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Free and Open Source RTOS for micro controllers. The OS is a complete development environment for modern MCU including a RTOS kernel, an HAL for peripherals abstraction and all the required support software. A full development environment based on Eclipse is also provided.


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发布: 2019-03-11 21:49
ChibiOS GPL Stable 19.1.x (5 files 隐藏)


*** 19.1.4 *** - NEW: Updated debug tools to be independent from the toolchain position:

they now rely on the environment variable CHIBISTUDIO.

- NEW: Added support for .cc files extensions in makefiles. - NEW: Made bus acquire/release functions in SNOR driver public. - FIX: Fixed STM32H7xx ADC problem in dual mode (bug #1089). - FIX: Fixed invalid CHSEL DMA setting in STM32 UART drivers (bug #1088). - FIX: Fixed undefined TEST_CFG_SIZE_REPORT warning (bug #1087). - FIX: Fixed wrong arguments for the cacheBufferInvalidate in the STM32 SPI

demo (bug #1086).

- FIX: Fixed race condition in HAL MAC driver (bug #1083). - FIX: Fixed problem in chMtxUnlockAllS() (bug #1076). - FIX: Fixed state check in CMSIS osKernelInitialize() wrapper (bug #1075). - FIX: Fixed duplicated code in TIMv1/hal_gpt_lld.c (bug #1074). - FIX: Fixed missing IRQ disabling in ADCv1 and ADCv3 STM32 drivers (bug #1073). - FIX: Fixed missing parenthesis in ADC _adc_isr_error_code macro (bug #1072). - FIX: Fixed invalid macro check in test library (bug #1071). - FIX: Fixed non-standard declaration in STM32 ADCv3 driver (bug #1070). - FIX: Fixed problem in the I2C fallback driver (bug #1069). - FIX: Fixed TIM8 missing on STM32H7xx (bug #1068). - FIX: Fixed Sharing issues with GPT TIMv1 driver (bug #1067). - FIX: Fixed wrong check on STM32_DAC_DUAL_MODE in DACv1 STM32 driver

(bug #1065).

- FIX: Fixed I2Cv1 extra interrupts (bug #1064). - FIX: Fixed I2C4 broken on STM32H7xx (bug #1063). - FIX: Fixed I2C fallback driver broken (bug #1061). - FIX: Fixed STM32 ADC1 sample time macros (bug #1059). - FIX: Fixed STM32 ADCv1 error callback disabled on some devices (bug #1058). - FIX: Fixed error in uartSendFullTimeout() HAL function (bug #1057). - FIX: Fixed OS-less Cortex-M OSAL problem with critical zones (bug #1056). - FIX: Fixed missing RTCv1 definitions in STM32F37x registry (bug #1054). - FIX: Fixed assertion triggered in STM32 OTGv1 driver (bug #1053). - FIX: Fixed STM32 CANv1 compile fails if CAN3 is used alone (bug #1052). - FIX: Fixed palIsLineEventEnabledX() compile fail on STM32L4 (bug #1051). - FIX: Fixed wrong clock disable check in STM32 DACv1 driver (bug #1050). - FIX: Fixed clock tree differences in STM32F4 family (bug #1049). - FIX: Fixed wrong debug check in STM32 I2Cv1 driver (bug #1048). - FIX: Fixed warning in simulator PAL driver (bug #1047). - FIX: Fixed board initialization failure on STM32F030x6 (bug #1046). - FIX: Fixed STM32 I2Cv1 BTF event not cleared (bug #1045). - FIX: Fixed serial NOR driver wrong macro definition (bug #1044). - FIX: Fixed STM32F7 I2C registry dma channel (bug #1043). - FIX: Fixed missing dummy cycles in memory map mode on STM32 QSPI driver

(bug #1042).

- FIX: Fixed missing DMA definitions for STM32F412 I2C3 (bug #1041). - FIX: Fixed misplaced parenthesis in hal_files.h (bug #1040). - FIX: Fixed GCC scatter files alignment problem (bug #1033). - FIX: Fixed incorrect pointer type in lwipthread.c low_level_input causes

panic on packet reception (bug #1009).


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