[Cinemaru-svn] cinemaru-svn [181] flashのソースを更新

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2009年 3月 22日 (日) 23:16:29 JST

Revision: 181
Author:   tokita
Date:     2009-03-22 23:16:28 +0900 (Sun, 22 Mar 2009)

Log Message:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/cinemaru/flash/CommentLabel.as
--- trunk/cinemaru/flash/CommentLabel.as	2009-03-17 08:49:09 UTC (rev 180)
+++ trunk/cinemaru/flash/CommentLabel.as	2009-03-22 14:16:28 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
-	import mx.controls.Image;
-	import mx.controls.Label;
-	import mx.core.Application;
-	public class CommentLabel extends Label
-	{
-		public var comment_time:uint = 0;
-		public var flg_show:Boolean = false;
-		public var flg_used:Boolean = false;
-		public var app:Application = null;
-		public var swf:Image = null;
-		public var has_swf:Boolean = false;
-		public var sp_cmd:Number = 0;
-		public var swf_no:Number = 0;
-		public var my_id:Number = 0;
-		public function CommentLabel():void
-		{
-			super();
-		}
-		public function set_x(_x:Number):void {
-			this.x = _x;
-		}
-		public function dec_x(n:Number):void {
-			this.x -= n;
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/cinemaru/flash/player.mxml
--- trunk/cinemaru/flash/player.mxml	2009-03-17 08:49:09 UTC (rev 180)
+++ trunk/cinemaru/flash/player.mxml	2009-03-22 14:16:28 UTC (rev 181)
@@ -1,1152 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-<!-- license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License -->
-<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" width="512" height="473" applicationComplete="init_func();" keyDown="onKeyDown(event);" horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off">
-	<mx:Script>
-		<![CDATA[
-			import mx.effects.Effect; 
-			import mx.effects.SoundEffect;
-			import mx.controls.Alert;
-			import 	mx.controls.Label;  
-			import mx.events.FlexEvent;
-			import mx.events.VideoEvent;
-			import mx.core.UIComponent;
-			import mx.core.Application;  
-			import flash.events.TimerEvent;   
-			import flash.utils.Timer;
-			import 	flash.ui.Keyboard;
-			import flash.filters.*; 
-			import flash.net.SharedObject;
-			import flash.net.URLLoader;
-			import flash.media.Sound;
-			// サーバから読むコメントは1000件までとする
-			public var max_num_of_comment:Number = 1000;
-			public var comments:Array = new Array();
-			public var avatars:Array = new Array();
-			public var swfs:Array = new Array();
-			public var flg_all_loaded:Boolean = false;
-			public var flg_all_loaded2:Boolean = false;
-			public var flg_show_comment:Boolean = true;
-			public var prev_time:String = "";
-			public var flg_mp3:Boolean = false;
-			public var soundFactory:Sound;
-         	public	var song:SoundChannel;
-         	public var song_stat:Number;
-         	public var song_playhead_time:Number;
-         	public var image:Image;
-         	public var image_width:Number = 512;
-         	public var image_height:Number = 384;
-         	public var progress_stat:Number = 0;
-         	public var my_avatar:Image = null;
-         	public var avatar_size:Number = 24;
-         	public var flg_focus_flv_seek:Boolean = false;
-         	public var flg_image:Boolean = false;
-         	public var main_image:Image = null;
-         	public var flg_load_start:Boolean = false;
-         	public var start_button:Button = null;
-         	public var timer:Timer = null;
-         	public var timer2:Timer = null;
-         	public var file_url:String = null;
-         	public var file_type:Number = 0;
-			public function init_func():void {
-				timer = new Timer(100);
-				timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveWords);
-				timer2 = new Timer(500);
-				timer2.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, draw_progress_image); 
-				timer2.start();
-				if (Application.application.parameters.autoplay) { 
-					myVid.autoPlay = true; 
-					flg_load_start = true;
-					timer.start();    
-				} else {
-					myVid.autoPlay = false;
-					flg_load_start = false;
-					play_pause.enabled = false;
-					stop_button.enabled = false;
-					flvSeek.enabled = false;
-					volSeek.enabled = false;
-					no_comment.enabled = false;
-				}
-				if (flg_load_start) {
-					load_file();
-				} else {
-					flg_image = true;  
-				} 
-				//Alert.show("i:" + Application.application.parameters.image_url);  
-				if (Application.application.parameters.image_url && (flg_load_start == false || is_mp3() == true)) {
-					//Alert.show('mp3');
-					var tmp_image_url:String = url_decode(Application.application.parameters.image_url);
-					main_image = new Image();
-					main_image.load(tmp_image_url);
-					main_image.width = image_width;
-					main_image.height = image_height;            	        
-					main_image.setStyle('horizontalAlign', 'center');
-					main_image.setStyle('verticalAlign', 'center');     
-					this.addChild(main_image);
-				}
-				if (Application.application.parameters.avatar_size) {
-					avatar_size = int(Application.application.parameters.avatar_size);
-				}
-				myVid.autoRewind = true;
-				var value:String;
-				for (var key:String in this.parameters) {
-					value = this.parameters[key];
-				}
-				// プログレスバーを白に
-				progress_image.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF);
-				progress_image.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 200, 9);
-				progress_image.graphics.endFill(); 
-				// コメント可/不可の設定
-				if (this.parameters["comment_ng"]) {
-					comment_text.enabled = false;
-					submit.enabled = false;
-				}				
-				if (flg_load_start) {
-					// コメントをサーバから取得する
-					get_comment(); 
-				} else {
-					start_button = new Button();
-					start_button.label = 'START';
-					start_button.x = 170;
-					start_button.y = 158;
-					start_button.width = 173;
-					start_button.height = 74;
-					start_button.setStyle('fontSize', 36);
-					start_button.addEventListener(flash.events.MouseEvent.CLICK, clickStartButton);
-					addChild(start_button);
-				}
-			}
-			private function is_mp3():Boolean {
-				if (Application.application.parameters.file_url != "") {
-					var file_url:String = Application.application.parameters.file_url;					
-					if (file_url.toLowerCase().match(/\.mp3$/)) {
-						return true;
-					} else {
-						return false;
-					} 
-				}
-				return false;
-			}
-			private function load_file():void {
-				if (Application.application.parameters.file_url != "") {
-					file_url = url_decode(Application.application.parameters.file_url);
-					var d:Date = new Date();
-					if (file_url.toLowerCase().match(/\.mp3$/)) {
-						file_type = 1;
-			            var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(file_url + '?' + d.getTime());
-			            soundFactory = new Sound();
-            			soundFactory.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);  
-			            soundFactory.addEventListener(Event.ID3, id3Handler);
-            			soundFactory.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
-			            soundFactory.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
-			            soundFactory.load(request);
-						flg_mp3 = true; 
-            			song = soundFactory.play(0, 0);
-						song_stat = 1;
-						song.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, songCompleteHandler);
-						flg_image = true;
-					} else if (file_url.toLowerCase().match(/\.flv$/)) {
-						file_type = 2;
-						myVid.source = file_url + '?' + d.getTime();
-						myVid.addEventListener(mx.events.VideoEvent.COMPLETE, songCompleteHandler); 
-						flg_mp3 = false; 
-					} else if (file_url.toLowerCase().match(/^http:\/\/[a-z]+\.youtube\.com/)) {
-						file_type = 3;
-						get_youtube_flv_url(file_url);
-						//Alert.show('file_url:' + file_url);
-						//myVid.source = file_url;
-						//myVid.source = 'http://jp.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=FgNqLSwoAcU&t=OEgsToPDskIUYSj5_3M0fTFYQigmrlQq';
-						flg_mp3 = false; 
-					}
-					volume_init();
-				}				
-			}
-			private function volume_init():void {
-				var sp:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("player");
-				// ボリュームの初期値
-				if (flg_mp3) {
-					var vol:Number = 0;
-					if (sp.data.volume) {
-						volSeek.value = sp.data.volume;
-						vol = sp.data.volume;					
-					} else {
-						vol = 75;
-						sp.data.volume = 75;
-						sp.flush();					
-					}
-					var transform:SoundTransform = song.soundTransform;
-					if (vol) {
-						transform.volume = vol / 100;
-					} else {
-						transform.volume = 0;
-					}  
-					song.soundTransform = transform; 					
-				} else {
-					if (sp.data.volume) {
-						volSeek.value = sp.data.volume;
-						if (sp.data.volume == "0") {			
-							myVid.volume = 0;
-						} else {
-							myVid.volume = sp.data.volume / 100;
-						} 
-					} else {
-						volSeek.value = 75;
-						sp.data.volume = "" + 75;
-						myVid.volume = 75 / 100;
-						sp.flush();					
-					}
-				}
-				//  コメント表示/非表示の設定
-				if (sp.data.nocomment) {
-					if (sp.data.nocomment == 1) {
-						flg_show_comment = true;	
-					} else if (sp.data.nocomment == 2) {
-						flg_show_comment = false;	
-					}			
-				}
-			}
-			private function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
-				flvSeek.setStyle("maximum", soundFactory.length / 1000);
-				flvSeek.maximum	= int(soundFactory.length / 1000);
-				flg_all_loaded = true;
-            	trace("completeHandler: " + event);
-	        }
-	        private function id3Handler(event:Event):void {
-    	        trace("id3Handler: " + event);
-        	}
-	        private function ioErrorHandler(event:Event):void { 
-        	    trace("ioErrorHandler: " + event);
-    	    }
-	        private function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void {
-        	    trace("progressHandler: " + event);
-    	    }
-        	private function songCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
-        		// 再生が終了した
-				click_stop();        		
-				if (timer != null) {
-					timer.stop();
-					timer = null;
-				}
-            	trace("completeHandler: " + event);
-        	}
-			public function get_comment():void {
-				var url:String;
-				if (this.parameters["baseurl"]) {
-					url = this.parameters["baseurl"];
-				} else {
-					return;
-				}
-				url = url + 'movie_comment_get.php';
-				var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
-				var params:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
-				params.id = this.parameters["id"];
-				request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
-				request.data = params;
-				var loader:URLLoader =  new URLLoader();
-				loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onGetCommentComplete);
-				loader.load(request);
-			}
-			public function get_youtube_flv_url(file_url:String):String {
-				var url:String;
-				if (this.parameters["baseurl"]) {
-					url = this.parameters["baseurl"]; 
-				} else {
-					return '';
-				}
-				url = url + 'get_youtube_flv_url.php';
-				var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
-				var params:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
-				params.url = file_url;
-				request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
-				request.data = params;
-				var loader:URLLoader =  new URLLoader();
-				loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onGetYoutubeFlvUrlComplete);
-				loader.load(request);
-				//Alert.show('youtube url:' + url);
-				return file_url;
-			}
-			public function onGetCommentComplete(event:Event):void {
-				var s:String = event.target.data as String;
-				if (s == null || s == "") {
-					return;
-				}
-				var lines:Array = s.split("\n");
-				for (var i:int = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { 
-					var line:String = lines[i];
-					if (line == null || line == "") {
-						continue;
-					}
-					var a:Array = new Array();
-					a = line.match(/(^(\d+),([^,]*),(.+)$)/);
-					var y:Number = Math.random() * 300; 
-					var sp_cmd:Boolean = false;
-					var sp_cmd_no:Number = 0;
-					var b:Array = new Array();
-					b = a[4].match(/^cmd:(.+)$/);
-					if (b) {
-						sp_cmd = true;
-						if (Application.application.parameters.spcmd1 == b[1]) {
-							sp_cmd_no = 1;
-						} else if (Application.application.parameters.spcmd2 == b[1]) {
-							sp_cmd_no = 2;
-						} else if (Application.application.parameters.spcmd3 == b[1]) {
-							sp_cmd_no = 3;
-						}
-					}
-					if (sp_cmd == false && a[3] != '') {
-						var avatar:Image = new Image();
-						avatar.load(a[3]);
-						avatar.width = avatar_size; 
-						avatar.height = avatar_size;
-						avatar.x = 550 - avatar_size;
-						avatar.y = y + (avatar_size / 2);
-						avatars[i] = avatar;
-						addChild(avatar); 
-					}
-					var com:CommentLabel = new CommentLabel();
-					com.app = this;
-					com.sp_cmd = sp_cmd_no;
-					com.my_id = i;
-					com.comment_time = a[2];
-					com.flg_show = false;
-					com.enabled = true;
-					if (sp_cmd) {
-						com.text = null;
-						com.has_swf = true;
-					} else {
-						var filter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter();
-						filter.color = 0;
-						com.text = a[4];
-						com.setStyle("fontSize", 30);
-						com.setStyle("color", 0xFFFFFF);
-						com.filters = [filter];
-						if (flg_show_comment == false) {
-							com.setVisible(false);
-						}
-					}
-					com.set_x(550);
-					com.y = y;
-					addChild(com);
-					comments[i] = com;
-				}
-			}
-			public function onGetYoutubeFlvUrlComplete(event:Event):void {
-				var s:String = event.target.data as String;
-				//Alert.show('onGetYoutubeFlvUrlComplete:' + s); 
-				if (s == null || s == "") {
-					return;
-				}
-				file_url = s;
-				myVid.source = file_url;
-				play_and_pause();  
-				//Alert.show('myVid.source:' + myVid.source);
-				// プログレスバーを白に
-				progress_image.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF);
-				progress_image.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 200, 9);
-				progress_image.graphics.endFill();
- 			}
-			/** ボリュームコントロール */
-			public function change_vol(vol:Number):void {
-				if (flg_mp3) {
-					var transform:SoundTransform = song.soundTransform;
-					if (vol) {
-						transform.volume = vol / 100;
-					} else {
-						transform.volume = 0;
-					}  
-					song.soundTransform = transform; 					
-				} else {
-					if (vol) {
-						myVid.volume = vol / 100;
-					} else {
-						myVid.volume = 0;
-					}
-				}
-				// ボリュームを SharedObject に覚えされる
-				var sp:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("player");
-				sp.data.volume = "" + vol; 
-				sp.flush();					
-			}
-			public function draw_progress_image(event:Event):void {
-				// プログレスバーを進める
-				if (flg_load_start == false) {
-					// ファイルを読み込んでない
-					return;
-				}
-				if (flg_all_loaded2) {
-					return;
-				}
-				//if (flg_all_loaded && 10000 < progress_stat) { 
-				if (flg_all_loaded) { 
-					// 全て読み込み済み
-					progress_image.graphics.beginFill(0x9999FF);  
-					progress_image.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 200, 9);
-					progress_image.graphics.endFill();
-					flg_all_loaded2 = true;
-					timer2.stop();
-					return;
-				}
-				var bytesLoaded:Number;
-				var bytesTotal:Number;
-				if (flg_mp3) {
-					bytesLoaded = soundFactory.bytesLoaded;
-					bytesTotal = soundFactory.bytesTotal;
-				} else {
-					bytesLoaded = myVid.bytesLoaded;
-					bytesTotal = myVid.bytesTotal;
-				}
-				progress_image.graphics.beginFill(0x9999FF);  
-				var p:uint = 0;
-				if (bytesLoaded == 0 || bytesTotal == 0) {
-				 	p = 1;
-				} else {
-					p = (bytesLoaded / bytesTotal) * 200;
-				}
-				progress_image.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, p, 9);
-				progress_image.graphics.endFill();
-				if (0 < bytesTotal && bytesLoaded == bytesTotal) {
-					// 全て読み込み済み
-					flg_all_loaded = true;
-					return;	
-				}
-				progress_stat++;
-			}
-			public function draw_time():void {
-				var tmp:String; 
-				var p_min:uint;
-				var p_sec:uint;
-				var t_min:uint;
-				var t_sec:uint;
-				if (flg_mp3) {
-					p_min = int(song.position / 1000) / 60;
-					p_sec = int(song.position / 1000) % 60;
-					t_min= int(soundFactory.length / 1000) / 60;
-					t_sec = int(soundFactory.length / 1000) % 60;
-					tmp = "" + p_min + ":" + p_sec + "/" + t_min + ":" + t_sec;
-				} else {
-					p_min = int(myVid.playheadTime) / 60;
-					p_sec = int(myVid.playheadTime) % 60;
-					t_min = int(myVid.totalTime) / 60;
-					t_sec = int(myVid.totalTime) % 60;
-					if (59 < t_sec) {
-						t_sec = 0;
-					}
-					tmp = "" + p_min + ":" + p_sec + "/" + t_min + ":" + t_sec;
-				} 
-				if (tmp == prev_time) {
-					return;
-				} 
-				time_count.text = tmp;
-				prev_time = tmp;
-			}
-			public function moveWords(event:TimerEvent):void {
-				if (flg_focus_flv_seek == false) {
-					if (flg_mp3) { 
-						if (flg_all_loaded && int(song.position/1000) != int(soundFactory.length/1000)) {
-							flvSeek.value = song.position / 1000;
-						}
-					} else {
-						flvSeek.value = myVid.playheadTime;
-					}
-					//draw_progress_image();   
-				} 
-				if (flg_mp3) {
-					if (song_stat != 1) {
-						// 再生中以外はコメントを動かさない
-						return;
-					}
-				} else {
-					if (myVid.state != VideoEvent.PLAYING) {
-						// 再生中以外はコメントを動かさない
-						// Alert.show('hit');
-						// reset_comments();	
-						return;
-					} 
-				}
-				draw_time();
-				for (var i:int = 0; i < max_num_of_comment; i++) {
-					if (comments[i]) {
-						// コメントがあった
-						if (comments[i].flg_show == true && -10 < comments[i].x + comments[i].textWidth) {
-							// 該当コメント表示中
-							comments[i].dec_x(20);
-							if (avatars[i]) {
-								avatars[i].x -= 20;
-							}
-						} else {
-							// 該当コメント未表示
-							var ct:uint = comments[i].comment_time;
-							var vt:uint;
-							if (flg_mp3) {
-								vt =  song.position;
-							} else {
-								vt =  (myVid.playheadTime * 1000);
-							}
-							if (comments[i].flg_used == false && ct <= (vt + 200)) {
-								// コメント表示タイミングが来た
-								show_comment(comments[i]);
-								comments[i].set_x(450);
-								if (avatars[i]) {
-									if (flg_show_comment == 1) {
-										avatars[i].visible = true;
-									} else {
-										avatars[i].visible = false;
-									}
-									avatars[i].x = 450 - avatar_size;
-								}
-							}
-							if (comments[i].flg_used) {
-								// コメントが見えなくなった
-								if (swfs[i] != null && comments[i].x < 0) {
-									swfs[i].setVisible(false);
-									removeChild(swfs[i]);
-									swfs[i] = null;
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					} else {
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			public function clickStartButton(event:Event):void {
-				start_button.visible = false;
-				flg_mp3 = is_mp3();
-				flg_all_loaded = false;
-				progress_stat = 0;
-				flg_load_start = true;
-				load_file();
-				get_comment();
-				start_button.visible = false;
-				play_pause.enabled = true;
-				stop_button.enabled = true;
-				flvSeek.enabled = true;
-				volSeek.enabled = true;
-				no_comment.enabled = true;
-				clickStartButton2();
-				return;
- 			}			
-			public function clickStartButton2():void {
-				if (timer == null) {
-					timer = new Timer(100);
-					timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, moveWords);
-				}
-				timer.start(); 
-				if (flg_mp3) {
-					draw_time();
-					//draw_progress_image();
-					song_stat = 1;
-				} else {
-					if (file_type != 3) {
-						myVid.autoPlay = true;  
-						myVid.play();
-					}
-					if (main_image) {
-						main_image.visible = false;
-					}
-					if (myVid.source != null && myVid.source != '') {
-						play_and_pause();
-					}
-				}
-				// プログレスバーを白に
-				progress_image.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF);
-				progress_image.graphics.drawRect(0, 0, 200, 9);
-				progress_image.graphics.endFill();
- 			}			
-			public function play_and_pause():void {
-				draw_time();
-				//draw_progress_image();
-				if (flg_mp3) {
-					if (song_stat == 1) {
-						// 再生→一時停止
-						song_playhead_time = song.position;
-						song.stop();
-						song_stat = 2;
-						reset_comments();
-						if (timer != null) {
-							timer.stop();
-							timer = null;
-						}
-					} else if (song_stat == 2) {
-						// 一時停止→再生
-						song = soundFactory.play(song_playhead_time, 0);
-						song_stat = 1;
-						set_volume();						
-						reset_comments();
-						if (timer == null) {
-							timer = new Timer(100);
-							timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,moveWords); 
-						}
-						timer.start();
-					} else {
-						// 停止→再生 
-						if (timer == null) {
-							timer = new Timer(100);
-							timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,moveWords); 
-						}
-						timer.start();
-						if (flg_load_start == false) {
-							flg_load_start = true;
-						}
-						song = soundFactory.play(0, 0);
-						song_stat = 1;
-						flvSeek.value = 0;
-						set_volume();		
-						reset_comments();
-					}
-				} else {
-					if (myVid.state == VideoEvent.PLAYING) {  
-						// 再生→一時停止
-						if (timer != null) {
-							timer.stop();
-							timer = null;
-						}
-						reset_comments();
-						myVid.pause();
-					} else {
-						// 一時停止→再生
-						if (timer == null) {
-							timer = new Timer(100);
-							timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER,moveWords); 
-						}
-						timer.start();
-						if (flg_load_start == false) {
-							flg_load_start = true;
-							start_button.visible = false;
-						}
-						reset_comments();
-						myVid.play();				
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// 音量のスラーダーに合わせて音量を設定。MP3のみ			
-			public function set_volume():void {
-				if (flg_mp3) {
-					// 音量を設定					
-					var transform:SoundTransform = song.soundTransform;
-					if (volSeek.value) {
-						transform.volume = volSeek.value / 100;
-					} else {
-						transform.volume = 0;
-					}  
-					song.soundTransform = transform;
-				}
-			}
-			public function onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
-				var code:uint = event.keyCode;
-				if (code == Keyboard.ENTER) {
-					click_submit();
-				}
-			}
-			// コメントのボタンが押された
-			public function click_submit():void {
-				if (comment_text.text == "") {
-					// 何もしない
-				} else {
-					if (flg_mp3) {
-						if (song_stat == 0) {
-							return;
-						} 
-					} else {
-						if (myVid.state != VideoEvent.PLAYING) {
-							return;
-						}
-					}
-					var sp_cmd:Boolean = false;
-					var b:Array = new Array();
-					var sp_cmd_no:Number = 0;
-					b = comment_text.text.match(/^cmd:(.+)$/);
-					if (b) {
-						sp_cmd = true;
-						if (Application.application.parameters.spcmd1 == b[1]) {
-							sp_cmd_no = 1;
-						} else if (Application.application.parameters.spcmd2 == b[1]) {
-							sp_cmd_no = 2;
-						} else if (Application.application.parameters.spcmd3 == b[1]) {
-							sp_cmd_no = 3;
-						} else {
-							// コマンドが一致しない
-							return;
-						}
-					}
-					var url:String;
-					if (this.parameters["baseurl"]) {
-						url = this.parameters["baseurl"];
-					} else {
-						return;
-					}
-					url = url + 'movie_comment_post.php';
-					var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
-					var params:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
-					params.comment = comment_text.text;
-					if (flg_mp3) {
-						params.time = song.position / 1000;
-					} else {
-						params.time = myVid.playheadTime;
-					}
-					params.t = Math.random() * 100;
-					params.id = this.parameters["id"];
-					request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
-					request.data = params;
-					var loader:URLLoader =  new URLLoader();
-					loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
-					loader.load(request);
-					var filter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter();
-					filter.color = 0;
-					var y:Number = Math.random() * 300;
-					if (sp_cmd == false && Application.application.parameters.avatar_url) {
-						var avatar:Image = new Image();
-						avatar.load(Application.application.parameters.avatar_url);
-						avatar.width = avatar_size;
-						avatar.height = avatar_size;
-						avatar.x = 450 - avatar_size;
-						avatar.y = y + (avatar_size / 2);
-						avatars[comments.length] = avatar; 
-						addChild(avatar);
-					}
-					var com:CommentLabel = new CommentLabel();
-					com.comment_time = (myVid.playheadTime * 1000);
-					com.flg_show = true;
-					com.flg_used = true; 
-					com.y = y;
-					com.my_id = comments.length;
-					if (sp_cmd) {
-						com.text = null;
-						com.x = 450;
-						com.has_swf = true;
-						com.sp_cmd = sp_cmd_no;
-						show_comment(com);
-					} else {
-						com.text = comment_text.text;
-						com.setStyle("fontSize", 30);
-						com.setStyle("color", 0xFFFFFF);
-						com.filters = [filter];
-						com.x = 450;
-						com.y = y;
-					}
-					addChild(com);
-					comments.push(com);		
-					comment_text.text = "";
-				}
-			}
-			public function onComplete(event:Event):void {
-			}
-			// コメント表示/非表示切り替え
-			public function toggle_comment():void {
-				for (var i:int = 0; i < max_num_of_comment; i++) {
-					if (comments[i]) {
-						if (flg_show_comment) {
-							comments[i].setVisible(false);
-							if (swfs[i]) {
-								swfs[i].setVisible(false);
-							}
-							if (avatars[i]) {
-								avatars[i].setVisible(false);
-							}
-						} else {
-							comments[i].setVisible(true);
-							if (swfs[i]) {
-								swfs[i].setVisible(true);
-							}
-							if (avatars[i]) {
-								avatars[i].setVisible(true);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				var sp:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("player");
-				if (flg_show_comment) {
-					sp.data.nocomment = 2;
-					flg_show_comment = false;
-				} else {
-					sp.data.nocomment = 1;
-					flg_show_comment = true;
-				}
-				sp.flush();
-			}
-			public function onChangeHSlider():void {  
-				if (flg_mp3) {
-					// 一旦止めて、再生位置を指定して再開する
-					song.stop();
-					song = soundFactory.play(flvSeek.value * 1000);
-					// 一旦停止すると音量が戻るので設定し直す				
-					set_volume();
-				} else {
-					if (flvSeek.value < myVid.bytesLoaded) {
-						myVid.playheadTime = flvSeek.value;
-					}
-				}
-				draw_time();
-				//draw_progress_image();
-				reset_comments();				
-			} 
-			public function reset_comments():void {
-				for (var i:int = 0; i < max_num_of_comment; i++) {
-					if (swfs[i] != null) {
-						swfs[i].setVisible(false);
-						removeChild(swfs[i]);
-						swfs[i] = null;
-					}
-					if (comments[i]) {
-						var v:Number;
-						if (flvSeek.value == 0) {
-						 	v = 0;
-						} else {
-							v = flvSeek.value * 1000;
-						}
-						comments[i].flg_show = false;
-						if (comments[i].comment_time < v) { 
-							comments[i].flg_used = true;
-						} else {
-							comments[i].flg_used = false;
-						}
-						comments[i].set_x(550);
-						if (avatars[i]) {
-							avatars[i].x = 550 - avatar_size;
-						}
-					}
-				}				
-			}
-			public function click_stop():void {
-				if (flg_mp3) {
-					song.stop();
-					song_stat = 0;
-				} else {
-					myVid.stop();
-				}
-				if (timer != null) {
-					timer.stop();
-					timer = null;
-				}
-				flvSeek.value = 0;
-				reset_comments();
-			}
-			public function onMouseOver():void {
-				flg_focus_flv_seek = true;
-			}
-			public function onMouseOut():void {
-				flg_focus_flv_seek = false;
-			}
-			public function show_comment(com:CommentLabel):void {
-				if (com.has_swf) {
-					var url:String = null;
-					var flg_random:String = '';
-					if (com.sp_cmd == 1) {
-						url = Application.application.parameters.spcmd1_url;
-						flg_random =  Application.application.parameters.spcmd1r;
-					} else if (com.sp_cmd == 2) {
-						url = Application.application.parameters.spcmd2_url;
-						flg_random =  Application.application.parameters.spcmd2r;
-					} else if (com.sp_cmd == 3) {
-						url = Application.application.parameters.spcmd3_url;
-						flg_random =  Application.application.parameters.spcmd3r;
-					}
-					if (url != '') {
-						com.swf = new Image();
-						com.swf.load(url);
-						com.swf.x = 0;
-						if (flg_random == "1") {
-							com.swf.y = com.y + 25;
-						} else {
-							com.swf.y = 0;
-						}
-						if (flg_show_comment == 1) {
-							com.swf.setVisible(true);
-						} else {
-							com.swf.setVisible(false);
-						}
-						addChild(com.swf);
-						swfs[com.my_id] = com.swf;
-					}
-				}
-				com.flg_show = true;
-				com.flg_used = true;
-			}
-private function url_decode(url:String):String {
-	var out:String = '';
-	var s:String = '';
-	var p:Number = 0;
-	var map:Array = new Array();
-	map['26'] = '&';
-	map['2F'] = '/';
-	map['3A'] = ':'; 
-	map['3D'] = '='; 
-	map['3F'] = '?'; 
-	while (true) {
-		s = url.substr(p, 1);
-		if (s == '%') {
-			var t1:String = url.substr(p + 1, 2);
-			out += '' + map[t1];
-			p += 3;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (s == '') {
-			break;
-		}
-		out += s;
-		p++;
-		if (200 < p) {
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return out;
-		]]>
-	</mx:Script>
-	<!-- ビデオ画面 -->
-	<mx:VideoDisplay id="myVid" height="384" width="512" source="" /> 
-	<!-- 停止ボタン-->
-   	<mx:Button label="Stop" click="click_stop();" x="113" y="392" id="stop_button"/>
-   	<!-- 再生スライダー-->
-   	<mx:HSlider id="flvSeek" x="173.65" y="398"  maximum="{myVid.totalTime}"
-   		mouseOver="onMouseOver();" mouseOut="onMouseOut();"
-   		change="onChangeHSlider();"  height="20" width="215"/>
-   	<!--音量スライダー -->
-    <mx:HSlider x="464" y="422" width="38" id="volSeek" change="change_vol(volSeek.value);"  minimum="0" maximum="100" height="20"/>
-    <!-- 再生&停止ボタン -->
-    <mx:Button x="10" y="392" label="Play&amp;Pause" id="play_pause" click="play_and_pause();" />
-    <!-- コメント入力 -->
-    <mx:TextInput x="10" y="420" width="266" id="comment_text" maxChars="200" editable="true" enabled="true"/>
-    <!-- コメント投稿 -->
-    <mx:Button x="284" y="420" label="submit" id="submit" click="click_submit();"/>
-    <!-- 時間 -->
-    <mx:Text x="396" y="394" text="00:00/00:00" width="91" color="#FFFFFF" id="time_count"/>
-    <!-- プログレスバー -->
-    <mx:Image x="181" y="392" width="200" height="9" id="progress_image" themeColor="#FFFFFF" alpha="0.78"/>
-    <!-- コメント表示/非表示ボタン-->
-    <mx:Button x="357" y="420" label="No Comment" id="no_comment" click="toggle_comment();"/>

Deleted: trunk/cinemaru/flash/player.tgz
(Binary files differ)

Added: trunk/cinemaru/flash/player.zip
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: trunk/cinemaru/flash/player.zip
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Cinemaru-svn メーリングリストの案内
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