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Loadbars is a small script that can be used to observe CPU loads of several remote servers at once in real time. It connects with SSH (using SSH public/private key auth) to several servers at once and vizualizes all server CPUs and memory statistics right next each other (either summarized or each core separately). Loadbars is not a tool for collecting CPU loads and drawing graphs for later analysis. However, since such tools require a significant amount of time before producing results, Loadbars lets you observe the current state immediately. Loadbars does not remember or record any load information. It just shows the current CPU usages like top or vmstat does.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-03-17 06:46

这可以修复一个严重的 bug 发生上退出: 太多 Pid 被终止。
This fixes a nasty bug that occurred on quit: too many PIDs were terminated.

2012-03-16 20:47

这只修复错误的释放滴眼液 FreeBSD 支持 (现在的焦点是 Linux ;FreeBSD 可能回来以后),终止的所有子进程立即关机 (此功能需要在 Proc::ProcessTable 模块中安装),并不会退出 loadbars,如果 ~/.loadbarsrc 不能被覆盖。
This bugfix-only release drops FreeBSD support (the focus for now is Linux; FreeBSD might come back later), terminates all sub-processes instantly on shutdown (this feature needs the Proc::ProcessTable module to be installed), and doesn't quit loadbars if ~/.loadbarsrc cannot be overwritten.

2012-02-26 07:08

此版本添加配置文件支持 (~/.loadbarsrc)。它是可能要配置你发现 — — 任何选项帮助没有前导"— —"。评论,只是使用"#"符号。此版本还添加了热键"w"(它将当前的设置写入到配置文件中),删除不需要 — — 标题选项,清理代码,并修复 bug。
This release adds configuration file support (~/.loadbarsrc). It's possible to configure any option you find in --help without the leading "--". For comments, just use the "#" sign. This release also adds the hotkey "w" (which writes current settings to the configuration file), removes the unneeded --title option, cleans the code, and fixes bugs.

2012-02-05 01:17

此版本添加了统计数据的基本内存和交换使用 (-showmem 选项或 m 热键),删除 — — 宽度和 — — 除选项,添加 (每个栏现在是 barwidth 像素) — — barwidth 选项,将自动添加一个 — — maxwidth 选项 (在代表最大总窗口宽度),将禁用文本显示如果文本不适合窗口 (maxwidth) 像素为单位),自动重新启用文本显示如果文本不会再适合窗口"右"键增加窗口宽度由 100px 和"左"减少它 100 像素、 造就"向下"增加窗口高度由 100 像素和"向上"减少它由 100 像素、 重置的"样本"默认值从 1 到 500,000,适用错误修正。
This release adds stats for rudimentary memory and swap usage (the --showmem option or m hotkey), removes the --width and --inter options, adds a --barwidth option (each bar is barwidth pixels now), adds a --maxwidth option (which represents the maximum total window width), automatically disables the text display if the text does not fit the window (maxwidth) pixels, automatically re-enables the text display if the text does fit the window again, makes the "right" key increase the window width by 100px and "left" decrease it 100px, makes "down" increase the window height by 100px and "up" decrease it by 100px, resets the "samples" default values from 1,000 down to 500, and applies bugfixes.

2012-01-30 05:36

此版本修复了一些文档错字、 有一些代码清理 (已被 4 空格取代选项卡),并有轻微错误修正。
This release fixes some documentation typos, has some code cleanup (tabs have been replaced by 4 whitespaces), and has minor bugfixes.

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