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OrientDB is a NoSQL DBMS which can store 150,000 documents per second on common hardware. Even with a document-based database, the relationships are managed as in graph databases, with direct connections among records. You can traverse entire or parts of trees and graphs of records in a few milliseconds. It supports schema-less, schema-full, and schema-mixed modes, has a strong security profiling system based on users and roles, and supports SQL between the query languages. Thanks to the SQL layer, it's straightforward to use for people skilled in the relational world.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-12-25 22:18

一个新的 eval() 函数用于执行表达式、 新用和 ifnull() 功能、 支持的功能、 新的删除顶点和删除边缘命令、 执行数据库函数从 SQL 命令,服务器端配置一个新的创建群集命令。被捆绑在两个图形算法: Dijkstra 和 ShortestPath 之间的顶点。开放时间从池中重复使用连接时会得到改善。改进了管理在 ORDER BY 中的索引。架构中有一个新的 API 用于处理自定义字段。HTTP 和休息"命令"中已对回迁计划和限制的支持。
A new eval() function for executing expressions, new if() and ifnull() functions, support for server-side configuration for functions, new DELETE VERTEX and DELETE EDGE commands, execution of database functions from SQL commands, and a new create cluster command. Two graph algorithms were bundled: Dijkstra and ShortestPath between vertices. Opening time when a connection is reused from the pool was improved. Management of indexes in ORDER BY was improved. The schema has a new API for handling custom fields. HTTP/REST has support for fetch-plan and limit in "command".

2012-02-03 10:22

此版本添加了一个新的导线命令要遍历记录的关系,新的回迁计划,以支持更复杂的用例,异步 API 来速度的插入、 更新和删除通过远程网络,新的十进制类型来处理货币没有浮的痛苦和双精度类型,一种严格的架构模式工作像关系型 DBMS 中,当一个记录有很多链接到其他记录通过使用 MVRB 树来处理的"大节点"问题的解决关系,新不和下传讯运算符用于 SQL,利于地图类型的索引支持 JPA @Embedded 注释和错误修正为 54 问题。
This release adds a new TRAVERSE command to traverse records by relationships, a new fetch plan to support more complex use cases, an asynchronous API to speed inserts, updates, and deletes via a remote network, a new DECIMAL type to handle currency without the pains of float and double types, a strict schema mode to work like a Relational DBMS, resolution of the "big-node" problem when a record has many links to other records by using an MVRB-Tree to handle relationships, new NOT and INSTANCEOF operators for SQL, an index which works against MAP types, support for JPA @Embedded annotation, and bugfixes for 54 issues.

2011-12-07 07:14

交易记录: 提高的速度,高达 500 倍。新的多主机复制 (将最后在下一次 v1.0)。SQL 插入支持地图语法。有一个新的 date () 函数。HTTP 接口具有 JSONP 的支持。创建数据库、 数据库,导入和导出数据库已添加,和很多 bug 已修复 (总数 34 问题)。
Transactions: improved speed, up to 500x. New Multi-Master replication (will be final in the next v1.0). The SQL insert supports MAP syntax. There is a new date() function. The HTTP interface has JSONP support. create-database, import-database, and export-database have been added, and many bugs have been fixed (34 issues in total).

2011-10-13 09:43

在 SQL 引擎中改进了链接导航。控制台收到一个新的"列表数据库"命令。索引现在支持复合索引和索引的集合。JPA 现在支持 @Embedded 和 @Transient 的批注。在数据库中的对象,延迟加载可以现在启用或禁用。服务器有一个新的自动备份任务,并可以作为 Windows 服务安装。负载平衡群集配置中被添加到客户端。
Link navigation was improved in the SQL engine. The console received a new "list databases" command. The index now supports composite indexes and indexing of collections. JPA now supports @Embedded and @Transient annotations. In Object Database, lazy loading can now be enabled or disabled. Server has a new automatic backup task and can be installed as a Windows Service. Load balancing in clustered configuration was added to the client.

2011-08-22 21:20

添加新的SQL []操作符从列表,集合,地图,和数组中提取的项​​目。订购与投影别名的作品。穿越树木和预测图。 IN操作使用索引时可用。事务恢复所有已知的错误是固定的。内存管理MVRB树被改写,以更快,使用少得多的内存。共同的核心模块是与Java 5兼容。
The new SQL [] operator was added to extract items from lists, sets, maps, and arrays. ORDER BY works with projection alias. Cross trees and graphs in projections. The IN operator uses Index when available. All known bugs on transaction recovery were fixed. The memory management of MVRB-Tree was rewritten to be faster and to use much less RAM. The common and core modules are compatible with Java 5.

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