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Emerde is a port of Gentoo's portage system that
installs, removes, updates, and maintains your
system rapidly and easily. On Slackware, it
cooperates with the package database and allows
you to install .tgz files directly using
dependency checking.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-08-30 22:33

波蒂奇已更新到2.0.50 -汐版本。 Semerde.stop已创建。它是在运行级别启动0和6关闭所有程序由rc.emerde在系统启动的时间。一个RSYNC_URL选项已被添加到安装程序。它允许下载到另一台机器的搬运。该波蒂奇可以做到同步使用另一个已经做到了机。 pkg2por更为准确:如果没有找到合适的版本的ebuild,它就会下载它。 - upgradepkg被添加到emerde。使用此选项,所有installpkg行动将使用upgradepkg代替。
标签: Major feature enhancements
Portage was updated to the 2.0.50-r9 version. Semerde.stop was created. It is launched at runlevel 0 and 6 to shut down all the programs started by rc.emerde at boot time. An RSYNC_URL option has been added to the installation procedure. It permits downloading the portage from another machine. The syncing of the portage can be done using another machine that has already done it. pkg2por is more accurate: if it doesn't find the right version ebuild, it downloads it. --upgradepkg was added to emerde. With this option, all the installpkg operations will use upgradepkg instead.

2004-06-25 13:54

在- searchinstalled选择加入,只过滤器安装在搜索结果的软件包。阿- showdepend选项增加,表明了依赖的搜索方案。 - fclean增加了,迫使汇编的目录清洗。这是很有用重新启动中断的汇编,而不是继续它。此版本还修复了安装错误造成的- noslack。各种错误修正和代码清理了言。
标签: Major feature enhancements
The --searchinstalled option was added, which only filters
installed packages in the search result. A --showdepend
option was added, which shows the dependencies of the
searched package. --fclean was added, forcing the cleaning
of the compilation's directory. This is useful to restart an
interrupted compilation instead of continuing it. This release
also fixes an installation bug caused by --noslack. Various
bugfixes and code cleanups were also made.

2004-05-03 11:37

在pkg2por修改时间臭虫软件包,并没有真正未合并installpkg安装是固定的。阿- showcontents选择,显示内容搜索一揽子补充说,portage.py已更新到版本2.0.50 - R6的。疲弱,等更新的工具,处理Slackware的配置文件更新的创建,以及- maketgzcont的选择,可以从已安装的软件包的tgz包加入。一个卸载- emerde脚本创建的-入狱模式进行了改进。该计划现在关键兼容,能够协调与搬运最关键的DB。各种错误也得到了修复。
标签: Major feature enhancements
An mtime bug in pkg2por where packages installed with
installpkg weren't really unmerged was fixed. A
--showcontents option that shows the contents of the
searched package was added, and was updated to
version 2.0.50-r6. A Slack-etc-update tool that handles the
Slackware configuration file updates was created, and a
--maketgzcont option that creates TGZ packages from
packages already installed was added. An uninstall-emerde
script was created and the --jailed mode was improved. The
program is now crux compatible and can coordinate the crux's
DB with the portage. Various bugs were fixed.

2004-04-13 14:48

该无懈可击脚本创建。此脚本更新所有的包有suid的二进制文件。gcc的版本检查是固定的。安装一个小错误,complete.sh固定处理的事实/ usr /斌/线并不是所有的分布存在。
标签: Major feature enhancements
The invulnerable script was created. This script
updates all the packages which have suid binaries.
The gcc version check was fixed. A small bug in was fixed to deal with the
fact that /usr/bin/line isn't present in all

2004-04-10 01:12

/ sbin / depscan.sh已被添加到解决启动脚本的依赖关系。您必须有gawk安装。 initd - CFG桩得到了改善:用户可以激活/停用在/ etc所有脚本/ init.d /单一的选择。 rc.emerde现在执行的“开始”,“停止”和“重新启动”的要求。一个rc.emerde.1男子网页已加入。
标签: Minor feature enhancements
/sbin/ has been added to fix boot script dependencies. You must have gawk installed. initd-cfg has been improved: the user can activate/deactivate all the scripts in /etc/init.d/ with a single choice. rc.emerde now executes the "start", "stop", and "restart" requests. An rc.emerde.1 man page has been added.

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