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MyMediaLite is a lightweight, multi-purpose library of recommender system algorithms. It addresses the two most common scenarios in collaborative filtering: rating prediction (e.g. on a scale of 1 to 5 stars), and item prediction from implicit feedback (e.g. from clicks or purchase actions). It contains dozens of recommender engines, including state-of-the-art matrix factorization methods. It also supports real-time updates to the recommender engines, storing engines to disk and reloading them again, and several evaluation measures to compare the accuracy of different recommender system methods. Three command-line programs that offer most of the functionality contained in the library are included.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-12-31 04:14

重要变化: 折中支持的 UserKNN 项目的建议 ;不太详细评价输出 ;和许多错误修正。
Important changes: fold-in support for UserKNN for item recommendation; less verbose evaluation output; and many bugfixes.

2012-03-03 23:45

浮法 (32 位) 现在而不是双 (64 位) 用来存储额定值和模型参数。增量更新 API 现在可以同时接受几个反馈事件。添加了一个新的 SVD + + 评级预测。LogisticRegressionMatrixFactorization 和 MultiCoreMatrixFactorization 被合并到 BiasedMatrixFactorization。有很多小的增强功能和修复程序,和抛光。
Float (32-bit) is now used instead of double (64-bit) to store ratings and model parameters. The incremental update API now accepts several feedback events at once. A new SVD++ rating predictor was added. LogisticRegressionMatrixFactorization and MultiCoreMatrixFactorization were merged into BiasedMatrixFactorization. There were many small enhancements and fixes, and polishing.

2012-01-15 11:06

相似性计算现在速度更快,占用更少的内存。此版本添加了新的评级预测评价标准生物多样性公约 (上限二项式越轨行为),新推荐 (MultiCoreBPRMF 和 LogisticRegressionMatrixFactorization) 和错误修正和其他改进为推荐单位或 BPRMF、 MultiCoreMatrixFactorization、 TimeAwareBaseline、 UserItemBaseline、 ItemKNNCosine。
Similarity computations are now faster and consume less memory. This release adds the new rating prediction evaluation criterion CBD (capped binomial deviance), new recommenders (MultiCoreBPRMF and LogisticRegressionMatrixFactorization), and bugfixes and other improvements for the recommenders BPRMF, MultiCoreMatrixFactorization, TimeAwareBaseline, UserItemBaseline, and ItemKNNCosine.

2011-11-30 07:13

现在建立没有 IDE。命令行工具: 在 Unix ; 易于部署的脚本可执行文件的名称更改为较低的情况下 ;选项来忽略一个文件的第一行。F # 和简化的示例在 C#、 Python 和 Ruby 中的新范例。评价方法是调用要容易得多。有一个新的基线评级预测: 共同聚类。有错误修正和其他为 BPRMF、 MultiCoreMatrixFactorization、 TimeAwareBaseline、 KNN 的改进。
Can now be built without an IDE. Command line tools: scripts for easy deployment on Unix; executable names changed to lower case; an option to ignore the first line of a file. New examples in F# and simplified examples in C#, Python, and Ruby. Evaluation methods are much easier to call. There is a new baseline rating predictor: co-clustering. There are bugfixes and other improvements for BPRMF, MultiCoreMatrixFactorization, TimeAwareBaseline, and KNN.

2011-11-15 08:10

标签: Bugfixes
A crash in the item recommendation tool has been fixed.

Project Resources