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KForge is a stable, enterprise application for project hosting. KForge provisions project services on-demand and controls access with a robust, role-based, single sign-on access controller. Project services include version control systems (e.g. Git, Mercurial, Subversion); project frameworks with mechanisms to plan and track work (e.g. Trac); wikis and mailing lists (e.g. MoinMoin, Mailman); and content management systems and blogs (e.g. Joomla, Wordpress). KForge also provides a complete Web interface for administration of project members and services, as well as a fully-developed plugin system so that new kinds of services can be added easily.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-08-15 09:51

大量的改进和修正补丁了。KForge现在运行在一个虚拟主机,并可以安装了爆炸地点。根使用uri_prefix。安装过程是使用setuptools的简化。阿错误,使非授权用户可以发出POST请求是固定的。对于内部时间戳时区现在是设置是否正确。的TRAC“= 0.10支持。测试过程重构和完善。
标签: Major feature enhancements
Substantial improvements and bugfixes were made.
KForge now runs on a single virtual host and can
be mounted off the site. The root uses uri_prefix.
The installation process was simplified by using
setuptools. A bug whereby non-authorised users
could issue post requests was fixed. The time zone
for internal time stamps is now set correctly.
Trac >= 0.10 is supported. The test process was
refactored and improved.

2007-01-08 13:28

WordPress和邮差插件增加了。主要KForge的TRAC,如应用系统集成的子系统进行了改进。进入站点和服务的速度是大大改善(约10倍)。 “记住我”支持,登录上网。 “忘记密码”的支持增加了。其它与postgresql数据库比现在支持,包括MySQL。阿“通知”插件已添加到通知,如用户注册和项目创建活动的系统管理员。改进的可用性设置了大量的Web界面。核心代码被分离出来成为一个单独的可重复使用的名为包“domainmodel”。
标签: Major feature enhancements
Wordpress and Mailman plugins were added.
Integration of the main KForge system with
subsystem applications such as trac was improved.
Speed of access to the site and services was
greatly improved (by about 10 times). "Remember
me" support when logging in was added. "Forgot
password" support was added. Databases other than
PostgreSQL are now supported, including MySQL. A
"Notify" plugin was added to notify system
administrators of events such as user registration
and project creation. A substantial set of
usability improvements were made to the Web
interface. Core code was factored out into a
separate reusable package named "domainmodel".

2006-07-04 22:22

一个系统管理界面在/管理/。一个完全重写的网络接口的代码更简单和更清洁。扩大和改善文件。 DAV的访问是全功能,并且有访问控制修复:门票11,8,15和16。命令行接口已经被改写,集中在kforge,管理员。支持的TRAC“= 0.9(同时保持支持的TRAC 0.8)。为发展和改进的系统管理员登录的目的。其他轻微修正/改进:门票1,5,和3。
标签: Major feature enhancements
A system administration interface at /admin/. A complete rewrite of the Web interface code to be simpler and cleaner. Expanded and improved documentation. DAV access is fully functional, and there are fixes to access control: tickets 11, 8, 15, and 16. The command line interface has been rewritten and centralized in kforge-admin. Support for trac >= 0.9 (while maintaining support for trac 0.8). Improved logging for development and sysadmin purposes. Other minor fixes/improvements: tickets 1, 5, and 3.

2006-03-27 19:27

标签: Major feature enhancements
An improved and refactored access control system. Single sign-on to administration and services. Easier browsing of projects and users. Optional captcha functionality to prevent registration spamming. An auto-rebuild of the Web server configuration to allow immediate access to created services.

2006-01-14 00:49

标签: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources