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OpenCSG is a library that does image-based CSG rendering using OpenGL. CSG is short for "constructive solid geometry" and represents a modeling technique for composing shapes with 3D-primitives which are combined using volumetric boolean operations. Image-based CSG rendering means rendering CSG shapes without calculating their surface in object-space. Instead, the image of a CSG shape is composed directly in the frame-buffer of the graphics hardware by rather sophisticated stenciling and z-buffer operations.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-12-03 07:15

这是一个维护版本。它修复了几个呈现错误设置帧缓冲区对象或 PBuffers 与不寻常的 OpenGL 的可用扩展组合时。此外,调用应用程序可能现在呈现为一个帧缓冲区对象在调用 OpenCSG 时。这与前版本失败,因为 OpenCSG 没有不切换回原始帧缓冲区对象。释放还包含一些编译修补程序的 Mac OS X。
标签: Bugfixes
This is a maintenance release. It fixes a couple of rendering errors when setting up frame buffer objects or PBuffers with unusual combinations of available OpenGL extensions. Furthermore, the calling application may now render into a frame buffer object when calling OpenCSG. This failed with former versions because OpenCSG did not switch back to the original frame buffer object. The release also contains some compilation fixes for Mac OS X.

2010-02-07 07:14

This version implements better support for applications having a multiple document interface and therefore use OpenCSG in different OpenGL windows. In constrast to old versions, OpenCSG now supports such applications even if the OpenGL context of different windows is not shared. For this, the API has been extended to able to set an OpenCSG context, which is used to create internal OpenGL resources per context.

2010-01-03 19:23

OpenCSG现在可以使用OpenGL ARB的帧缓冲对象做内部南玻渲染计算。帧缓冲对象目前普遍使用的默认值而不是旧的p -缓冲器在原版本。
OpenCSG can now use OpenGL ARB frame buffer objects to do the internal CSG rendering calculations. Frame buffer objects are now used as default, instead of the older p-buffers in former versions.

2006-12-03 04:45

标签: Minor feature enhancements
OpenCSG can now use OpenGL frame buffer objects as
an alternative to pbuffers to do the internal CSG
rendering calculations. This potentially reduces
the rendering overhead because no switching
between different rendering contexts is required.
Several other bugs have been fixed.

2004-12-04 22:40

OpenCSG现在配备了dev的工作空间的C + + 5。一个小错误已经得到解决,在某些情况下,造成慢于新版本的效果。
标签: Minor bugfixes
OpenCSG now comes with a workspace for Dev-C++ 5.
A small bug has been resolved that, in some cases,
caused slower performance than with the new

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