Donny Holt
2006年 2月 27日 (月) 17:16:46 JST
DKDY Price Climbs 16.8% and Volume Up 802% Since Wed, After New Agreements take Effect. Two Day Trading Stats Pr0filed: Dark Dynamite Inc. Sect0r: Consumer Goods Sym b01: D K D Y Wed Low: $1.01 Trading High: $1.40 Clo se: $1.18 Price Increase: 16.8% Volume Incre ase: 802% DKDY has another exciting build in volume and price over the last two trading days. After recent announcements of agreements with travel agencies specializing China travel to feature E-Pang Palace Packages, investor interest has continued to climb again in expectation of price and volumes jumps that this stock has already shown us over the last 2 months. As expected we have seen the price climb from a low of $1.01 on Wed. to a high of $1.40 on Friday. Closing the day at $1.18, an increase of 16.8% over Wed, We expect continuing rises on Monday, especially after hearing that we will indeed have a news release early next week concerning new progress in there current projects. Wed H eadlines: Travel Agencies Launch E-Pang Palace Package, Bookings are being filled for 3rd Quarter '06 Recent news Release informed investors that agreements were made with 25 Travel agencies, specializing in travel packages for China, would now be promoting the E-Pang Palace Theme Park with there existing packages. This agreement is now in effect and bookings are being made for Sept '06 travel season. Full details are expected in an official news release next week. Re view: Jump on DKDY on Monday before the New release Hits and take advantage of the ROI. Have A Great Weekend And Good T rading Next Week.