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JamochaMUD offers Unicode, plug-in, and multi-language support (8 different languages) to allow a more enjoyable MUCKing/MUDding experience. It features command history, synchronized window controls, experimental SOCKS 5 support, and greatly improved ANSI colour support. It plays nice on Unix systems, supports a wide range of MU*s, and also includes emulation of some TinyFugue editor controls. JamochaMUD includes classes that may be easily reused in other Java applications.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-03-12 03:14

此版本添加了允许玩家可以录制和播放回行走方向的贡献的 PathWalker 插件。它还具有各种规模较小的代码修复。
标签: plug-in, gui.minor, Stable
This release adds a contributed PathWalker plug-in that allows players to record and play back walking directions. It also features various smaller code fixes.

2010-11-12 19:09

这个版本修正下降文字和失踪的超链接。 JamochaMUD现在部分支持MXP产品(泥扩展协议)。
标签: FIX, Stable, GUI
This version fixes dropped text and missing hyperlinks. JamochaMUD now partially supports MXP (MUD eXtension Protocol).

2009-12-21 08:26

此版本侧重于增加更多的Mac类似行为JamochaMUD时,在Mac OS X,包括使用适当的菜单加速器运行(如命令键),并使用Mac OS系统菜单,而不是Windows风格的框架菜单。
标签: Stable, GUI improvement, Java, mud client, Feature Enhancements, Mac OS X
This release focuses on adding more Mac-like behavior to JamochaMUD when run on Mac OS X, including using proper menu accelerators (such as the Command key) and using the Mac OS system menu instead of the Windows-style frame menu.

2009-11-23 13:43

标签: Stable, Accessibility, GUI
This release works toward better accessibility features, making JamochaMUD more useful with software such as screen readers. It has additional code clean-up and enhancements.

2009-08-14 02:47

此版本实现了袜子连接的解决方法。 JamochaMUD现在将提供更多信息的消息时,它无法连接到服务器。的字符自动登录已得到修复后,因疏忽在以前的版本禁用。
标签: Stable
This release implements a fix for SOCKS connections. JamochaMUD will now give more informative messages when it fails to connect to a server. Automatic login for characters has been fixed after it was inadvertently disabled in a previous release.

Project Resources