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Dashboard is a rapid application development framework. It's designed to make writing PHP faster and more secure by removing the repetitive parts of programming from the development cycle. It's suitable for many Web applications, but it is specifically designed for making Web sites that need some custom development for interaction with a database.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-07-17 20:53

Non-critical bugs were fixed. Updates from third party sources were made.

2009-05-07 11:02

内嵌JavaScript的表单验证已更新。 QuickForm执行已被抛弃和原型实现代替。分块的网页现在可以通过网页drats比他们的父母的其他激活。管理风格已更新。
Inline javascript form validation has been updated. QuickForm implementation has been discarded and prototype implementation used instead. Chunked pages can now have drats be activated by pages other than their parent. Admin styling has been updated.

2009-04-28 10:02

更仔细的安装,检查一下是否坏数据库登录信息已提供。一个inflector类,它提供的字符串操作佣工(多元化,吵嚷不休,等)。 TinyMCE的更紧密集成。表单域通过字段集分组。更好的消息时,该网站正在维护。快速完整性检查时,装载了管理仪表板。
A more careful installer check to see whether bad database login information has been provided. An inflector class that provides helpers for string manipulations (pluralization, slugging, etc.). Tighter TinyMCE integration. Form field grouping via fieldsets. Better messages when the site is down for maintenance.
Quick sanity checks when loading up the administration dashboard.

2009-04-21 06:59

This release has a re-skinned backend, optimized CSS and JavaScript, and many bugfixes. There are over 450 changes to the core since the last 2.0 release. Creation of modules is much faster and simpler.

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