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michial Montingelli Monti****@sid*****
2007年 8月 14日 (火) 17:33:25 JST

H_u_g,e N+e w_s To Impa,ct C+Y,T*V 

C'hina Y-ouTV C.o,r,p,. 
S.ymbol: C.Y*T*V 

We h'a+v+e alre_ady s e.e.n CY+TV's marke*t impa ct b,efore climbi n'g to o'v*e.r $2.0 0 w i t-h n-e*w.s'. 

Pr*ess Release : 
Chi'na Y_ouTV's CnBo-o W_e,b S*i't+e Ran+ks N,o_._1 on Mi_cro soft L_i,v+e Sea+rch Eng,ine 

C+nBoo Traf+fic I_ncreas.es 4_9 % O+v,e.r T+w+o Month's 

R_e,a_d t'h*e ne-ws, t hink abo,ut t_h+e i,mpact, and

j,u m+p on t-h_i's f+irst thin_g Tom,or+row mor,nin*g!  $0..42 is a g,i,f,t at t_h,i+s pri ce...... 

Do y'o_u,r hom_e.work a n-d wat,ch t.h,i+s tr.ade Mond*ay mor.ning. 

B'e a.r Ste,arns U S.A 199-6In_dustry Financ*e 2 5_6 38*000 4096.0 4.9-1'8 3+0*2,. 

F*o,r informa,+tion a_bout t h-e u*s.e of h_a,s h co*des, s'e e,. 

L+o*o'k f,o r n+e_w tale'nt. 
AutoRu-n w+i+l.l n+o-t r_u+n an-yt_hing w*h_e+n it enc_ou,nters a f.i.l-e Autorun+. 
A,udio M IXAPP Samp+le mixe,r a,pplicat.ion. 

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