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The pbs_python package is a wrapper class for the Torque Batch System C library. With this package, you now can write utilities and extensions in Python instead of C. This package was developed to replace xpbsmon by an ASCII version named pbsmon. PBSQuery is also included in this package. This is a Python module built on top of the pbs Python module to simplify querying the batch server. There are a lot of examples included in the source package.


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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-01-04 03:12

此版本添加了新生成的文件为 pbs_wrap.c 和,支持 Python 3.X 版本中,如果不能将它与 pbs_server,连接在 sara_nodes 中捕获的 PBSQuery 错误和解决了 Debian 软件包的依赖关系。
标签: Stable, Bugfixes
This release adds new generated files for pbs_wrap.c and to support Python 3.X versions, catches the PBSQuery error in sara_nodes if it can't make a connection with pbs_server, and solves dependencies for the Debian package.

2011-08-24 06:16

PBSQuery Python模块,现在可以处理消息的事件或消息节点状态的错误。 Debian软件包的许可证信息已更新。
标签: Stable, Minor
The PBSQuery python module can now handle message=EVENT or message=ERROR in node status. The license info for the Debian package has been updated.

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