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MiniINI is an INI/CFG file parsing library with a focus on portability, speed, and minimalism. The goal is not to support thousands of convenient extensions to the INI format, but to be easy to set up and use, and to be as fast as possible.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-07-14 07:33

教程和API文档被改写,以提高可读性。分配器,ini文件和日志记录的代码被重构。基准测试和回归测试的代码被重写,希望改善可维护性,在Python 3.1脚本被改写。也有一些小的错误修正。
标签: Stable, Major
Tutorials and API docs were rewritten to improve readability. Allocator, INIFile, and logging code was refactored. Benchmarking and regression testing code was rewritten, hopefully improving maintainability, and scripts were rewritten in Python 3.1. There were also some small bugfixes.

2010-06-11 16:51

超过部分和标签迭代的INI现在支持,并就其使用教程。 int和float解析现在使用自定义函数,而不是strtol / strtof。这将导致加速(〜11%的平均),但删除十六进制,八进制整数,科学记数法的支持花车。还有一些小错误修正和重构工作。
标签: Stable, Major
Iteration over INI sections and tags is now supported, with a tutorial on its usage. Int and float parsing now uses custom functions instead of strtol/strtof. This results in speedup (~11% on average) but removes support for hexadecimal, octal integers, and scientific notation of floats. There was also some refactoring work and minor bugfixes.

2010-06-04 19:26

标签: Stable, Minor
This release fixes a memory leak in INISection::ArraySize(), fixes conflicts with windows.h, and fixes some minor bugs. Note that setting up MiniINI with disabled STL support is now done differently. If you're already using MiniINI with STL support disabled, check the tutorial on that in the package or on the MiniINI Website.

2010-04-11 15:18

标签: Stable, Major
This release finally adds support for tags with multiple values, and continues the trend of refactoring and polishing MiniINI code. Documentation has also seen many improvements, especially the new series of tutorials describing all MiniINI features.

2010-02-28 05:51

此版本附带有波兰多数,更多的重构代码和错误修正。现在还可以配置名称=值分隔符(“=默认”),读/ cfg文件:所有标签headerless的INI前第一(如果有)加载到头获得一个默认部分。
标签: Stable, Major
This release comes mostly with additional polish, more refactored code, and bugfixes. It is now also possible to configure the name=value separator character ("=" by default) and read headerless ini/cfg files: all tags before the first (if any) header get loaded to a default section.

Project Resources