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dradis is a tool for sharing information during security assessments. It provides a centralized repository of information to keep track of what has been done so far, and what is still ahead.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-02-02 14:00

此版本添加 Zed 攻击代理上传插件和视网膜网络安全扫描程序上载插件。Nessus、 尼克和 Nmap 上载插件现在是数量级速度更快。VulnDB 导入插件的添加是为了支持 VulnDB HQ 的集成。第一次用户向导进行了更新。Rails 被升级到 3.2 版本。
This release added a Retina Network Security Scanner upload plugin and a Zed Attack Proxy upload plugin. The Nessus, Nikto, and Nmap upload plugins are now orders of magnitude faster. A VulnDB import plugin was added to support VulnDB HQ integration. The First Time User's Wizard was updated. Rails was upgraded to version 3.2.

2011-10-11 06:05

此版本有更清洁的三列布局、 更聪明的 AJAX 轮询和自动更新、 新版本的 Nmap 上载插件和 Nessus 的新版本上传插件。./ 现在检查那 libxml2 已安装。修复 bug: #17、 #31、 #37、 #43 和 #48。
This release has a cleaner three-column layout, smarter AJAX polling and auto-updating, a new version of the Nmap upload plugin, and a new version of the Nessus upload plugin. ./ now checks that libxml2 is installed. Bugs fixed: #17, #31, #37, #43, and #48.

2011-04-20 06:08

此版本有一个增强的命令与Thor行API。一个新的配置管理器来处理所有插件的配置设置。一个新的上传管理器通过AJAX运行在后台上传和更新的接口。新的插件:Metasploit的进口; NeXpose上传; OpenVAS上传; SureCheck上传; w3af上传;和Web开发框架(wXf)上传(XML的。)(XML的。)(资深大律师。)(XML的。)。在Nessus的插件支持。Nessus的v2的。 Vuln::DB的进口已被更新,以支持最新的版本。错误修正:#2888332和#2973256。 Rails已经被更新到3.0.6。
This release has an improved command line API with Thor. A new Configuration Manager to handle all plugin config settings. A new Upload Manager that runs uploads in the background and updates the interface through AJAX. New plugins: Metasploit import; NeXpose (.xml) upload; OpenVAS (.xml) upload; SureCheck (.sc) upload; w3af (.xml) upload; and Web Exploitation Framework (wXf) upload. The Nessus plugin supports .nessus v2. Vuln::DB import has been updated to support the latest release. Bugs fixed: #2888332 and #2973256. Rails has been updated to 3.0.6.

2010-02-05 22:23

该说明编辑器(纺织)得到改善。一个HTML的出口增加了插件生产HTML格式的报告。阿日高上传插件增加了。阿打嗝上传插件增加了。 “第一时间用户向导”引入了改进。你可以掌握所有与内置的RSS提要活动的轨道。新耙任务是补充说:dradis:备份。耙dradis:重置现在创建了一个默认情况下,项目的备份。耙dradis:重置现在清除旧的日志文件。在Nmap的上传插件数据结构进行了改进。已升级的ExtJS的3.0和Rails 2.3.5库。修正了已知错误。
The Note editor (Textile) was improved. An HTML export plugin was added for producing reports in HTML format. A Nikto Upload plugin was added. A Burp Upload plugin was added. The "First Time User Wizard" introduction was improved. You can keep track of all the activity with the built-in RSS feed. A new Rake task was added: dradis:backup. Rake dradis:reset now creates a backup of the project by default. Rake dradis:reset now clears the old log files. The structure of the Nmap Upload plugin data was improved. The ExtJS 3.0 and Rails 2.3.5 libraries were upgraded. Bugs were fixed.

2009-11-01 23:36

This release fixes several bugs in the client and server components.

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