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The Message Multiplexer (MMX) application will get a message from a WebSphere MQ queue and output it to one or more queues. Context information is maintained across the message put(s). MMX can move messages from a single source queue to (up to) 99 target queues. Messages put to each target queue are an exact replicate of the original message from the source queue (including the message's MQMD). MMX performs each MQGET and the subsequent "n" MQPUT(s) under a Unit of Work (UOW), so that message integrity is kept.


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2011-04-13 06:38

此版本增加了一个GetWithConvert关键字。它增强了提交/回退处理。二进制文件/可执行文件已经被创建(32位和64位)为所有主要平台:在AIX,HP - UX上的IA - 64,HP - UX上的RISC,IBM的我(的OS/400),Linux x86的,电源,Linux上的Linux在zSeries,Solaris SPARC上,x86_64上的Solaris,Windows和z / OS上。
This release adds a GetWithConvert keyword. It has enhanced commit/backout processing. Binaries/executables have been created (32-bit and 64-bit) for all major platforms: AIX, HP-UX IA-64, HP-UX RISC, IBM i (OS/400), Linux x86, Linux on POWER, Linux on zSeries, Solaris SPARC, Solaris x86_64, Windows, and z/OS.

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