论坛: ユーザフォーラム (Thread #39655)

box.def #SKINPATH100 (2018-06-07 11:38 by joe21121 #81458)

how to set skin to song folder

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Re: box.def #SKINPATH100 (2018-06-07 23:21 by yyagi #81467)

Here is an example of box.def file

#TITLE: yyagi's DTX Files
#ARTIST: yyagi
;#PREIMAGE: preimage.jpg
;#PREMOVIE: premovie.av
;#PREVIEW: preview.wav
#SKINPATH100: yyagiSkin100

and here is the example of folder structure.
(Put the box.def file in the folder named SomeDTXFolder,
and make yyagiSkin100 folder (skin folder) in it.
It's the simplest folder structure, but you can specify relative path
in #SKINPATH100 entry.)

+yyagiSkin100 # any names are available
| resources.csv
- box.def

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