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Nettle is a cryptographic library that is designed to fit easily in more or less any context: in crypto toolkits for object-oriented languages (C++, Python, Pike, etc.), in applications like LSH or GNUPG, or even in kernel space. In most contexts, you need more than the basic cryptographic algorithms; you also need some way to keep track of available algorithms and their properties and variants. You often have some algorithm selection process, often dictated by a protocol you want to implement. And as the requirements of applications differ in subtle and not so subtle ways, an API that fits one application well can be a pain to use in a different context, which is why there are so many different cryptographic libraries around. Nettle tries to avoid this problem by doing one thing, the low-level crypto stuff, and providing a simple but general interface to it. In particular, Nettle doesn't do algorithm selection. It doesn't do memory allocation. It doesn't do any I/O. The idea is that one can build several application- and context-specific interfaces on top of Nettle and share the code, testcases, benchmarks, documentation, etc.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-03-11 19:56

每日生活已得到执行。在sexp -兑换计划被改写,变得更加强大。还有的sexp代码的其他变化,特别是更新到最新的SPKI草案。建设一个共享库荨麻(低频只)似乎工作。版本号的增加,因此,图书馆“soname”的这个版本是“”。错误修正。建设和修复的可移植性问题。
标签: Minor feature enhancements
DSA has been implemented. The sexp-conv program is rewritten and much more powerful. There are other changes to the sexp code, in particular updating it to the latest SPKI draft. Building nettle as a shared library (ELF only) seems to work. The version number is increased, so the library "soname" for this release is "". Bugfixes. Fixes for build and portability problems.

2002-10-03 13:24

此版本包括AES的优化汇编为Sparc和x86的实现。 AES的界面稍有改变。例如程序包括新的RSA -凯基,RSA的签名和RSA的验证和新的实验功能包括sexp解析和格式,以及变化的Base64编码和解码。在这些功能的接口可能会有所变化,并且只能在源代码文件。
标签: Major feature enhancements
This version includes optimized assembler implementations of AES, for Sparc and x86. The AES interface has changed slightly. New example programs include rsa-keygen, rsa-sign, and rsa-verify, and new experimental features include sexp parsing and formatting, and changes to base64 encoding and decoding. The interfaces to these functions are subject to change, and are documented only in the source code.

2002-01-31 23:05

这个版本有RSA支持,密钥生成和签名,对HMAC的支持(RFC - 2104),一个雅罗实施256 PRNG,并在手册中的新章节。哈希函数的接口已被改变。该md5_digest职能现相当于md5_final旧的序列,md5_digest和md5_init,同样为其他散列算法。这使得界面更简单。
标签: Major feature enhancements
This release has RSA support, key generation and signatures, support for HMAC (RFC-2104), an implementation of the Yarrow-256 PRNG, and new sections in the manual. The interface for hash functions has been changed. The md5_digest function is now equivalent to the old sequence of md5_final, md5_digest, and md5_init, and similarly for the other hashing algorithms. This makes the interface more simple.

2001-09-26 14:02

Twofish算法错误修复。 Des3和CBC补充。 RFC的1321一样的接口添加到nettle/md5-compat.h,并libdes式兼容接口添加到荨麻/沙漠,compat.h。
标签: Initial freshmeat announcement
Twofish bug fixed. Des3 and cbc added. RFC-1321-like interface added to nettle/md5-compat.h, and libdes-style compatibility interface added to nettle/des-compat.h.

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