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KnProxy is a small PHP based Web proxy that makes use of the cURL module built into PHP. It uses limited server resources while still maintaining performance. KnProxy is aimed to be easy to use and does not inject information into Web pages. It returns the Web page as is, only changing the links to the resources to be proxied. The URL is obfuscated to prevent tracking or URL filtering. KnProxy has extended support for AJAX calls and JavaScript. This tool can be useful in places where the Internet is not as free as intended. It is also good for bypassing school or office firewalls. It is especially optimized to get past the GFW of China.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-04-04 21:24

分析器被重构,并增强。JavaScript 解析支持已得到改善。新的分析方法将打破较少的 Javascript 脚本和希望做更多工作的 AJAX 调用。与相关的 websockets 备用模式的几个 bug 已修复。新的加密基本密钥已投入效果。
标签: Parser, JS, WebSockets
The parser has been refactored and enhanced. JavaScript parsing support has been improved. The new parsing method will break fewer Javascript scripts and hopefully make more AJAX calls work. A few bugs related to the websockets fallback mode have been fixed. A new encryption base key has been put into effect.

2011-11-13 09:16

增加了对客户端缓存的支持。加强 mime 类型确定解析了要跳过的二进制文件。增加了对 Web 套接字模式的支持有限。添加了新的"流模式"来解决的问题,下载文件,超过 PHP 的 MEMORY_LIMIT 时。此版本修复了 cookie 管理器的一些问题。
标签: knHTTP, Parser, cookie manager, Beta, cache, MIME
Support for client-side caching was added. Mime-type-determined parsing was enhanced to skip binary files. Limited support for Web Sockets mode was added. A new "Stream Mode" was added to fix problems when downloading files which exceed PHP's MEMORY_LIMIT. This release fixes some problems with the cookie manager.

2011-10-17 06:59

此版本添加了可通过有关访问 cookie 管理器: cookie。它还改进了对饼干和到期时间的支持。一些旧的代码已经被删除,和页面加密设置已被移动到 conf 文件。此版本引入了 3 个引用站点模式: 伪,禁用和汽车。
标签: knHTTP, Parser, encryption, page encryption, cookies
This version adds a cookie manager accessible through about:cookies. It also improves support for cookies and expiry times. Some old code has been removed, and the page encryption setting has been moved into the conf file. This version introduces 3 'REFERER' modes: pseudo, disable, and auto.

2011-10-07 23:14

此版本修复 bug 在 URL 解析时处理转义 & (SF #3419799) 的 Url。它修复了一个 http 请求模块中的错字哪些受影响的内容-处置标头的分析,几个索引未定义的错误在严格模式下 PHP 运行时。
标签: url, knHTTP
This release fixes a bug in the URL parser when dealing with URLs with escaped ampersands (SF#3419799). It fixes a typo in the http request module which affected parsing of Content-Disposition headers and several index undefined errors when running in strict mode PHP.

2011-09-19 03:16

标签: url, encryption
This release fixes a serious loophole in the encryption module of sending the address unencrypted alongside encrypted addresses. It raises the upper bound of the random encryption key generator from 10 to 255. It fixes a bug in the URL parser on special conditions where there is no path in the relative URL.

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