace(regBeID2, String("$1 Lv.$2").link(idInfoUrl));
+			}
+		}
+			// JSでは "\" が特殊な意味を持つため、数値文字参照に変換
+		resName = resName.replace(/([^\x81-\xfc]|^)\x5C/g,"$1&#x5C;");
+		resMail = resMail.replace(/([^\x81-\xfc]|^)\x5C/g,"$1&#x5C;");
+			// レス番リンク処理
+		var regResPointer = /(<a .*?>)?(&gt;&gt;|&gt;)([0-9]{1,4})(\-[0-9]{1,4})?(<\/a>)?/g;
+		resMes = resMes.replace(regResPointer, '<a href="#res$3" class="resPointer">$2$3$4</a>'); 
+			// 通常リンク処理 
+		var regUrlLink = /(h?ttp)(s)?\:([\-_\.\!\~\*\'\(\)a-zA-Z0-9\;\/\?\:\@\&\=\+\$\,\%\#]+)/g;
+		resMes = resMes.replace(regUrlLink, '<a href="http$2:$3" class="outLink">$1$2:$3</a>');
+			// スレッドのタイトルが見つかったときは HTML ヘッダを追加して送る
+		if(!this._headerResponded && resArray[4]){
+			this._headerResponded = true;
+			this.dat.title = resArray[4];
+			var header = this.converter.getHeader(this.dat.title);
+			this.requestRespond(header);
+		}
+		var response = this.converter.getResponse(aNew, aNumber, resName, resMail, resDate,
+								resID, resBeID, resMes);
+		return response;
+	},
 	datDownload: function(){
 		var httpChannel = this._ioService.newChannelFromURI(this.dat.datURL)
@@ -257,7 +339,7 @@
 			// DAT を 変換して書き出す
 		for(var i=0; i<datLines.length; i++){
-			datLines[i] = this.dat.lineCount +"\t: "+ datLines[i];
+			datLines[i] = this.datLineParse(datLines[i], this.dat.lineCount, true);
@@ -296,6 +378,7 @@
+		this.requestRespond("OK");
 		if(httpStatus == 200 || httpStatus == 206) this.datSave(this._data.join(""));
 		this._data = null;
@@ -319,3 +402,69 @@
 b2r2chThread.prototype.__proto__ = b2rThread.prototype;
+function b2rThreadConverter(){
+b2rThreadConverter.prototype = {
+	init: function(aThreadURL, aBoardURL, aType){
+		this._threadURL = aThreadURL;
+		this._boardURL = aBoardURL;
+		this._type = aType;
+		this._bbs2chService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/bbs2ch-service;1"]
+					.getService(Components.interfaces.nsIBbs2chService);
+		this._skinURISpec = this._bbs2chService.prefDefault.getCharPref(
+										"fls.bbs2chreader.thread_skin_uri");
+		this._tmpHeader   = this._bbs2chService.readLocalURI(this._skinURISpec + "Header.html");
+		this._tmpFooter   = this._bbs2chService.readLocalURI(this._skinURISpec + "Footer.html");
+		this._tmpRes	  = this._bbs2chService.readLocalURI(this._skinURISpec + "Res.html");
+		this._tmpNewRes	  = this._bbs2chService.readLocalURI(this._skinURISpec + "NewRes.html");
+		this._tmpNewMark  = this._bbs2chService.readLocalURI(this._skinURISpec + "NewMark.html");
+			// 基本スキンタグの置換
+		this._tmpHeader = this._replaceBaseTag(this._tmpHeader);
+		this._tmpFooter = this._replaceBaseTag(this._tmpFooter);
+		this._tmpRes = this._replaceBaseTag(this._tmpRes);		
+		this._tmpNewRes = this._replaceBaseTag(this._tmpNewRes);
+		this._tmpNewMark = this._replaceBaseTag(this._tmpNewMark);
+	},
+	/**
+	 * 基本スキンタグの置換
+	 * @param aString string 置換される文字列
+	 */
+	_replaceBaseTag: function(aString){
+		return aString.replace(/<SKINPATH\/>/g, this._skinURISpec)
+							.replace(/<THREADURL\/>/g, this._threadURL.resolve("./"))
+							.replace(/<BOARDURL\/>/g, this._boardURL.spec);
+	},
+	getHeader: function(aTitle){
+		return this._tmpHeader.replace(/<THREADNAME\/>/g, aTitle);
+	},
+	getNewMark: function(){
+		return this._tmpNewMark;
+	},
+	getResponse: function(aNew, aNumber, aName, aMail, aDate, aID, aBeID, aMessage){
+		var template = aNew ? this._tmpNewRes : this._tmpRes;
+		var result = template.replace(/<PLAINNUMBER\/>/g, aNumber)
+							.replace(/<NUMBER\/>/g, aNumber)
+							.replace(/<NAME\/>/g, aName)
+							.replace(/<MAIL\/>/g, aMail)
+							.replace(/<MAILNAME\/>/g, "")
+							.replace(/<DATE\/>/g, aDate)
+							.replace(/<ID\/>/g, aID)
+							.replace(/<BEID\/>/g, aBeID)
+							.replace(/<MESSAGE\/>/g, aMessage);
+		return result;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file

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