[exerb-eng:0041] Re: A silly question about 'rbw' vs. 'rb'

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Yuya Kato yuya****@katod*****
Mon Feb 2 17:57:54 JST 2004

On Sun, 1 Feb 2004 23:38:28 -0700
"Rich" <hkmps****@hotma*****> wrote:

> Why does the console window still show up in the compiled version - even
> though I used the RBW extension to compile from?
Exerb does not look an extension.

> "set_core_by_name gui"
> Is that something I can have mkexr add automatically - or does exerb do it?
A core is chosen by hand always.

> That makes me think that I need to tell exerb which corefile to use...
> but then why would it be a line in the EXR file?
You can specify a core by five way.

1. command line: exerb -c <core's name>
2. command line: exerb -C <core's file path>
3. recipe: set_core_by_name <core's name>
4. recipe: set_core_by_filename <core's file name>
5. recipe: set_core_by_filepath <core's file path>

Core's name and finding path are defined in config.rb.

====== Yuya Kato ======
E-Mail yuya****@katod*****
   Web http://nuance.cc/
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