Download List


Escuelas Linux is a free educational distribution, aimed from preschool to high schools.

It is a distribution that offers, as part of the setup, one user account completely configured, up to the last details. A user does not need to download any file, modify file configurations nor compile anything. Every app came included and ready to work for educational environments.


作业系统: Linux

Download Package list

Escuelas Linux 32-bit (1 items )

发布: 2021-10-27 17:23
8.2 (7 files 隐藏)

Escuelas Linux 64-bit (1 items )

发布: 2021-07-04 06:13
8.2 (7 files 隐藏)

Escuelas Linux Developer Pack (1 items )

发布: 2021-04-17 12:21
8.2 (2 files 隐藏)

Escuelas Linux LowMem 32-bit (1 items )

发布: 2021-02-12 21:10
8.2 (7 files 隐藏)