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MyNotex is software for taking notes, filing documents, and managing activities. Notes are gathered under different subjects and consist of a title, a date, a tag (keywords) list, and a free-length text. It is possible to change the font, style, color and background color, and to embed pictures. The software can manage paragraph alignment, bullets, and numbered and alphabetic lists with automatic indentation. Each note may have any number of attachments of any type, and there is also a spreadsheet-like grid for managing a list of activities, which is quite similar to those used in project management software. A single MyNotex file contains various notes filed in different subjects.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-11-13 07:47

此发布将乳胶格式中复制选定的文本说明的将作为默认电子邮件软件通过电子邮件发送一份说明,可以导出 (或不) 在 HTML 文件中,注意到的日期,添加新的快捷方式,并修复 bug。
This release copies selected text of a note in LaTeX format, sends a note as email through the default email software, can export (or not) the dates of the notes in the HTML file, adds new shortcuts, and fixes bugs.

2012-05-08 21:32

此版本添加,注意到,存储的附件目录中的文本中插入图像的能力。可以缩放的文本。可以插入"活动要做"和"活动做"符号。图标和弹出菜单提供了剪切、 复制副本作为 HTML 和粘贴。添加了一个函数用于将当前便笺发送到浏览器 (用于打印)。很多 bug 被固定。
标签: Stable, Major
This release added the ability to insert images in the text of the notes, stored in the directory of attachments. Text can be zoomed. "activity to do" and "activity done" symbols can be inserted. Icons and a popup menu were provided for cut, copy, copy as HTML, and paste. A function for sending the current note to the browser (for printing) was added. Many bugs were fixed.

2011-12-11 08:24

此版本添加了段落的对齐方式、 缩进的列表、 背景颜色的文本,打开或关闭文件时激活自动同步的能力,激活透明度的形式,将一份说明链接到另一个注意,具有拖放 (也更多文件一次)、 附件的能力的水平的能力搜索日期和很多的一些 bug 修正范围内。
标签: Major, Stable
This release adds
paragraph alignment and indentation of lists,
background color of the text,
the ability to activate automatic synchronization when a file is opened or closed,
the ability to activate a level of transparency of the forms,
the ability to link a note to another note,
attachments with drag-and-drop (also more files at a time),
searching within dates,
and a lot of bugfixing.

2011-04-24 17:12

标签: Stable
Tomboy and Gnote notes can now be converted. If a Tomboy or Gnote note has been already imported, only its modified elements (date, text, etc.) will be changed in the file of MyNotex in use. Bookmarks were added for speedily selecting a specific note with a shortcut. Headings were added to format a paragraph quickly. A tag can be renamed or removed in all the notes of the file in use. The current date and time can be inserted in a new line with a shortcut. A link to a file, to a Web address, or to an e-mail address is now automatically recognized in the text of the notes. Bugs were fixed.

2011-01-07 19:14

A tray icon and a function to minimize to the tray were added. The manual was translated to French. Many bugs were fixed.

Project Resources